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welp hes going to have a game over if he goes there lol.
aizen bonded with the mc it looks like. wonder how much of a change this would bring about in his future plans.
thats soi fons zampakuto ........
given his personality i doubt he would join the 4th,13th,12th squads. not to sure what squad 8's main role but the 2nd 11th and 1st squads seems to be more his speed.
this is literally just a death sentence without the actual killing part
yes... this should be around 500 or so in the past. alot of things can change in time.
well i cant blame him. with just shikai aizen brought the gotei 13 to its knee's. while if you know about how aizen's shikai is its threat lowers a great deal but if you dont and seen its release your done for.
aizen: karma is a B^&%% aint it lol.
think thats most men to be honest. think the only few that wouldnt work on is probably aizen due to being sapiosexual and mayuri due to having a hard on for science lol.
yes by a brazen dark skinned future hotty.