


Simple person. Lots of imagination. Love reading and writing! Join my discord: https://discord.gg/kSn923w

2018-08-19 JoinedMalaysia



of reading


Read books


The Fallen Princess

Summary Every Kingdom has its own tales. Long ago before the Zirconia Kingdom was formed, a Red Demon Dragon with four other dragons has descended to the earth where he manages to gather all four tribes from four provinces to be one kingdom. It is now known as the Zirconia Kingdom. Because of his love toward the humankind, he decides to change his immortal form to be a human and lives as a King of Zirconia for the rest of his life. Four other dragons who are very loyal to him, decide to protect the kingdom at every four corners of this kingdom until he was reborn again. A thousand years have passed, his reincarnation born with the abilities he had once he was a dragon. This time, he was reborn to be the ‘Princess’. She was supposed to get engaged with her knight when suddenly her crush killed her father and make her a fugitive in her own Kingdom. The prophecy told that once she was reborn, her kingdom will be at the edge of the doom. All other four kingdoms have been desiring to conquer Zirconia and to regain back her crown, she needs to find four other dragons guardian. A Dragon Kingdom (Zirconia) is surrounded by the Viking Kingdom, the Fairy Kingdom, the Demon Kingdom, and the Hybrid Creatures Kingdom which is targeting to conquer the Zirconia Kingdom as a trophy. Will she succeed to regain her crown and protecting her Kingdom from four other Kingdom? This story is about Love, friendship, fantasy, and adventure. Bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

voiletevergarden · General
100 Chs


Have you ever thought, what will you do if you meet back with your first love after separated for years and suddenly you were about to marry your own childhood crush because of some unexpected event? This is the story of two people who had a secret crush when they were still young. Because of some tragedy that happen at the same time, they both take their own path and never cross each other way for the pass 11 years. 11 years later, they meet again. At the wedding, which is supposed to be her sister’s wedding day. Fate and destiny has their own way to make these two meet and bound them together again. Because of the bride and the groom has left the wedding ceremony, her sister, Athena and her childhood crush, Aslan were to be the substitute for the bride and the groom position. Along the 11 years that they have been separate, so many things have been change. Little by little a secret from 11 years ago start to revealing. .. “Aslan, did you have any girlfriend right now?” Richard ask making Aslan who just drink his juice suddenly choked a bit. “Uh..” he want to say no. But it feels like he had one. Even though he never said anything to Jye Yin, but their relationship more likely looks like a couple. “What happen actually?” Andy ask again.. “Our daughter, the bride for tomorrow has been run away to find the groom that also has been run away.” Hai Rin finally spill out the situation they’re facing right now “Adrian already married, I had only two daughter left. One already run away, so the only choice I have is..” He turn to look at Athena again. Athena know what his father meant, so she bit her bottom of lips. ‘Relax..it just for helping my family. Nothing could go wrong from doing a good deed.’ she try to calm her heartbeat right now. Athena finally nod. “I’m ready dad.” “One side is settle, then the problem is..where do I find the groom?” Richard finally let out his worries. Bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

voiletevergarden · General
4 Chs

Garden of Love

This story is about eight person who fall in love with a different event, different story behind their past and a very heart warming way of love they showing. There is only a bit of mature content. No NTR. Just a lovely story. Alan/Andy - He lost his memory due to his mission. Not knowing his identity, he decide to stay at the ‘Sun House’ with six other people ( A team of physician who treat him). His journey to find his identity led him to fall in love with the head of the team and the owner of the ‘Sun House’ and her son too, Aslan. Hazel - Head of a group of genius Physician. Due to her tragic love story between her and her ex-fiance years ago she decide to ‘not-engaged’ with any men. She is someone that is ‘hard-to-figure’ type. She easy to shift her mood from hot to cold in instant. Falling in love again is not in her list until she knew him. The one who can taming her heart again. Chase - A son of a billionaire who take a path to be a physician. He doesn’t have any interest in love. A quiet and soft person. He met her at the cafe, when he notice that she always served him a cup of coffee with a ‘smile’ hand-drawing on his cup. Violet - A college student who work part-time at the cafe. A soft and delicate person. She noticed a man who always enjoying his time by reading his book at the cafe. His face always emotionless, make her attracted to him. Want to know more about him. A weird feeling arouse from her heart since the first day she met with his blue eyes. Nigel - A physician who works with Hazel. Has a beautiful girlfriend that can be called ‘perfect’ enough. He was so truthful with his girlfriend and too carefree too. This kind of relationship has made his girlfriend having an affair behind his back. After a tragic break up, he was in a mess. A small event made his world turn upside down when he wake up and found his teammates was beside him, naked. Lola - A fine woman with a sexy looks who worked as one of the team. She had a sucks previous relationship which made her have a lot of boyfriend after that. One small event made her sleep with one of her teammates. She didn’t even care about it, for her it just an usual lust and needs. But little by little the event that had happened made her realize something. Something that should not in her list yet. Joe - A physician and love to sing. A very cheerful person. A love master to all of the ‘Sun House’ occupant. A very annoying yet a very best buddy to all of them. Akiko - A physician and Joe’s lover. She was the same like Joe. A very cheerful person and love to sing. A love master to her girl friends in ‘Sun House’. These two work as a ‘cupid’ in their free time. Bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

voiletevergarden · General
3 Chs