

2018-06-28 Se unióPortugal

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  • Sanshire
    respondió a CkLance

    i'm perfectly fine with that, it simply crossed my mind that Gods, being the superior beings that they are, would at least take more than 10 chapters to fall in love with the mc. Having all gods fall in love with mc? Sure! Having it all happen so suddenly and so early is off-putting though, it's so out of no where and so sudden. But yeah, i get it, i'm nitpicking, this is just a novel to enjoy hot girls doing hot things...so yeah, your're right.

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Dragon Lord: Erotic MMO
    Fantasía · Duke_Asmodeus
  • Sanshire
    Comentado por

    it's all so excessive. he's just one guy in a billion, and yet every god is showing so much affection? it's so weird and off-putting, Gods should act a bit more like gods instead of starstruck teenagers.

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Dragon Lord: Erotic MMO
    Fantasía · Duke_Asmodeus
  • Sanshire
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    why so many extremes, its like everyone loves him all of a sudden.

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Dragon Lord: Erotic MMO
    Fantasía · Duke_Asmodeus
  • Sanshire
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    gaining a god's respect...well that was easy 🤷‍♂️

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Dragon Lord: Erotic MMO
    Fantasía · Duke_Asmodeus
  • Sanshire
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    bunch of casuals. having perfect looks is boring.

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Dragon Lord: Erotic MMO
    Fantasía · Duke_Asmodeus
  • Sanshire
    Comentado por

    i would rather be bald than impotent...

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Dragon Lord: Erotic MMO
    Fantasía · Duke_Asmodeus
  • Sanshire
    Comentado por

    there goes his resolve to no longer collect women and cherish what he has instead... >_>

    He wanted to visit both. His desire wished for more interesting women to join him and also proving himself inside the arena. Maybe some of his women could seek to improve themselves there. 'I could reward the one who ranks best each month!'
    Vampir Lord: Erotic RPG
    Fantasía · Duke_Asmodeus
  • Sanshire
    Publicado por

    The novel is good enough, a solid 3.9/5. I would give it a 4 if the ending wasn't so rushed. The last 29 chapters have enough content to fill at least a hundred chapters if not more, so the ending feels really rushed, even the last fight against the big bad guy was reduced to a single paragraph. It was quite funny in a way, and it did get a chuckle out of me from the sheer ridiculousness, so whatever, I'll forgive it. Worth a read.

    God-Like Extraction
    Oriental · Fruit of Chaos
  • Sanshire
    Comentado por

    wasn't he ambidextrous? off-hand penalty is pretty useless to him then.

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Vampir Lord: Erotic RPG
    Fantasía · Duke_Asmodeus
  • Sanshire
    Comentado por

    well at least it was painless.

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Vampir Lord: Erotic RPG
    Fantasía · Duke_Asmodeus
  • Sanshire
    Publicado por

    Poor grammar, overuse of exclamation points and too many unnecessary info dumps. Some of the things explained are generic fantasy knowledge that anyone would know or could guess through indirect storytelling. I could only stomach the first few chapters before giving up. Maybe it gets better later on, maybe not, i guess i'll never find out unless the author decides to invest in his own novel and hire an editor.

    My Enchanting System
    Fantasía · Alen_Tanor
  • Sanshire
    Publicado por

    Started off ok, but the longer the book progressed, the more racist and nationalist it became, wouldn't recommend.

    Nine Star Burden
    Ciudad · Great Yu
  • Sanshire
    Publicado por

    I like this novel very much, it's a shame that no updates have been made in several months.

    I Just Won't Play By The Book
    Oriental · 7 Percent
  • Sanshire
    respondió a UndeadBeing

    i agree with you, i used to watch or read harem, and over time it just made me tired. Unlikable plain mcs getting a bunch of girls to like him is beyond ridiculous, and having to be mindful of the feelings of multiple women at the same time is emotionally exhausting. There are two outcomes, either the women are not fleshed out and are there for variety's sake, or it is fleshed out and that's all the novel will be, eventually making the reader numb to too much romance. if you love everyone, then you love no one.

    My Enchanting System
    Fantasía · Alen_Tanor
  • Sanshire
    respondió a WillowBlossom4

    No, it's not. Children don't get any footwear at all, since they would outgrow it in no time. As for clothing, it would be loose hand-me-downs so they can grow into them. this is specially the case in such a poor village, and taking into account Ah Chun's precarious family conditions, it's impossible for her to have shoes. Though you could argue that i'm just nitpicking and that this is a cultivation world so i shouldn't be so serious, in which case i have nothing to say.

    Cold sweat ran down Ah Chun's back. She knew the Wind Chasing Tiger was now chasing after her. Even though she felt like she was going to collapse at any time she kept running as fast as she could. The sky above her was also rapidly darkening as storm clouds rolled in. It was as if someone had unclogged an ancient waterfall as the rain came down in huge droplets soaking everything it landed on. The ground under Ah Chun's feet was starting to grow soft to the point that her feet were starting to stick into the ground as she ran. At some point, Ah Chun even lost one of her shoes. But even so, she still ran forward.
    Ah Chun: Ascending The Heavens
    Fantasía · invayne
  • Sanshire
    Publicado por

    This novel has no ending, don't read if you don't want to be disappointed.

    80 Years Of Signing-In At The Cold Palace, I Am Unrivalled
    Oriental · Girls Are Cute
  • Sanshire
    respondió a Lowkeygoodstuff

    looks fine to me, where exactly is the translation bad, or maybe they already fixed it?

    I Cultivate Passively
    Oriental · Bloodied White Shirt
  • Sanshire
    respondió a Odorico

    it doesn't, later on you'll know why such a mindboggling sect exists. long story short, it's not a human sect, it's a demon farm. every human in that sect is a snack.

    I Cultivate Passively
    Oriental · Bloodied White Shirt
  • Sanshire
    respondió a MoreMercury76

    i don't agree at all.

    I Cultivate Passively
    Oriental · Bloodied White Shirt
  • Sanshire
    respondió a MoshuiDaoist

    what i meant by what i said is that one shouldn't rely on videogame logic to judge such a ridiculous paranormal experience. you could argue that since it looks like a goblin and you don't know its name, you could temporarily name it goblin, but to use made up fiction and literature to make a complete psychological profile on what they are and how they act is ridiculous beyond belief. that description of being unpleasant, vengeful and greedy is something that everyone who has read a fantasy book can say, but this is supposed to be a real life experience within the novel, so he shouldn't jump to conclusions so easily. i just wrote an essay for no reason, anyway, have a good day.

    Goblins are very unpleasant, vengeful, and greedy creatures, that would form groups together and hated human beings.
    While Others Cultivate, I LVL UP In My Sleep Using The Dungeon System
    Fantasía · Adam_A