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this is not an airport. no need to announce it. are you practicing the art of courting death like the young master?
back when I was young, big store owner declared loudly about it as to prevent the customers from bullsh**ing after the deal or to ensure the customers they are not scammers. Back in the old days....police don't arrive as fast so....the people fists and feet do the justice
copied from the now deleted original in careful there, kid. the original author fear getting sued by blizzard which is why she deleted it
you can't shorten thing that barely exist! I had not seen my own D since the Obama admistration
thief. this trash person just copy and paste from the original author on now the original deleted all chapters so this weak skill copy cat can't copy no more haha
well, you won't be ever finishing it since the original author on royalroad deleted her novel there so this thief cannot copy and paste it here
WOW! You can't write so you literally copy and paste the original novel from Royalroad. Like how trash skill of yours can be to be this low? And how can this site tolerate this thief? Maybe i should copy webnovel stories and post it on royalroad or other sites and call it mine too since you tolerate thieves
Muslims are very sensitive. don't bother including them in novels. not worth the trouble which is why every novels only talk about Buddhism or Christianity/Catholic/etc. they will laugh and make jokes about it but Muslims will just call you out or outright insult you with curses.
politic, friend. The brightest star cast the darkest shadow. it is better to take some of the credit and give the majority to someone who has better protection than you. In this case, his mistress aka owner daughter
Mechwarrior and battle tech it is!!!