Poor Reader
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Inconsistency, a chapter before mentioned ot only needed 150 but it then changed to 300 souls to upgrade to level 5
I recommend a regular update schedule rather than dumping lots of chapters in one go so you can engage more with the audience. Thankss
My suggestion is more chapters as it is too good lol XDDD
Its really good, unlike the normal quality in webnovel, initially thought it would head to a direction I disliked after 30 chapters but it just got better. Definitely the pirate novel you would be looking for rather than some adventure, happy go lucky one piece type of novel
There’s been inconsistency in the nunber of souls he got yeah? Should have been 5 already, basing from the last time it mentioned that only 5 more were needed.
Edit: Came to like Uther and the northern prince It really just needs less focus on other characters but I love the details
A suggestion to focus more on the protaganist, multiple pov sometimes works, but its becoming tiring in this case, currently at chapter 45, progress of mc is lacking
It's 11th grade so they're 17 and 18 years old (I didn't include 16 since they're probably oncoming 12th grade students)
The dragon Warrior
Honestly, just for the fun of it, I can see people doing that (including me if I'm rich but not for a month)