

2018-04-23 Se unióGlobal

de lectura


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  • Ria666
    Ria6663 years ago
    Publicado por

    Good novel, very fun and interesting. Shame since the grammar is not that good, but it is not awful either. 🦾 Author deserves to have this novel in top 10.

  • Ria666
    Ria6664 years ago
    Publicado por

    A very disappointing story. This author is obviously heavily inspired by the novel Library of The Heaven's Path. Both the plot and cheat power draw strong 'inspiration' from LTHP. Unfortunately, this 'inspiration' clashes with the rest of the story. So much so in fact, I felt the author was actively trying to make me stupider by stabbing my brain with an ice pick. The LTHP's MC could obtain information about all the flaws of whatever he touched, this allowed him to vomit out information and con people into thinking he was actually intelligent. The Museum of Deadly Beasts' MC can only do this with animals and hasn't really shown how much information he receives. So when the MC tries to con somebody/faceslap them, it feels incredibly fake. It wasn't a big issue until the author used the "lethargic around midnight" line, at which point it felt like they were just copy and pasting the word vomit from LTHP.