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Author, I enjoyed your novel but can't read anymore anything that involves compromising untegritu to be honest, just , do the right thing in the right way. I used to like Laurent but since she too prostituting her integrity siding with lies to an innocent french guy, so with regret i have to drop this novel. Good luck thoygh
Disspointed with Laurent for joining forces to deceive an innocent old French guy and even consider Morrison as a trust. At the end she too doesn't have good conscience and integrity. About time Emma needs to know what her father does.
OMG, really these two guys are so cheap n disrespect her. Reading someone's text is breach if privacy. Laurent never ever back to the man who only have d*** but no integrity
Why you need to feel guilty or pityful for others and willing to compromise your integrity by supporting a lie?. it is tbeir problem not yours.They need to learn to respect you and if tbey actually are, tney won't even come with the idea of telling a lie. Such a coward and selfish people
go go go Laurent.
Another issue of accountability avoidance,manipative and the more comcerning it is integrity issue. This guy needs to be taught a lesson. Win your project because you are caoable not by telling lies. Laurent do agree and reveal that you are his ex in front of the client that will be daebak
Yes, have some backbone and even told that selfish ex on what his ex gf has done or instilled and let him lso tke the accountability as it all starts from his treatment to Clark
Doesn't make sense. He can accompany her in the doctor's consultation room actually
How could a father manipulated an innocent child for his advantage. That alone speaks volume about his integrity. I like Laurent and Vivian but cross my finger that she will emd up with a new guy. She can still hold a civilized relation with Dean but to see her back to him...hmm yakz
Really? He just woke up from coma and this? So forced n quiet dissapointment plot