Age is just a number but, 911 is just a number too...
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You'll be dedosed by China and executed.
Being perfectly real with you, most Asian countries are much more racist than America. It's just that they typically have much more major issues, like declining birth rates and sweatshops, so they just kinda ignore the racism.
Not generic enough if this stupid trope still keeps happening.
He must suffer for the cringe he has brought upon this world.
Man, this had every right to be good but wow is the main character just unbearable to read about. His reactions are so stupidly exaggerated, it kills any comedic value this story has. Does this get any better or is it gonna stay this way?
Jello fur?
So no head?
Nooo~, really? What gives you that idea?
Dudes a Jellyfish.
Remember, guys, this is saved on his phone.