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Hey, So I translated what you wrote to English so I might have missed something in the translation. I think there were a lot of things I didn't really consider when writing this novel. I don't think it's that I can't write a strong story, I think I chose the wrong story to write for this platform. Right now there are three storylines happening at the same time. Although they will intertwine at the end of the arc and have it carry over to the next one, I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to read it when the updates are so sporadic. I think as an author because I know where the story is going it distorts my ability to see the novel from the perspective of the reader. This was my first serious attempt to write a fanfiction and like most first tries there are problems that you can't forsee.
This whole novel could have been solved with two minor wishes. Wish One: Turn Issei into the hottest women ever. Wish Two: Have female Issei fall in love with the main character. Let the situation play out. The main character would have been the only male on the whole planet. Good job author.
Yeah, I agree with a lot of your points. Just from my point of view: I read a lot of the fanfics on this site and some of the most popular fanfics seem to be written by one handed eleven-year-olds with three fingers. I could copy their story and post it into an editing software and every word would have a red squiggly line under it. I think I put around twenty hours this month into what I produced, part of it is me being a slow amateur writer. Another part is editing it and everything else. Looking at the statistics compared to the time I took to write it doesn't make me feel like it was time well spent. If I had to choose between reading and writing I would choose to read, I write because I feel like I owe this community something back for all it has given me. At some point, you just have to take a failure for what it is, and start something new. Perhaps this storyline wasn't good enough, maybe I should have focused on a self insert pokemon novel, or a harry potter game of thrones crossover. I guess long story short so I can end this awful rant, I just don't like to fail or to continue to fail and this story just doesn't scream success to me.
I have only read a story or two that had a harem that didn't weigh down the story in needless dialogue and actions. The main character is most likely going to have one-night stands or move in and out of relationships.
Yeah but you misspelled it, it's tampon.
Looks like I learned my one new thing for the day, now I can go to sleep.
Uh, the story has been completed.
You making me blush.
Bro. If I could change one way about how I write, I would learn how people on this site can do one-sentence paragraphs. It just isn't me, I will try to find better ways to split up my larger chapters, I think my paragraphs are too long as well. Just remember I am an ******* writer, so I am learning as I go.
I don't know if a person in a coma can dream. I would like to think so, but I don't think that would add much to the story.