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A movie recording phase normally takes from 6 months to 1 year, so, the game will be done by then? Frankly I didn't like step up 2 so I'm not interested in this part.
I'm in chapter 126 and she really deserves be alone for the rest of her life.
If you imagine she has 15y you'll find her reactions and comportment logical, cause she is immature, but if you really take her age seriously you'll keep thinking she deserves all the disappointment and bullying cause what the heck is wrong with the author?
Tftc It would be nice if he makes a MV for NF Hope, a really dark one, and Motto too
Shinedawn's Enemy or Imagine Dragons Enemy?
Clones, what about naruto clones or Dr Strange time clones?
He dosen't have personality, memory of a goldfish is a understatement, character development is nonexistent.
Why say so much when you can say "And why'd I when I can kill you at any moment and you couldn't resist". The rest is monologue.
It's not about the references, in the beginning and even after Mc recover all the characters had a little feeling of realness but now is "MC do something -> peanut gallery react -> MC do something... Oh, he's God" and MC lost his bipolar personality between mad dog and egotistical cold thief to be a generic MC type "I OWN MY DESTINY, NOBODY ORDERS ME" type of generic.
The tone changed to xianxia lately