Lonely and lazy Soul find solace in fantasy world, hoping to find a new reality.
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He hijacked a system
Is it just me, I noticed that when Poul introduces himself, he would say “founder” versus When Johnatan does, he would always say “co-founder”.
I know technology is useful and in some cases life saving, I do wish they would also look out for the interest of the workers too, with 5 workers per train and 100 trains per company, That’s going to be 500 people without a job per company.
Not if you live in a city. I line in New York and trains are as a popular mean of transport as cars and buses, and that’s with most station being dirty and rodent infested. Not to mention the constant delay and the forever lane closures due to “maintenance”. Otherwise train are the preferred mode of transport to navigate the congested city.
Same here, can’t remember names either.
Home = family, love, cozy, relaxing, peaceful, the birthing place of memories, where you wish to go back to after a difficult day. House = a place to sleep
Everyone from far and wide, welcome to the giving forest, it’s a gift that keeps on giving. Karen- I demand to speak with your manager. The only thing i got was getting robbed, chased down by wild animals and almost lost my life.
No, you clearly signed his death sentence. That you did😏😏😋😋
Same, spent time in the kitchen with my grandma being her little helper(AKA eating everything my hands could grab), or playing outide with the neighborhood kids. Late at night we gather around to eat snacks and tell jokes until the leafs we were burning to keep the mosquitoes away ran out, only then will we wash up to go to sleep.