(~`-`)~ Random net abuser who likes reading chinese (translated) books/novels. ~(`-`~)
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Hmm.. Then luck would be on lower-end of things, considering loot, crit, events usually depend on luck in most novels.
When I was a young boy, my father Took me into the city to see a marching band
Your Friendly Neighborhood Chinese Communist Party Spider-Man
This novel can be describe pretty well with "not bad", wish to read more. To be fairly honest, all I wish is to fish for "common" novels if I stumble across an "uncommon" or even "rare" novel, that would be great! Would even say, it made my day! But, because of "trash" novels, nowadays my rating got to the point where this gets a 5, mainly because I'm afraid it won't be picked. I'm ashamed of myself, I ate (read) too much trash so I have indigestion.
Lilith to MC "Your dad is out buying a pack of cigarettes he'll be back later..." lol
A breath of fresh air considering how much pollution I inhaled with the over the top cultivation genre.