


Lazy Reader

2017-08-16 JoinedGlobal



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Cyberpunk 2077: The Beast of Night City

Born from a one night stand between a member of the Animals gang and someone from the Mox, Benjamin Wu, known as Big Ben or Benny to his friends and The Bear to the rest of Night City, is an oddity among the Animals whom he calls his family. Unlike the wild and crazy muscle brained thugs that one would come to expect from someone raised by the Animals, Benny was someone who actually uses his brains over his brawns. Well, as much use as one could get with the Animal’s signature cocktail of drugs running through their system from an early age. Life was simple for Benny. Get stronger, eat, beat up whoever he was hired to beat up, then sleep. Then rinse and repeat. Though one day he finds his world turned upside down when weird things start popping up in his life. Weird even for Night City standards. Things that make him start to suspect that maybe, there was more to his past than he knew of. - - Hey all! Kinda lost all motivation for my previous work so I'm gonna try getting into writing again with something new. Hopefully this one turns out better than the last one. I'll say this right off the bat. The MC won't be getting into any relationships. At least nothing serious or sexual. Not really my cup of tea. Brings too much drama. Though I might change my mind as the story progresses. Who knows. Will try to post at least one new chapter per week. Kinda busy with work lately. Office is very understaffed.

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