



2017-09-03 Se unióUnited States

de lectura


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  • KaosLok
    KaosLok6 months ago
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    next time do like other withers & put **authors notes** like others on the site

  • KaosLok
    KaosLok8 months ago
    Publicado por

    Good story so far but they the paywall to early. ..................................................,.,......,...............................

  • KaosLok
    KaosLok4 years ago
    respondió a KaosLok

    4got to add do like the story so far just the loki/hel bothered me but keep up the good work.

  • KaosLok
    KaosLok4 years ago
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    major problem hel is not lokis sister but one of his kids, and by extension not the sister of thor. also this would of course mean that loki is not thor's brother (except in marvel universe where it's explained he was adopted) in some cases it's even debated that because of his shape shifter abilities he is only posing as a god and might be a different being entirely and should therefore be considered a false god in norse mythology (although most consensus does agree with him being a norse god). lastly hels actual brothers (all born between him and a troll mother) are fenrir the wolf and jorgmund the snake (or dragon dependingon the myth) , her half sibling (from when loki transformed into a mare & got pregnant by a steed) sleiphnir odin's war horse, and lastly there eldest sibling (born between loki and his actual wife also a god) nair (or nar). sorry 4 the rant but loki & his troll children are my favorite mythological deities since fenrir is supposed to be the direct cause of ragnarok & jorgmund and loki help with it. also for ideas about hel she also has the ability to communicate and command wolves because of her brother fenrir & in some myths where loki is a frost giant who shape shifts to appear as a god she has the ability to control ice. that along with her abilities to control death is why odin places her in charge of nephilheim.