P@treon/Zaelum [It has +20 Chapter In All Fanfics!!] Thanks for your support! [Translator]
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Good fanfic!!!! [img=recommend] [img=recommend] [img=recommend] [img=recommend] [img=recommend] [img=recommend] [img=recommend] [img=recommend] [img=recommend]
Oh yea some people may forgot. Those are Genestealer.
New Companion Incoming!??!!?!
Good fanfic, it's fun, the jokes land really good. Also the MC's is a really cool character. Anyway, a good fanfic! [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]
Welcome back!
Being honest, how many people even know about Apex lore? or even care about it. Frankly it would be boring, because even me that play the game and have a few thousands hours on it, I barely know shit about it, and I'm zero interested on it.
Yeah FF is the best in this case. It has some of the best characters.