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some rare herb is used in incense
gostaria de perguntar, sei que isso pode nem chegar em você, mas é uma coisa minha. Eu odeio personagens que somem depois de ter plantado a semente. Ele vai ter oportunidade de poder reverter isso? É a mesma coisa com final ruim, não se engane, ele tem oportunidade de se tornar um ser que pode trapacear a realidade, pelo que se sabe os corpos dos pais dele poderiam ser clones que ele mesmo criou depois de ter viajado no tempo para salvar seus pais. É nisso que fiquei um pouco frustrado naquela cena sobre lapide, ele poderia estabelecer desse um pequeno objetivo para ele na sua jornada, ter poder suficiente para salvar/ressuscitar os pais. Você querer tornar essa historia um pouco realista nesses aspectos, para "mim" é sem logica. Vou deixar sua historia na minha biblioteca, espero um resposta sua, se você tirar essa duvida: "Ele vai se tornar um pai ausente/morto?"
It was nice to find this story in my complete library after so long without reading it, I thought it was still in that infinite hiatus, congratulations on the story, it had a satisfactory ending, far above many other stories and fanfics.
Well, let's say I struck gold. The novel presents a great theme, with an excellent and rich world-building, in addition to an intelligent MC, and yes this is rare, and in addition to having an excellent power system. The secondary characters are a little lackluster in comparison, with the exception of 5 or 6. Which you'll have to read to find out. Okay, I'll give you a spoiler, one of them is the main villain who makes the plot turn.
Why are you paying so much attention to Isabel? Wasn't the story #NO-HAREM? Well you know what you're doing. For me she continues to be an irritating character, perhaps over time I will change my opinion about her.
I wouldn't say the worst, after all there are many works that did much worse with time skipping, but it could be done better, like the "mana usage" skill, it should have already become an advanced skill... even if the advanced skill was at level 2 Her levels have stagnated, I hope you don't turn this back against her, but she has a huge repertoire of skills, and her level is far from being an indication of her strength. I just hope that that 'apple' skill has evolved or that its xp is: level 9 430000/450000. This would at least show that she made an 'apple' a day
I still don't see her point in wanting to protect this r*pist and murderer, is it wanting to say that revenge was empty, that disgusting moralistic talk? The only thing I didn't like about this arc. I really liked the fights, the curse even being used to affect souls. I know it's boring to say this, but congratulations on the book.
wrong, being average is the ideal way to hide your powers, being below average is just an annoying decoy that will be used as a hook for a simple slap-in-the-face plot. After all, if he were a b or c rank, he would be just another person in the crowd. For me, it would be even more interesting if the machine showed that he was someone normal, without powers. If you still have this novel in the library, was it worth reading? Will there be an annoying slap-in-the-face plot? I would appreciate it if you answered me. I'm going to put this novel on the fridge while I wait for a response.
is that everything is 8 or 80, or they are super mega overpower, or they pretend to be super mega weak, I think it's all a matter of how it's done.