

2017-08-26 Se unióUnited States

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  • lozlo
    lozlo3 years ago
    respondió a JustABoxWithAmmo

    Yeah. I'd say I prefer Neutral Good or maybe Chaotic Good, but find True Neutral to be interesting sometimes. I've never really liked Lawful because it's too unforgiving. It's my opinion, but I've always felt that at the extremes, Lawful will always lead to evil. The more you fight something, the closer to it you get, or something like that. I didn't know Reverend Insanity was banned in China, but I've never read much of it, if any. I'm not surprised though, considering some of the things they don't allow. As for the stuff on China, I don't think about it too much. Every country has their good and bad points. I've definitely felt that some of their choices are a bit too extreme. And, at their core, I don't trust them because they will cheat you any chance they get. 能骗就骗 is such a core part of their culture from what I've seen that it makes it hard to trust most people there. Look at this website and all the ways they cheat people whenever they can. They have no issues with lying, cheating, or stealing if they can get away with it. I've only met a few people I felt were honest, Like Ren. But maybe someday I'll find out he wasn't either, who knows. Either way, I definitely see corruption. I guess I can understand why you say they are united as well, though I don't know enough to agree or disagree. I can't complain. I've been known to go off-topic myself.

  • lozlo
    lozlo3 years ago
    respondió a Staria_

    Yeah. That's Qidian/Webnovel for you though. They've never been an honest company. I usually don't even bother with reviews here. I definitely don't come here to read them for suggestions. I usually check novel updates and cross-reference what other stories the commenters liked or disliked and why.

  • lozlo
    lozlo3 years ago
    respondió a Staria_

    That's roughly where I'm at as well. I'm reading one right now that has an Er Gen/Tang San level of useless filler. I literally skip half of most chapters. If it looks like it's going to describe something, I skip it. Fight scenes? Skim towards the end until I see something that looks like the author is done jerking off to his randomly named moves and then pick up a bit near the end of the fight. When it comes time for breakthroughs, I skip it completely. Probably manage to go through 200+ chapters a day because there's very little substance. I don't hate the story yet though, just the author's ability to write it. Not a great story though. Not sure if I'll manage to persevere til the end... Sage Monarch... Bleh.

  • lozlo
    lozlo3 years ago
    respondió a JustABoxWithAmmo

    I've never understood why people like evil MC's. Not only is it literally the oldest cliche in the history of literature, it leaves almost no room for progression. What's he going to do, kill and torture people in different ways? My main problem is just that I don't like anything about evil MC's though. There's nothing relatable or inspiring about them. They just go around causing pain and suffering, while gaining nothing of any real value or importance. I at least need to think they have an actual cause, like revenge. But that's more inline with anti-heroes. An evil MC's cause is basically along the lines of "because I can" or "because I want that."

  • lozlo
    lozlo3 years ago
    respondió a Staria_

    I'd have to agree with you. It's not about the cliches. All stories have them. It's about the plot, character progression, and so on. Is there anything more generic, unoriginal, or pointless than complaining about a story having cliches/tropes? Instead, complain about the interactions between the characters, or about things you think don't make sense. Like the cultivation systems in most stories for example. Most of them make no sense. Just a bunch of word puke to increase the word count. Which then causes the fights to be stupid and annoying because it's just a bunch of flowery gibberish with a few keywords tossed in strategically... I'm starting to ramble, lol.

  • lozlo
    lozlo3 years ago
    respondió a Awesomecity

    I can take a look for fun later if you're still writing it. Which story was it? Elemental Swordsman or Village Chief Dragon?

  • lozlo
    lozlo3 years ago
    respondió a JustABoxWithAmmo

    If you feel like his comment wasn't antagonistic, I don't know what to tell you. I see no purpose in his comment other than that. It doesn't fit with the conversation I was having with the person I made the comment to. All I saw, and still see now, is that he was trying to be a smartass or get some attention. So I granted his wish and gave him some attention.