If you're fearful to faith, then you're faithful to fear
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Same scraping by slowly with free passes😭
Eliminated as in killed under the light or did you mean illuminated under the light?
Is this like a litrpg genre type thing? Kind of new to the novel genre. I haven’t played games much in the last year, but every game I’ve played cooldown starts right after the skill has executed even for buffs.
Defending her-> defending him
Hope you don’t stop writing this one! It has me hooked!
Gunther shook his head -> George shook his head
Story concept is great. Grammar and spelling is off almost every chapter, but doesn’t impede reading. My only main gripe is that sometimes the transitions feel disjointed and like it’s skipping scenes/thoughts that could of helped with world building. Overall, I’m invested and looking forward to see how the story continues.
He was about walking -> He was about to walk