A Brazilian who likes novels...but recently is coming here to Webnovel just to read the Fanfics
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On the contrary, they can play blind about his long life, but don't forget that he is a DEMON, and they are considered and most of them are really bad, now think about telling a child in her situation "Ah, yes, I am a Demon".
Great, now since Fern is his daughter... bring Sense to be her mother as soon as possible author
Poor Fern, I'd rather she stayed with Ash...or he could have the Magic named Sense help him to raise her, it would be funny if Fern were together with these two.
Unfortunately this fic is over, he's going to keep dragging it out even more since now he's writing 4 fics at the same time.
I literally haven't even seen anything about Frieren,and I'm reading and enjoying the fic so far...yes, neither the anime nor the manga, nothing...
Yeah, even today when I reread the book it's an iconic phrase.
Fleur the best girl in HP
I understand your pain, bro, from reading so much here I somehow learned English.Being Brazilian these days is complicated