"A wanderer always seeks out the truth at the threshold between the boundaries of facts and lies."
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I doubt it was millions. The population in the North of Westeros beyond the Wall were marginally around in thousands, largely made up of Wildlings. Consider the harsh cold environment, their culture towards survival of the fittest, and hunting lifestyle. There's no way they could raise a population to million since they're still practiced of being hunter-gatherers. The period of that world history is Medieval, unusually very long that lasted thousand of years than compared to Earth's Middle Age era.
Sansa is better killed off since she's a liability that was consume by politics and thorns from her time in the Red Keep.
This fool disgust me to no end. Come on Roy, burn this a-hole already. You're only dealing a pitiful worm that aren't worth to consider.
Due of 'Aoko' interference from buying the twin sisters and death of Makihisa early on. Akihisa became lonely without a company beside an unstable sibling that succumbed to Roa. There's also no Tohno Shiki, the so-called protagonist. Aoko botched up everything but probably the best.
It's sad that 'modern' phones today are so fragile and weak. But Nokia many decades ago are so goddamn durable and efficient to long lasting effect. If a nuclear world war started or civilization collapsed by other means, the only phone device that can last centuries might be a Nokia, heh.
I loved that FGO make her so fcking HOT
Hahaha the fool is going to wish he never did that. Time for Roy to demonstrate his Servant's power or Dante make an appearance and reenact his greatest feat of incinerating the laughable arrogant dipshit.
The dragons are better care under the Shadow Monarch than some Valyrian susceptible to her bloodline madness.
Hunters kill people out of self-defense or malicious intention. Both Jinwoo and Suho are above this pitiful name of being called Villain. Dawg, the NK civilians killed because they want to be freed from their oppressive government. It's like saying George Washington and his compatriots are villains towards their rebellion against tea-loving redcoats.