

2017-08-02 Se unióRomania



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Immortal Spirtit(Bleached Immortal)

I know this story is posted on another site, and yes i am the original writer. Any resemblanceto another author work is Purely Coincidental 1. I've decided to write this story as an regular story and not as an crossover because it's to troublesome to search for the corect data, name,relative power level, effects of certain artifacts and herbs that will appear(most from some chinese or japanese novels) in the story and it gives me as the author some freedom to make sure those effects can be modified if the situation arises(nothing major, just the potency, certain combinations of herbs to obtain the desired results by breaking the universe rules) these situations should be few and far between. 2. I wish to apologize for my future grammatical mistakes that will appear in the story, as my english is at best around the medium level there are gonna be for sure some mistakes. 3 I'm going to release chapters as often as I can but writing something bad just for the sake of meeting the said number of chapters is just annoying for the viewers. 4 Besides Ichigo there won't be another bleach character in the story, but that can be changed depending on the route I decide to go for. 5. Ichigo will have acces to his shinigami, quincy and hollow powers and !!!SPOILER ALERT!!! an almost destroyed(thanks Urahara :o ) ceramic marble of doom(Hogyoku) 6 NO HAREM 7 Basic description of the world Most of the inner workings of the world will be explained in the story, here i'm gonna explain just some basic terms in order to make the life easier for everyone Mortal-term used to describe someone under an certain cultivation level, or to describe the minimum amount of power an artifact or an herb has. Desolate beast- Desolate beasts are animals that either tired to cultivate and failed or were modified by someone or something in order to raise their level forcibly. In the case of animals that failed to raise their cultivation level the backslash of the failure resulted in the loss of their intelligence either temporary or permanent. Pill- mixture of herbs and/or spiritual ingredients that results in an concentrated solution, ususually made in an furnace Furnace- tool for making pills(obviously), made from metals or alloys that allow circulation of energy. Demonic beings- intelligent life forms,intelligent enough to be able to speak, that are mostly motivated by primal instincts. Realm- satellite world, in bleach the main world had 2 satellite world (Hueco mundo and Spirit world, *Hell cant be considered an satellite world since it's not connected to the main world by the dangai) Artifact- special equipment that can allow the circulation of energy inside of it, artifacts that gained intelligence are called spiritual tools. This should do for the basics. 8.Ichigo won't be able to regain his memories since he basically died, but some things will be easy to learn thanks to his instincts.The reason Ichigo can maintain his powers is rather simple, for a soul to be reincarnated his former memories must be erased, bust since his powers are part of his soul he can use them after he learns how. 9.I'll always wait for constructive criticism and if it is good enough I may even modify the story in order to include said ideea. 10 This list should obviously have 10 points. SPOILER ALERT Curse you Urahara Kisuke for not destroying the Hogyoku and forcing me to write this This is a Parody and should be treatead as one

VladFcdB · Otras
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