love a good story but lack motivation to write and dont want to be like many who start something awesome only to stop leaving readers wanting to punch in face so will stay a reader
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the thunderbird was native to north America not Africa which is why it was being smuggled back by newt.
pretty sure the use of the alien films and the fact I need to pay to read violates copywrite laws
I'm to lazy to say too words on the rare occasion I reference our planet as a whole I would prefer Gaia, Terra, sol-3. Sol-3 being my favorite as it's the only one that doesn't still mean dirt or some personification of it.
you mean your thoughts arnt in third person. I thought everyone's was.
or anywhere
what does this mean, serial killers are typically pretty average looking. It would make sense if it was said he looked like a gangster or aggressive like resting angry face. Serial killers are so dangerous because they could be anyone.
I In all fareness he had no responsibility to post a detailed response to the question "is it good?" as it is a yes or no question as for his review it was about the synopsis which is a credible review and describing the details of the story is the authors responsibility not his. I can see how your original comment about him being no better than the author could be taken as an offense which would likely get anyone irritated wether you meant to or not. I for one greatly appreciate his review as I too hate stories with poorly written synopsis as it is typically an indicator of writing quality and investment of author and the further comment of it being meh, for me spoke volumes to the story when paired with the initial review. If you felt he didn't write a great review that's fine it isn't as if you can't write your own detailing what you thought more comprehensively but don't get mad because you unjustly agitated someone else and they responded with frustration.
This is really bad.