netizen who works hard to pay qi to read another 3000 words.
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i thought that was funny so i tried to do it also. my joints dont bend like the fingers do in this gif.
that alright, for monogamous relationships over 90 percent of those relationships someone is cheating. those poor delusional fools think if they get married they are the only one sleeping with there spouse.
i hate monogamous relationship it as a system has consistently ruined so many stories, lives. troy etc etc. not to mention all the broken hearts because apparently it is impossible to care about more than one person.
im hoping harry is the real mc
i would have gone for the cat girl
i think you should not go for a hidden village setting. instead a rather open town. invite other bloodline clans to send over and set up there own closed gated community. within the town. such as the Uzumaki clan the yuki clan. that one clan from the grass sea country. some of the other clans that would be destroyed because of the senju and saurtobi other warlike clans. then gather orphans and disenfranchised people from all over and open them up for chakra. creating a very large civilian powered defence and work force. teach the basics of being a ninja but not focus solely on ninja arts. the clan can adopt from the well trained civilian force. picking the people they want into the clan. unlike other blood line clans they can just give some blood and add who they wish to the clan.
she 15 years older than the mc
i wouldn't name it. just have the power and do with it as i will but completely silent.
wow, i saw the author political leanings. he is a donkey. i am an elephant. elephants always trump donkeys.[img=recommend]
i know this is au. in canon they actually were not all that racist. sure the nobles were snobbish. however, they actually had water benders in the fire nation right from the start. it was the water bender tribes that resorted to piracy. it was police action/naval actions. not racial issues that brought the two water bender tribes down. the earth kingdom also has water tribes. except they often do purges. that why in the anime they found the swamp tribe of water benders. those water benders came from the earth kingdom and were run out. not the fire nation. the fire nation also had earth benders not only in the colonies but also on the home islands. a couple of the noble houses were earth benders. in canon in the fire nation. it glossed over those groups because it was sold to nickelodeon and was turned into a easy to understand childs cartoon. i learned this a few months ago because i watched the cartoon. never really looked at the show again. until i found that there was a book to read. another ff writer pointed me to a link. which was source material. the avatar had similar policies as the british did for country growth.