A lonely nerd
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That chinese character has a meaning of wanting fame so much that one is willing to die for it.
Dude, I'm wondering if the name in chinese is ”死爱名”, which sounds similar to Shi Aimin. Because if it is true then the author is really bad.
Not to mention both are extremely good at cooking
You know, the way you put it made grey wolf sound like emiya shirou. With the difference being sheep and hero. Both are pursued continuously but never achieved.
Where the hell did you get charless xavier's hair? He is bald.
Yes, but the number "1" in front can also be read as "yao", an alternative pronunciation for number one. So, when combined it becambsomething like " yao sisisisisis" which is want dead dead dead dead . ..
Nawaki, I think
Whisper whisper fruit awakening = Charles Xavier. The psychic version of saitama.
A very nice take on a nightmare level dragon ball z reincarnation. Keep up with the good work author.
Come on, not really this is called professionalism right? Off the clock and on the clock behaviour is different.