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thx for the chapter. im alr excited for the next chapter. and pls ignore some of the comments. it seems like you already have a plan how the future of the story looks like, so dont bulldoze through the Story like some ppl want.
gosh y are these readers all so bloodthirsty 😑
i don't know why but i fking laughed my ass of for 15 minutes
ps: still gonna read it so pls don't drop xD i also like it that someone uses darui. one of my fav characters.
every chap is so satisfying xD
reader on webnovel: killing everyone and being egoistical is good and the right choice. good people are idiots. everything has plotarmour blablabla. it is so weird to see in so many novels people who try to defend mcs who is killing everyone and being cold and egoistical. theres a charmante in it, but Its just toll much. being a good person equals nowadays to being an Idiot in this platform.
don't think so at all. if Mc doesn't have some morals at all, then everything he does, feels wrong or forced. and it is not like his life or theirs. he had a choice. and he took the risk with the gsmbling and all. he 100% expected to have something to do with alabastia as he is a no. i believe one path i would understand is being a doublespy or just Help bts. cold Killers are the most boring mcs, more boring than haremprot, cause atl hot girls lol.
i think a big reason is also the savage reduction. if everyone could hold like 20 pokemon, its gonna go down bad
magneton right or did it still not evolve?