
Zoro in Naruto World

What would happen if our favorite one piece character zoro got transmigrated into the naruto world... Read the novel to know more. Warning: I don't own any one piece or naruto characters they own to their respective owners. Peace

zoro_writer · Cómic
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11 Chs

Team Sakumo

(A.N/ please read the Author's thought after the chapter)

"I guess the only one left is me" Minato said looking at Zoro and Fugaku who were both worn out by now.

"Yup looks like it kid, but what can you do alone?" Sakumo mocked Minato.

*chuckle* "We'll see that sensei" Minato said Rushing straight at Sakumo while doing some signs "Wind style: air bullets" saying this he released medium sized air balls from his mouth, Sakumo smirked at this and jumped in the air to avoid the incoming attack "I am not done yet!!!"

"Huh" Sakumo looked back to see Fugaku at the back with his fingers above his lips indicating he was about to do a fire style justu 'Shit this jutsu is not yet complete might not work' he thought in his head "Here goes Fire style: Phoenix flower jutsu" he shouted releasing 3 balls of fire from his mouth, since the jutsu is not yet complete he can release only three of the fire balls. "Fire jutsu again?" Sakumo cursed while still in mid air, making some signs he released water balls from his mouth while collided with the fire and nullified the jutsu just at that moment Sakumo was sent flying by a kick in the gut by Namikaze Minato. Sakumo balanced himself on the ground and smiled "I see you have sharp eyes, I let down my guard just for 1 moment and just at that moment you kicked me" Sakumo praised Minato which made him smile a little.

"Here I come sensei" He shrugged the moment and went on to fight Sakumo "Taijutsu battle huh?" Sakumo predicted.

Minato threw a straight Puch which was blocked easily then a kick aiming at the head but that too was blocked quite easily, seeing both the hands busy Minato went to take the bells but was sweeped by Sakumo. As he fell down Minato took a smoke bomb and threw it at the ground "Again a smoke bomb" Sakumo sighed as the bomb busted into smoke.




Minato was attacking Sakumo with a kunai from different sides but was always stopped by Sakumo *clag* "Shit" Sakumo exclaimed when he saw Zoro attack him with three swords instead of Minato. His swords were stopped by the Kunai but the one Zoro held in his mouth slashed right at him forcing Sakumo to escape but in his process his cheek was grazed by the sword. As Sakumo jumped back out of the smoke his foot fell on a wire which triggered a trap making 20 shurikens launch at him at once, he saw them coming and grinded his teeth "Aghh I am tired of this. Now it end it at once" he said and with a swing of White light all the shuriken dispersed into different directions and in the blink of an eye Fugaku, Minato and Zoro found themselves lying on eachother while Sakumo stood tall Infront of them.

"Is that it brats?" Sakumo mocked.

'What the hell happened?' they all thought in their minds while grinding their teeths in the disappointment of their loss.

"You all did quite well" Sakumo praised.

"Huh?" Everyone got out of their thoughts and looked at him.

"You guys managed to catch me off guard many times and even managed to hurt me" Sakumo moved his hands over his cheek and gut which are damaged by Zoro.

"and that collaboration jutsu was just perfect you guys make quite a team" he added.

"So do we pass?" Fugaku asked.

"Did you get the bells?" Sakumo asked in reply.

"No we didn't" Fugaku looked down unable to make an eye contact.

"Haha... don't be sad, you couldn't have taken these bells anyways it's just a thing to check your teamwork, but to think you would push me so much" Sakumo looked at the sky.

"Well we knew it all along" Zoro replied quietly.

"I know that, I saw it on your face" Sakumo smiled at him.

"So, what now?" Minato asked still lying on the ground.

"Starting tomorrow you all are under me" Sakumo started to walk saying this.

"7 in the Morning tomorrow at the Hokage's office" He added as he slowly disappeared.

"Hey get off me you idiots" Fugaku said who was below both Minato and Zoro.

"Hey you get your ass off first minato" Zoro shouted from between.

—_—_—_—_—Next day—_—_—_—_—

"Okay then it's my first day of being a genin I have to do my best and make sure I am better than my teammates" the blonde haired boy said to himself as he adjusted his headband Infront of the mirror.

*Somewhere else*

"Today I am going to outshine those two idiots and show them that one day I will be the best shinobi this world as ever seen" Fugaku said to himself as he stood on the top of his house and looked at the village before him.

*In the hills*

"Aghh... Damn it, looks like I have to go now" Zoro said to himself while coming out of the flowing river and picking his clothes and swords up. "If I am stuck here then I am going to become the strongest swordsman in this world but for now I have to make sure I show those two brats that I am way superior than them" he added as the shining rays of sun fell on him.

And with a look of determination they all marched towards the Hokage's office.

At the entrance of the office they all met each other while having the fire of completion burning in their hearts. Entering the building they were sent to the place where they were supposed to get missions, when they went inside they saw Sakumo, Hiruzen and some other shinobi sittings there. Sakumo stood up when he saw them and stood beside them.

"Okay so from today onwards you are team Sakumo. You would be given a team number but since you are a special team we will give you the number by the time the students of your batch become genins... and now for your mission" Hokage said as he took out a scroll from his desk.

"Usually you would get a D rank mission at the beginning but I see you are enough capable to do a C rank mission you here, this is your first mission" Hokage added while handing the scroll to Sakumo who opened the scroll to read it's content.

"A border surveillance mission??...




To be continued.

New chapter and happy New year to everyone and on this new year I give you a huge offer and that is if you give me 30 comments (1 per person) and about 40 power stones nd I'll do a mega release of 5 chapters on Monday.

zoro_writercreators' thoughts