
Chapter 3 ~ The Balance Of A Sword

**November 16, 1129**

At 4 a.m. in the Libariars residence, Javos plans to train his son in swordsmanship.

"Gelich, are you ready for today's training?"

"Absolutely," Gelich responds.

Javos takes Lich to the backyard, initiating the basics of swordplay.

"First, you must learn the basics of the sword itself. Hold your sword with your right hand."

"Think of the sword as an extension of your own body."

"A sword will be strong if you move it with heart, determination, and a strong purpose."

"Today, we'll cut bamboo with wooden sticks."

Lich, listening to Javos's words, slowly attempts to cut a bamboo tree in front of him. Despite numerous strikes, the bamboo remains intact.

"Father, is this just an ordinary bamboo? Why is it so difficult to cut?" Lich questions.

"It's an ordinary bamboo. Remember my words, Lich! Even with such bamboo, you won't be able to cut paper like this. Focus, stay calm."

Lich, closing his eyes, speaks in his mind, "Focus, stay calm. *Exhales* What is this?"

Suddenly, Lich finds himself in a complex labyrinth, where he feels calm, as if he is the only person there.

In the labyrinth with a hundred floors, a beautiful yet eerie world harmoniously combines.

Walls glisten with golden and diamond-like sparkle, enchanting the air with magical wonders. Mysterious carvings traverse every corridor, holding untold ancient stories. At the labyrinth's peak, a giant scale hovers gracefully, serving as a wise overseer of the journey within. Time seems to halt in this place, where beauty and mystery unite to create an unparalleled space.

Entering the first floor, Lich encounters strange black creatures. Skillfully, he battles them with his wooden staff. Initially struggling, he recalls his school teachings, using water magic to strengthen each strike with his wooden staff.

In short, Lich successfully reaches the pinnacle of the first floor, finding a bright light. Quickly approaching it, Lich returns to reality.

"You're amazing, Lich. You've awakened the Libra Labyrinth."

A large scale is revealed on Lich's back.

"Focus, stay calm."

In that moment, Lich flawlessly cuts the bamboo.

Lich speaks in his mind, "I realize something. In the dawn's shadow, a sword adorns the hand gracefully. The wind's caress strokes the blade, as if breathing life anew. Steps slow down, each moment felt. Bamboo becomes the training ground, teaching that strength lies not only in cutting but in control. Like wise words flowing through ages, the sword becomes a connection between the physical and the spirit. Every swing is a dialogue between strength and flexibility, akin to gentle conversation in an ancient language. As dawn fades, and bamboo splits, I realize that in solitude and tranquility, true strength and balance are found.

"It seems enough; this concludes our training for today."

**November 17, 1129**

Lich is in the school library, asking Kyla, "Kyla, do you know where interesting books are?"

Quickly, Kyla hands him five books titled Core Of Azure, Gorgos Way, The Legendary FlameHeart, Fight Of The Nations, and Pisces Rivalry.

The first book, Core Of Azure, tells the story of a noble child named Zenkyoko, born in the upper world (zenith) but cast into the lower world (agatha). In this world, there are thousands of constellations and 12 zodiacs. Zodiacs are possessed only by certain individuals, and those who have them are considered strong and destined to dominate. At the age of 4-5, everyone develops constellation marks on their hands, but not Zenkyoko. This leads to him being deemed cursed and expelled by his family.

The second book, Gorgos Way, narrates the tale of Gorgos Black, a powerful 12-year-old magic user who single-handedly destroyed a terrorist organization. However, since then, his name has vanished. Rumors circulate that he committed suicide due to the overwhelming responsibilities he bore.

The third book, The Legendary Flame Heart, catches Lich's attention.

In the age of legends, as the world crawled out of darkness, the story of Flameheart grew like a blazing flame in the night sky. It is a tale intertwined with the origin of all fire and heat flowing through the veins of nature. Pure and majestic, Flameheart is the first light dancing in the sunset, bringing blessings in the form of flames and spirit.

Flameheart, a sacred entity born from the gleam of the first sun, is not just a natural phenomenon but a manifestation of energy flowing through every fiber of life. In each breath, there is a warmth that penetrates to the core, igniting the spirit to create and grow. However, like fire that can burn and destroy, Flameheart also teaches the delicate balance between good and destruction.

In the legend, there is a story of a sacred artifact known as Flameheart, a fiery core that is the heart of the origin of all heat. Yet, the tale also speaks of the locking away of Flameheart in the burning layers of the earth, a place full of eternal flames. Reportedly, this place is a continuously burning center with an uncontrollable core of warmth, reminding us of the extraordinary power of nature.

The Legend of Flameheart not only imparts understanding of physical fire but also deep symbolism about the human spirit. Like fire that can give life and consume, humans also have the potential to create or destroy. Through reflection in this legend, humans are urged to realize the power within and control it wisely, just as fire is given limits so as not to exceed its joyful warmth.

Flameheart becomes a luminous guide teaching us about life's journey filled with challenges and dualities. In heat and light, in the swirls and opposing currents, we find the true essence of humanity. As we follow this light's path, we weave our own stories, becoming successors to the sacred fire that remains bright until the end of time.

"FlameHeart, is it real, Kyla?"

"I don't know. Besides, it's just a fairy tale."

The fourth book titled Fight Of The Nations presents an epic tale across thrilling battlefields. In a story full of mysteries and excitement, five great kingdoms engage in a thrilling battle that changes the destiny of this fictional continent forever.

On the first page, readers are presented with a view of the magnificent Zenon Kingdom, known for the wisdom of its leaders and well-trained elite army. However, the looming shadow of war threatens to turn peace into chaos.

Not far away, the Malta Kingdom, surrounded by a powerful sea, faces an unexpected threat. In an effort to defend their freedom, the Malta army prepares to face anything coming from both sea and land.

In the fertile plains, the Tratas Kingdom is renowned for its expertise in magic and alchemy. However, when war comes, they must decide whether to dedicate their powers to defense or physical battle.

The Panamkanta Kingdom, surrounded by unbeatable mountains, possesses a tough defense. The question is whether this defense can withstand a combined attack from threatening enemies.

Finally, there's the Bealiuna Kingdom, famous for its impressive air fleet. Yet, for the first time, the kingdom must face the possibility of attacks from all directions, forcing them to devise strategies never thought of before.

Through "Fight of the Nations," tension and conflict weave a tapestry of fate beyond the boundaries of kingdoms. Heroes and villains unite in a complex political dance where trust can be replaced by betrayal, and unity can arise from differences.

However, behind the sophistication of military tactics and astonishing magic, the book also explores the human dimensions of war. As lives are at stake, these characters face their internal trials, discovering hidden courage, love growing amidst chaos, and determination to fight despite significant sacrifices.

As the conflict expands, "Fight of the Nations" invites readers deeper into the feelings and thoughts of these fighters. In each step of the journey, uncertainty and danger lurk, testing their willingness and determination to uphold truth and resist tyranny.

The story unfolds a complex war map where the actions of one kingdom spread to another like a spreading flame. When once-reliable tactics become dull, leaders must create new bold and clever plans to face threats coming from various directions.

In "Fight of the Nations," it's not only physical battles that are vividly depicted but also the inner strugglesand battles of the characters. They face moral trials, overcome personal fears, and find a greater purpose amid the chaos of war. The tale emphasizes that courage doesn't just involve wielding a sword but also having the will to stand firm in the face of internal and external conflicts.

As the pages turn, the story weaves into a harmony of struggle, destruction, and renewal. "Fight of the Nations" takes readers on a journey involving millions of hearts and minds united in a battle for a better future. Within the intricacies of intrigue and epic battles, the timeless message of enduring struggles, courage, and hope shines through, reminding us of the power and wisdom embedded in the "Fight of the Nations."

The fifth book, "Pisces Rivalry," invites readers to delve into the depths of friendship forged by time, witnessing it transform into an unexpected rivalry. Amidst the tumult of the waves of friendship, two kindred souls, once like water and oil, discover a complex and emotional story.

From the beginning, readers are introduced to the close relationship between two friends, both Pisces, bound by secret streams and countless laughter. However, destiny tests their bond as high-pressure situations begin to place these friends on opposing sides. Their individual interests and ambitions, once in harmony, now evolve into boundless rivalry.

After reading the books in the library, Lich returns to class. On the way, he is informed by Kyla.

"Lichan, Princess Zenon has been kidnapped. They say it happened the day before yesterday after she left the school cafeteria."

"Who kidnapped her?"

"We still don't know. It's possible that people from other kingdoms are behind it."

Meanwhile, their teacher announces that there will be a journey to the Vastola Kingdom on November 20, just two days away. The students are excited and prepare their belongings.

The next day,

**November 18, 1129**

"Father!! Let's train again, father."

"Alright, today we'll train with Kak Fani too. Kak, don't be too rough on your younger sibling, okay?"

"Sure thing."

"Now, let's start training."

Javos immediately takes them to the backyard and explains the rules.

"First, you'll use these wooden sticks.

Second, whoever falls first is declared the loser.

Third, you can use any sword technique.

Fourth, you're allowed to infuse magic into your swords.

Are you ready?"

"Ready, Father!!"

"Ready, Father!!"

"One, two, three, Begin!"

From Lich's perspective,

"She's incredibly fast; how can I attack her like this?"

"Lich, come here!" Fani shouts.

Lich is still thinking about how to defeat his older sister.

"Calm down, focus."

At that moment, Lich enters the Libra's labyrinth. On the second floor, he faces five golems with different elements. Initially confused, he gradually feels the balance on his shoulders. At that moment, he uses his power to the fullest, multiplying his speed, physical strength, and magical energy by five. Then, using his water saber:

"Libra's Labyrinth, The Water Of The Wood Needs To Be Balanced."

With full force, he launches his attack on the five golems, defeating them simultaneously. A bright light quickly appears.

Back to the real world,

Lich returns to the real world with a large scale, just like in his first training.

"This makes it more exciting," says Fani.

"Speed Of Balanced!!"

She moves swiftly, matching her sibling's movements.

"Sister, I'll win this time."

Libra's Labyrinth,

Floor 2

Fate Of The Golems Needs To Be


Fani is surprised by Lich's powerful attack. With her wooden sword, Lich summons five giant golem shadows behind Fani, attacking with five elements.

"Sorry, Lich, I won't let you win."

"Libra's Labyrinth, Floor 11, The Future Is Often Balanced."

An attack, seemingly out of nowhere, suddenly knocks Lich to the ground.

"Fani wins!"

"Great match, Lich," says Fani.

"Next time, I'll definitely win."

"Lich, you're amazing."

"Thank you, Father."

On that night,

Lich looks at his father's sword in his room. "Father, I want a sword."

"You can get it yourself. Reach floor 10 of the Libra's labyrinth."

I will reach it.

I will defeat all the creatures in the Libra's labyrinth and balance them.