
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · Cómic
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49 Chs

Zieg is dumb sometimes

It was the next night, which marked the second night of the war. During the day, apparently Shirou and Rin had a run in with Rider. I considered being there, but I've been preoccupied with some things. Besides I had Assassin watching over Rider, if Shirou actually needed assistance then she would have stepped in as per my order.

I considered having Serenity kill Shinji, but then decided against it. It would have been so easy, considering all she probably had to do was wink at the little shit and he'd run right into her poisonous hands.

I wasn't really worried about Assassin having to fight Rider. Without a proper source of magical energy, Rider isn't as threatening in comparison to everyone else right now.

No, right now I have plans for Shinji. And Assassin will keep me updated on his and Rider's movements.

Still thinking up a plan for Zouken though. Kind of hard to kill him, when you have to locate all his bugs. Ugh, I'm getting flashbacks of the voidwoken from Rivellon.

Oh wait, I have to figure out how to save Sakura as well. Doesn't she like, have a those bugs in her too? How would I go about removing that? Spiritual surgery was never my forte, but I guess I could find them with my eyes and just stab them out. It'd be painful, but I imagine I could do it as long as I avoided the fatal areas.

Honestly I am now considering blasting the entire Matou Estate with a giant laser. Then burning it to the ground with holy fire.

"Well hello there." I greeted the man who stood at the top of the stairway, leading into the temple grounds.

"Well, I didn't expect to see anyone tonight. Much less a lone master." Sasaki Kojirou mused without much interest.

I don't know how, but it looked like Medea was capable of tinkering with the grail to allow his summoning even with an Assassin already summoned. Honestly I'm impressed, and I feel a bit inferior now since I wasn't sure if I could do the same. Messing with the grail requires a delicate and expert grasp on magical knowledge.

While you could call it a container for an absurd amount of magical energy. You can't just start pumping mana into it, and expect to just have a wish. It's why there is generally a 60 year period between wars, so the internal workings don't strain themselves too much. It's like a machine that needs to be well oiled and maintained to keep on working.

The fact that Medea was capable of tinkering and tweaking it, is just testament to her ability. Magi from the age of gods are fucking hax.

"And I didn't expect to see a wraith tonight. But here we are." I shrugged at the man. A calculating grin, meeting his serene countenance.

"Well regardless, I'm only serving as a guard here. If you want to get through, then you'll have to pass my blade to advance." He unsheathed the comically long nodachi. Honestly, that is one cool weapon. The last person I fought with a comically long sword nearly killed me. I wonder how he would fare against Malenia.

"I didn't come here to seek passage." An ordinary steel spear appeared within my grip. The weapon was nothing special, at best it was reinforced and enchanted to not break easily."I came to cross blades." I leveled the tip towards him.

"Well, then we shouldn't waste any time. The night is short after all." His serene smile seemed to widen ever so slightly.

Ah yes, I came here not for any amazing and well thought out plan. No. I came here because I really wanted to fight the man who was said to be the most skilled swordsman in terms of sheer mastery of his blade. At least in my opinion anyway.

I wasn't going to use some kind of Legendary weapon since he didn't have one. If I remembered correctly, Monohoshizao was just a really well made blade that could cut through steel at best.

I was here to test my skills against his, so I'd use a well made spear.

My heartbeat began to quicken, and my blood rushed through my veins. A feral grin expanded upon my face. Judging from the elevation, it's going to be an uphill battle. Literally.

I was going to enjoy this.

It was night time, and Saber had been forced to stop Shirou Emiya from going out to patrol. After the hectic events that transpired during the day, it'd be dumb to not get any rest.

"Saber, I'm fine. Really." Shirou sighed with a hand on his head. The two were seated at the dinner table.

"Master I was explicitly against you going to school today, due to the dangers present. You didn't even use your command seal, I could have been there to defend you." She was more mad that he didn't use his command seal, like he said he would.

"But it all turned out all right, see?" He spread his arms out, with a wry smile.

"You returned with a wounded arm." She narrowed her eyes towards the offending limb.

"It was bandaged, and no lasting damages were left!" He argued that it wasn't that bad.

The two bickered for a bit longer. The night became quiet soon after.

Saber had taken to eating her food with gusto, although she had received enough magical energy from her master to sustain herself.

Hunger was the enemy.

Besides. Any food, as long as it wasn't potatoes were deserving of praise from her.

She swore to never once again be subjected to Gawain's accursed dishes. So much potatoes....

She once again turned her glance to the bandage on Shirou's arm. Supposedly he had gone out to personally fight Rider.

She had seen his skills with those magical blades that he conjured, he was... passable.

For someone of this era anyway. Yet she couldn't help but want to beat him down, if at least to prevent him from getting any ideas about fighting a servant head on.

She idly glanced outside for a moment, the clear night sky. It was peaceful.

"I wonder where Zieg-san went." Shirou muttered. Zieg usually appeared whenever it was just them around this time. Whether it be to grab some food, or just make small talk.

"He most likely has his own business to attend to."

"But it's in the middle of the war."

"I don't believe we need to be worried, it's not like he's dumb enough to pick a fight with a servant by himself unlike a certain someone." She said, taking another jab at him

"You're never going to let me live that down are you?" He sighed, resting his head into a hand.

"I will when the lesson sinks in, and judging from previous observation. I doubt it." Saber shrugged.

She didn't interact much with his Master's supposed teacher. He looked capable, but he also looked like one of those shady businessmen with the way he carried himself at times.

Although he was an ally, she couldn't help but feel like he was scheming something. She was never exactly very fond of schemes, especially within the court. She was reminded of some annoying memories regarding her court wizard.

If she ever went to Avalon, she'd give Merlin a stern talking to. He would always escape in the past, by blowing up into flowers no less.

"Saber, I still think we should go out tonight." Shirou brought up again, to which she sighed in exasperation. Honestly, she felt like he was nearly as stubborn as Kiritsugu.

"And I still believe you need to rest for tonight." She responded pointedly again.

"It's just, I can feel something is wrong tonight. I'm not sure, just a gut feeling." He frowned. Usually his gut feelings were right.

Saber was about to respond, but her eyes widened when she picked something up.

"Master, stay back." She stood up, armor materialized as she stood between Shirou and the open door leading to the courtyard.

'Saber, what's wrong? Is it an enemy?' Shirou mentally communicated with her.

'Something is here.' She responded back, eyes trained on the outside.

A lithe figure appeared in the open area. A violet haired girl with a skull mask, clearly Assassin.

"Assassin? What have you come for?" Saber questioned, invisible blade pointed towards the girl.

In response the girl slowly removed her mask, revealing her slightly distressed countenance.

She kneeled towards the two.

"Please, save my master."

Blood spilled into the air and splashed onto the ground.

The two warriors clashed hundreds of times every passing moment, not a second of reprieve was had.

Steel howled through the air, a barrage of spears were repelled by a single sweep.

Blood continued to drip, yet the battle did not slow.

The only sound besides the clashing of weapons, were the unrelenting laughter of glee.

Zieg's body was littered with cuts around his shoulders and gashes down his chest and neck. Yet he refused to fall. His body was completely reinforced at this moment, his speed and strength rivaled even a servants.

He was faster, stronger and had more energy than the swordsman. Yet he was the only one that looked like he was about to drop dead, thus far.

His attacks were wild, yet calculated. Direct and fierce. Not a moment of thought was had, his body was moved by pure instinct.

Sasaki Kojirou realized that he wouldn't be able to get off another one of his ultimate technique, the Tsubame Gaeshi.

The ultimate attack that struck 3 times within a single breath. The one time he had used it against the white haired spearman, he had nearly taken off his head and cut open his chest.

Yet the wounds did not deter the warrior, and he realized it. He would not be able to use it underneath this never ending onslaught.

Behind that manic smile and fierce aura. He would not stop, each time that they clashed he noticed it.

The spear was inching ever so closer to him.

The onslaught of spears, spilled forth, discharged and rampaged.

*SHING sfx* Blood had been spilled, but it was not the bloody spearman who had been cut this time.

Blood dripped from the samurai's cheek, and his smile became more genuine.

They couldn't help themselves, because they were born this way.

The frantic sharpness of energy became unbearable as the two continued to trade blows.

At the last moment, both sides had let go of all defense. Sharp ends closed the distance, however the samurai had stopped his blade.

"...You damn witch. Must you ruin this for me?" Sasaki Kojiro turned a glare towards the floating witch.

Medea didn't respond as a wicked smile played across her lips. A dome of magical energy had surrounded Zieg restraining him and the space around him.

His body and mind had given out, whether it be from battle or the machinations of Caster. Kojiro wasn't sure.

However, at this moment he knew.

He hated this woman.