
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · Cómic
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49 Chs

Primeval Sorcerer

I was inside of a dark cave, away from any living being. A bounded field set up around me to prevent unwanted interruptions.

The Primeval Current. After spending long hours researching and theorizing, I was finally able to piece together the clues and hints left behind by my predecessors. Master Lusat, Master Azur and Master Sellen.

At first, I was unsure if Master Sellen glimpsed into the Primeval current herself due to the fact that her physical body was imprisoned once. However now I'm sure of it, she had definitely glimpsed into it but she took a different path from both Lusat and Azur.

Instead of diving straight into the Primeval Current itself, she had kept her distance and sought to control it's very nature and essence. Master Lusat and Azur were different, they had experienced it full on and if I had to guess, sacrificed pieces of themselves on a conceptual level to deepen their understanding.

Unfortunately such actions lead to their bodys to turn completely into glintstone. They had become one with glintstone itself in order to be closer to the Primeval Current.

Their brains, their heart and other parts of their body had turned into glintstone. But because of that, they were able to bring about their spells of glintstone sorcery closest to the roots of astrology.

Master Sellen went about it in another direction. She attempted to gleam into the Primeval Current and guide it towards our reality using the power of her soul. That was her mistake. Knowledge regarding the soul is difficult to confirm, let alone theorize due to the nature of the soul. She had used her soul to glimpse into the current while still being connected to her physical body.

However I will not make that mistake. The magical procedure needed to create an independent astral/spiritual body completely separate from the constraints of your physical body and conceptual existence was a dangerous thing to enact.

However I had a method in order to replicate such an effect, because it was part of the ritual that Scathach had once taught me in order to pass down Primordial runes. Granted, it failed because Odin didn't give his blessings back then. But I still remember the process and the Primordial runes needed.

An intricate diagram made of my own blood was beneath me. At the edges were large cuts of glintstone, brimming with power. Primordial runes carefully etched onto the surface.

I was completely naked at the moment, I didn't know the reason that I was originally naked in the past when I did this with Scathach, but I disrobed just incase it was of importance.

Sitting within the center in a lotus position. My magic circuits lit up, the diagram beneath me followed suit until it reached the chunks of glintstone.

I closed my eyes, my vision became strange. As if I were in two places at once, until I could no longer feel my physical body.

The Primordial runes etched onto glintstone activated and my soul vanished.

Have you ever wondered how small you are in the grand scheme of things?

It was something I thought about sometimes in my moments of boredom and unintended introspection.

Would you feel small when comparing yourself to the size of a country? If not then perhaps you had set your sights on the world. If even that wasn't enough then maybe you had set your sights on the galaxy or even the universe.

You could keep going if you took in the multiverse and omniverse, but I digress. At some point you would feel small within the infinite of possibilities.

That small feeling of insignificance. That was how I felt right now.

Every moment I kept my eyes open. Stars as far as my soul could witness encompassed this vast expanse. I witnessed the bright birth of galaxys and the ultimate end of darkness.

I could feel and experience every moment as if billions of years passed within the span of a second.

And within my being, I could feel myself melting, becoming apart of this great expanse.

Shit, I think I bit off more than I could chew. I had no control, I couldn't will myself back. I was at the mercy of this extradimensional phenomenon.

As I felt my soul vanishing into nothingness. I felt regret. Regret that once again I allowed my arrogance to get me killed again. I could not scream, I could not move, I could not survive. I could not remember... who am I?

That is until something stirred within my being. The feeling of annoyance and disdain pulsed through me. It was not my own, yet I felt like it was.

At first my vision returned, and I'm glad it did because I witnessed something frightening.

Sticking out from my incorporeal form. A hand, the size of any adult's hand you could find stuck out from my soul. It was neither large nor small, but for some odd reason. It held the entirety of the Primeval Current within it's grasps.

I was dumbfounded, I was confused. Nothing made sense.

Eventually I found myself back inside the cave. I felt like I had lost all strength to the point where I was unable to move my body.

[SECRET ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED!] The words rang out as the screen popped up within my vision. Honestly this isn't really the time for that.

I don't know how but, when I appeared back in the cave. Everything was in ruins. The entire cave collapsed on me and I'm stuck underneath the rock.

I'd break out but my body felt incredibly weak right now, as if that hand that I saw actually did rip out from my chest. I needed to get out of here, but I'm getting more injured the longer I stay beneath all this weight. I wonder if this is how people felt when they were executed with piling rocks.

[Title added: Primeval Sorcerer new status calculating.....

Name: Zieg Aversis

Titles: Elden Lord / Primeval Sorcerer

Strength: C+

Endurance: B

Agility: C+

Mana: EX

Luck: C+

NP: ???

Skills: Robust Health C / Magic Resistance C]

[Congratulations user. Due to becoming a Primeval Sorcerer, you now have nigh infinite mana limited only by your container!]

I didn't have time to be happy about that, I was starting to lose consciousness. If I knocked out while under all this debris, then I was definitely going to die. Vision was getting darker. Not good.

I needed to teleport out of here. My best bet was going back home. I had the knowledge and instincts on how to do it. I just needed to think of my home reality. Unfortunately I couldn't seem to bring myself to focus, so I settled for going anywhere else but here.

With such a desire at the forefront of my mind, I had finally left the tutorial.

"Ugh...." The feeling of grogginess assaulted my senses. An itch sprang up across my nose so I raised my hand up to scratch. However I found myself failing to do so.

My eyes cracked open, luckily the immediate area wasn't too bright. It was even dim, perhaps a bit too dim. "Where..?" I tried to voice out, my throat was dry. How long was I out cold?

I felt my surroundings sway a bit... was I on a boat? Taking in my immediate surroundings, it looked like I was inside a cabin of sorts.

"Ah..." Well that explains why I couldn't lift my arms, they were restrained by metal cuffs. Was I on some kind of operating table? I noticed that I was in some rags or something. I remember being naked for the ritual.

Suddenly, the metal cuffs restraining my limbs snapped open. I fell to the ground, failing to catch myself as I was still a bit groggy. My neck felt incredibly stiff, my hand reached towards it but was halted by something metallic...

"So, still a bit groggy are we? No matter, get your bearings and report to me upstairs." A voice that sounded middle aged and feminine reached my ears. I glanced up but the figure was already climbing up a ladder.

"A collar?" I finally noticed the metal collar around my neck. It thrummed with magical power. Huh...

I would be worried, but I was more intrigued by it's design. I attempted to use structural grasp, but noticed my magic circuits seemed to be having a little trouble. It was as if they attempted to activate, only to shut down for a moment. I could probably force my way through if I strained myself, but instead I opted to try using my newfound source of magical energy directly from the Primeval Current.

Ah, an impressive design. This collar seems to restrain energy circulated from the soul itself. Fascinating, it explains why I can't feel my Aura at the moment. However, it doesn't seem to restrain it completely, which means that this was originally meant for something else.

With the information before me along with my instincts, I feel like I could probably force the activation of both my semblance and magic circuits albeit with a bit of strain.

Although the Primeval Current is connected to my soul, it's power spreads out towards my body as well, so it doesn't matter if my soul was restrained. Good to know, I can even feel the connection.

With the inspection of my current state out of the way, I decided to stand up and stretch. My body felt incredibly stiff, not sure how long I was unconscious though.

Perhaps I should be more worried about the collar on my neck, but I'll figure out a method to remove it soon. I could just teleport back home but... not like anything is waiting for me anyway. So why not just explore and see where life takes me. Maybe I'll find some interesting things to help me in my quest to punch Odin.

"I could just do what she said and meet my captor but.... exploration!" I declared ignoring the ladder that I saw that lady go up earlier. I decided to take a look around the area. It looked like I was in some sort of ship on the seas.

I would have assumed pirates but the operating table and mechanical tools said otherwise. It was an interesting set up. Past the ladder there was a desk with various sheets of paper scattered haphazardly. Don't feel like reading through all that so I decided to go to the side where a door was located.

"A stable?" I raised a brow. There was pieces of hay strewn about the floor and only a single animal strutted about.

"Baaa..." It called out. Unfortunately I don't speak animal. I walked up to inspect it, was there something special about it?

"Ow!" I jumped back, hand on my shin. "You dick!" Did the sheep just kick me!?

"Baaa..." I can't help but feel like it's smirking at me...

Deciding to ignore the asshole sheep, I headed to the next door.... it was locked. "Baaa..." I turned to glance at the sheep again. It seemed to be nudging it's head towards a vase.

Raising a brow, I went to inspect the vase, all while keeping my eye on the damn sheep. Don't wanna get kicked again. "Huh." There was a key inside it. Who the hell hides their key in the same room as the locked door?

"Thanks, you're still an asshole though." I said ignoring the sheep noises that followed.

It was another room, this time the door looked to be locked and controlled by some sort of easy to figure out mechanism on the floor. I stepped on one of them and heard a click. Leaving a projection of boxes on the mechanisms I moved to the now open door.

"Hey, hey you there!" A hushed voice whisper yelled at me from behind some bars. A jail cell?

I glanced at a guard in the corner that was clearly asleep before moving closer to the prisoner. I noted that he also had a collar on him like myself.

"Hey, help me out of here man!" He spoke quietly to me in order to not wake the guard.

"Why are you even in there?" I questioned with a brow raised and hand on my hip.

"Your guess is as good as mine. Someone screamed, loud as a banshee. After that? Pure pandemonium. They never even told me what I was accused of - just dragged me down here." He hastily explained.

"And what's in it for me?"

"Set me free and I'll set you free. A fair trade, I should think?" I held the urge to scoff. I wasn't even truly imprisoned, I could leave whenever but I decided to play along.

"Heh, alright fine." I shrugged

"A gentlemen among jesters, you are. Give that lever a pull, and I guarentee we'll both get something out of the deal." he gestured towards the lever that was right outside his cell. I couldn't help but marvel at how badly designed this was. It was so close to the gate that you only needed a stick to free yourself.

Before I could even touch the lever, I heard a sniff and snort behind me. I glanced at the guard's bloodshot eyes cracking open.

"Mmm... is my shift over? Are you here to relieve me?" He grumbled awake before he noticed the collar around my neck.

"Wait - you're no Magister. You're a Sourcerer." I noted the terms 'Sourcerer' and 'Magister' with recognition. Oh I'm in Divinity. "What are you doing here, filthy scrounger? Choose your words carefully; my fists ache to meet a new face." Thoughts on where I was for later, for now...

"I'm snooping around, what are you gonna do about it?" I replied with a cheeky grin as he took a moment to consider my words. He stood up, curling his hands into fists.

"You're honest - I'll give you that. Doesn't mean I'll be letting you go scot-free, though."

"Well, let's dance then." He didn't have a weapon so I didn't bother summoning any of mine. I grinned, kicking the lever to open the jail cell.

"Ah, nothing like the taste of freedom." The ex-prisoner gave a sharp grin. "And I did give my word that I'd set you free, lad. Say your prayers while you've breath to speak them."

To my surprise he lunged at me with a murderous gleam in his eyes. I mirrored it with a murderous sneer, reinforcing my body as I made him go splat on the wall.

"Well, I'll be..." I glanced at the guard who was beginning to regret his decision. I smiled before quickly knocking him out.

"Well, this looks like a promising adventure." I grinned at the prospect.