
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · Cómic
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49 Chs

Possible candidate for librarian

"Alright, Emiya. What's on the itinerary?"

Zieg asked, kicking back on his chair. Around him were his main companions, Emiya, Kokabiel, Slane in their own seats. Draig and Albion were still only the size of dogs, yet they were sitting on the desk with their arms crossed.

"Why am I the secretary all of a sudden?" Emiya raised a brow at being called out.

"Well Raynare is still in another world, so the job falls to you." Zieg shrugged as Raynare was still doing whatever it was she was doing in Konosuba.


"Fuhuhuhu! Behold my black feathered companion, for you are about to witness the greatest of all magic ever conceived!"

"It's just explosion magic isn't it? What's the big deal?"

"Geh- your lack of faith in the art of EXPLOSION! Is disturbing to me. But no matter! Today I shall open your eyes to the greatness!"

"Can you just get on with it, I had other plans too, you know?"

"Fine!" The little loli girl pointed her staff towards the castle in the distance. "My name is Megumin! I am a user of the finest magic crimson demons possess, and I command explosion magic!"

To Raynare's surprise, a massive amount of magical energy began to swirl in the atmosphere. She looked up to the sky to see the raw starry currents coalesce into one spot.

"Behold my power!"

The massive raw mass of magical energy finally morphed into a huge magical sequence in the sky. Blotting out the sky above the large castle.


*BOOM sfx* The ensuing blast was strong enough to erase sound for a moment. Raynare covered her ears as a ringing sound invaded her senses. She opened her eyes to the little loli that she didn't give much regard to, faceplanted on the dirt.

"...Fufufufu... Did you see it? The greatness... of explosion magic?"

Megumin weakly asked, completely exhausted with a smile on her countenance. Raynare blinked in slight awe as the castle was still standing somehow after that blast.

"I will admit, that was pretty cool." The fallen nodded, re-evaluating her view on the little girl.


"Of course it does." Emiya sighed before grabbing the sheet of paper on the desk, with the current list of things to do.

"The first thing on the list would be to quickly visit a place called Skyrim to see if you can convince someone to be your librarian."

Zieg still needed a librarian. If he couldn't convince them, it wasn't the end of the world. He still had other people he could ask in the future.

"The second on the list is to go on a quick vacation to a random, low danger world."

After 5 years of war. Everyone deserved a break, and going to a place to chill and have some fun without much danger would be nice.

"The third is to grab Raynare and return to DXDverse to save humanity."

Raynare should be strong enough by now, so Zieg was planning on picking her up before returning to DXD.

"Sounds about right. Alright let's do this." Zieg stood up, stretching his limbs for a moment.

"Hold on a moment. Kid, you didn't explain what the hell is happening here!"

"That's right! Look at us! Why do we have long white beards!?"

Everyone turned to Draig and Albion who were sporting long white beards, as if they were old kung fu masters in the body of mini dragons. Zieg took note of their appearance before averting his eyes.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You clearly do!"

"Explain, brat!"

"Hm, well crafting fresh and functional bodies isn't within my expertise. I don't even have much experience or knowledge regarding homonculi or golems. So naturally some minor errors were to be expected."

Zieg explained with a shrug. He said he would try, and he did. The fact that he was actually capable of creating new bodies for them despite it not being his field of expertise was quite impressive in his opinion.

"You call this minor!?"

"I'm actually beginning to feel much older than I actually am. And I mean in dragon years."

"It's probably some hormonal balances being screwed up. By my calculations it should pass and your bodies will experience another growth spurt shortly after."

"I'm beginning to have an odd craving for hot porridge."

"How sure of you that this is just a phase?"

"Pretty sure, I mean I used some of my own blood in the process just to be sure there wouldn't be any issues."

"You aren't a dragon though!"

"Dragon and human blood are different!"

The two mini dragons were apalled that he used his human blood. It should have been obvious that dragon blood would overpower human blood.

"Hey, Aversis blood is pretty special and rare in the omniverse! Our kind used to be hunted for our blood once. It'll make sure you get stronger despite any natural limitations you have as long as you have the desire. It even creates miracles in impossible situations! Just don't tell anyone about it, I'd rather not get annoyed by my alternates."

Last thing Zieg needed, was to be annoyed by any other Aversis. There was a strict agreement to not distribute their blood anymore. But he doubted they would ever find out, Aversis were generally too lazy to poke their noses into another person's business.

"Well with that out of the way, let's go!" Zieg declared, teleporting away from reality.

It had been a couple weeks since the group had entered the land of Skyrim. Zieg let everyone go about their own business and left to find his prospective librarian.

"Where am I!?" Slane exclaimed to the heavens.

Slane had decided to travel to Solitude when he heard of a bard's college. It was nice that he wouldn't have to wear glasses to hide his lizard features. Apparently people mistook him for an Argonian. However it had been 2 weeks and he was completely lost.

The landscape around him was barren and dry, with only dead trees and bushes scattered around. The sky was perpetually bleak and cloudy and lightning struck constantly throughout the realm. There was no sun in the sky, instead a single moon and black circular void hung above him.

He had seen numerous buildings and altars, along with other mysterious structures in his time here since he got lost. The only other inhabitants he had met were beings of the undead variety or even ghosts. Honestly he was sort of freaking out, because he obviously hadn't reached the bard's college!

A week later, Zieg was forced to go to the Soul Cairn and pick him up.

"Halt, state your business here." A couple Winterhold guards stationed at the entrance stopped a hooded traveler from entering.

Emiya leveled his steely eyes from under his hood at the guards, who flinched for a moment.

"I'm just here to check out the college." he calmly said to the two guards.

Emiya had decided to spend his time understanding the magic of the world and the possible threat it could pose. It was to better assess the situation and figure out possible countermeasures if needed. Plus if Zieg was right, he heard even he could learn their magic easily despite his status as a third rate magus.

"Oh, another mage are you? Fine, just don't cause any trouble." One of the guards grumbled before stepping aside.

Emiya raised a brow at their attitudes. He deduced mages weren't very welcome with the populace for some odd reason. He heard that Nords didn't like mages much, but he didn't expect it to extend to the city of Winterhold as well.

"I'll keep that in mind." He grunted before making his way towards the college.

In the middle of some random mountains, a gathering of dragons was had. If anyone were to see this, they would have been frightened out of their wits.

In the gathering, there were roughly a hundred dragons around. In recent times, the dragons have begun to come back alive all over Skyrim. Terrorizing random passerbys and causing fear to well up within the populace. However the Dragonborn had returned and was slaying dragons left and right.

Shortly after, many dragons in the land felt a call. A sort of tugging that only dragons could feel. Eventually, many dragons of the land all came to one place in response to a red and white dragon. Neither of which looked very happy.

"Back in my day, we didn't do any of this back and forth shit!"

"Yeah, you little whelps are an embarrassment to all dragons!"

In front of the horde of dragons, the two dog sized dragons were standing up on their hind legs and walking around with sticks. They had long white beards and sounded like grumpy old men.

"Back in my day, we didn't just settle fights with words! We would crush, break and shred each other to death!"

"In my time, I wouldn't have pranced around like you little shits! I would have stood my ground and smashed anyone who looked at me funny!"

Draig and Albion started to sound like really old men for some reason. It seemed like they were going senile as the hormonal imbalance was messing with their minds.

"You see, you little upstarts have lost the value of what it means to be a dragon!"

"Why are you just flying around and yelling to the enemy that you are there!? Just jump their asses and beat them up! I remember back in the day, I wouldn't even warn the red one here, I'd just kick his head in!"

The mob of dragons were in rapt attention towards these two elders for some odd reason. There didn't seem to be any real reason that they should give these senile guys the time of day. But for some odd reason, the white beards compelled them to pay respects to the older generation.

"There's that little shit calling himself dragonborn!"

"Kick his ass!"

Draig and Albion pointed in the distance. The current dragon-born was strutting around without a care in the world.

"What the hell!?"

However to his surprise, a gang of dragons just rolled up on him and began punching and kicking him into the dirt without warning. They weren't even using their teeth, they were giving a beat down as if they were humans ganging up on one guy. A random dragon grabbed a large tree and started bashing the man down. This beating continued for a long period of time.

When it was finally over, the Dragonborn's body was mangled and broken. He layed on the ground, defeated.

The hoard of dragons looked over to the two mini bearded dragons who gave them a thumbs up.

"Not bad! That's what I'm talking about!"

"There's still some hope for you little shits yet!"

This began a horrifying age, where the dragons actually banded together.

In the far off distance, Alduin felt a disturbance.

Stepping out of a portal, I finally made it to where I wanted to go.

The sky was covered by a hazy green cloud with a huge swirling void in the center. I didn't see any traces of stars in the sky, I'm not a big fan of this place.

There were books and knowledge aplenty in this world called Apocrypha.

"Well, don't I get a welcoming?" I spoke out loud. Waiting for anyone to respond.

Unfortunately I didn't get a response. Damn, it looks like he's on guard. Which is surprising, I thought he'd be the arrogant type to let his curiousity win out of any sense of danger.

"Well, guess were doing this the hard way."

I sighed before beginning my trek through this plane of oblivion. For some odd reason, I felt Cthugha heating up inside me. I ignored the feeling of warmth for now. I had a librarian to find.

If I were Hermaeus Mora, then where would I be?