
Zero Isn´t Where It Start - [Completed]

Someone who is lost, in their own mind, while awake they're feeling like sleeping, watch 'her' journey at her own life, and maybe in a future the life she has beyond stars that one think wouldn't even be reachable or exist in the first place. ___________________: ● A/N:(If you read the first version that webnovel fucked up, then kay, you know what happened until *Chap- 13.4*. I did some small tweaks nothing big, and fixed a lot of grammar errors, but this is my backup, the other one is already just there now...) ■Book 1: Main MC world: -Berserkia-(Original) ■Book 2: -DXD-(Multiverse) (Where love interest will be introduced~, and no not harem, one girl or two, but what's the fun on saying who it's~) ___________________: •Note; Character is OP in her own way, expect her getting her ass whooped a lot, in her way to seek strength... things go 1 to 100 pretty fast sometimes. ___________________:

ReyKale · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
43 Chs

Chap 17- Even Further Beyond!!

Chap 17- Even Further Beyond!!:


{Giant Crater, POV 3rd Zero}


Zero punches up, time seams to freeze for a second, and then in a scene like hell falling on earth, everything in the sky in her surroundings turn into an angry flaming sphere of destruction.

Zeh didn't process what was happening until it started to burn like his very soul was on fire.

A blazing hell fire.

"AHAHAHHAHA! AHAHAHA!"- Zero lost in her craziness, falls down, her mana restoring as she does so.

The GOD is stuck, an attack like this, was way stronger than the version she used earlier.

The GOD starts to move as a white aura envelops him, his power skyrockets.

Zero looks up at her enemy, the gleam in her eyes show that she's still there, but look's like her behavior is not something she's on the control of.

'Damn it.... even with this.....'- As she goes down, her power don't stop growing, as she evolves to be able to handle the powers she now holds, the more cracks appear in her body.

"AHAHAHAHHA!"- Contrary to her character at the moment, her body just laughs.

When she finally hit the ground she just backflips, and lands in a famous superhero landing.


A sonic-boom echoes in the sky.


In front of her a meteor of white and yellow glow falls down.

Everything becomes heavier, the whole place now is like in high altitudes, hard to breathe, for Zero don't seem to be as inconvenient, on the contrary it makes her stronger.

The GOD now with yellow glowing eyes, and body white markings going everywhere.

"This is enough, Mortal you have toyed enough. "- In a blink of an eye he appears in front of Zero, with his right-hand open he picks her by the head.

And fly low carrying her with her face beneath the ground.

"AUGHHH!UAGHHHHH!"- She's carried for kilometers, she tries to punch and kick the being, but it just overpowers her in an even greater scale than she thinks.

After trashing his enemy, the GOD raises her by the hair in front of him.

"What you aspire to be, what you aspire to do, all you want to do, all that you would do, nothing but a false way to explain why should you exist, you try to put your own existence to a use, but in the process make yourself nothing more than a pitiable excuse of conscience."

Zero body and face full of wounds, her black eyes with golden pupils burn with anger, her stare could kill if she wasn't against a GOD.

"I.....WILL...CHANGE... THINGGS!!!!!"- With everything she has, she kicks the being in the face, but it doesn't make him even flinch.

"STUPID EXISTENCE! LEARN YOUR PLACE!!"- He punches Zero, everything around them is transformed in not more than pebbles.

The victim goes off her body for a second, and is sent flying back.

She gets her consciousness midair, and starts to use {True Increase} even more, her power increasing to even greater heights, looks like this version of it not only give her the hitting harder and faster part, but also increasing her base strength without stopping as a piece of it.

She finally stops after a whole 20 seconds of flying.

Furthermore, she looks back, and GOD is already in front of her, observing.

"Making a divine being use their power to something so filth as fighting, outrageous!"- He moves towards to Zero but this time she is ready.

"{TRUE INCREASE: INSTANTANEOUS CONTINUITY}!!!"- Shouting is her mother language, she moves with enough speed to match the GOD's attack's for a second.

In this one second, she blocked a right hook, a high jab and a left kick, and after using this Variant she finally...


The divine being is pushed back a little with a punch mark to the face.

"Heh...."- Zero has a smug look, one of her eyes half open, and her arm stretched in the punch motion.

The being at the other hand, can't comprehend.- 'A Mortal, just hit me in my {Divinity State}...HEREEEEESYYYY!!!!'- Zero don't have time to act or do anything, she is hit in the face throwing her back, then a kick to the side of her stomach, and to end it all.

"{1000X}"- The GOD now has white cracks in him too, looks like he's pushing the limit of how much powers he can exercise in the mortal dimension.

Zero is completely outmatched, her body hitting the ground with such a force she can't even move a tenth of a centimeter.

She stays in that position, the gravitational force being so strong she's going in and out of her consciousness.

This goes for a minute, the GOD smiling at the sorry state of the mortal lizard.

"Looks like it's my win, reptilian.*smirks*"- He is about to end Zero when he suddenly stops.

He looks at his victim, he can promise he saw her move, but it's impossible, even if she gets stronger, she getting strong enough to be able to surpass 1000x gravity is stupid.

"Just to make sure, I don't like surprises you know? {2000x Gravity}"- Her body now is almost going full straight through the ground, the only thing helping is that only her body is getting affected by the force.

He open his palm to end her, purple energy goes to his hand, as he is about to end it all.

Like waiting for something to happen he stops, but when nothing happened, he just finishes charging the attack.

"This is a different power from this world system of strength, I call it [True Magic: Destruction], I created after years of studying the True Magias, be honored, you'll go out in a way anyone in this world never will, and be erased from existence itself!"

Firing the attack, it destroys everything in its path like there's nothing there to begin with.

The attack now close to be in contact with Zero makes a horrendous sound.

That sounds echoes on the lizard head, the sound of death, she hears the cries of her sister in there, cries of sadness, cries of someone who's had enough.

This power of Zeh is empowered by the rage, sadness, desperation, anxiety, depression. And many more, giving life to a new form of energy, one that not only destroys everything, but also promises its victims a horrible, slow and desperate death.

But that's where, it backfired.

The heat of everything starts to rise, as if the sun was around in a new place, the human continent start to feel the rise of the heat, like it was turning summer out of nowhere.

Everything around her was with a fog of steam, the attack of the GOD was now stopped, his eyes bulging almost of his skull.

A hand was stretched from the seemly, unconscious gecko.

Her whole body still on the ground.

Slowly the heat raised, as so did Zero.

Finally, kneeling, her head was towards the floor, her hair on the way of showing her face, her long back hair now loose and wildly moving everywhere.

"I KNOW...I AM.....JUST BEING..... DELUSIONAL, ... BUT..."-She looks up, her smile being a warm one.

"I WILL BE..... THE HERO..... FOR THEM!!"- The warm one goes away and a full mouth crazy one appears.

She knows, it's stupid, she knows, she has no reason to do this, she knows.

But that's the thing, she has a mission.

The kids that played with her both in the village that she wants to make it so that never happen again, the kids on and Mao, Mariie, Yuley, Seno, her friends from Mao that eat together with her.

She HAS reasons, just not selfish ones, and this guy on front of her, has one destination to her.

"SO..... DISAPPEAR!!!"- Without time to react, a punch, one who had no start or end, one punch ending where it started.

<Divinity Temporarily given to existence, 018207290037000; Zero, by ???? ???? Original owner>

Zero hit only one time the GOD, a attack that he didn't have any time to react, and wouldn't never have, a punch that attacked the present of the enemy.

A dimensional time attack.


Like a broken piece of glass, the part she hit on the GOD just disappeared with strange glitched effects.

For Zero, the world was slow, was this how a GOD felt? She wondered.

'Boring.'- A world where everything is so slow is boring, how will she find the fun in fighting when everything is slow as snail?

Finally, she comes back to reality, time goes back to normal.

Her right left arm bleeds, her armor shatters like it's nothing.

"Wha- AUGHHHHHA!!!!AHHHHHH!" - The GOD cries, half his upper body destroyed.

He cries, shouts and roars in pain, an immortal was hurt, this was one achievement Zero could put on her bag.

'I.... can't use this thing anymore... *looks at left arm*, but I will. * clenches hand in a fist*'- Zero smiles, she looks at the GOD crying in pain.


Time is ticking for the gecko...


ReyKalecreators' thoughts