

Michalengelo, a young boy who lost his parents to senseless violence, dreams about becoming the greatest Zantetsu user In order to avenge his fallen parents and protect those he cares for.

drewbykarma · Acción
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9 Chs

Chapter 9 - Chi vs. Donatello

"Try not to die too fast"

Those words continously lingered around Donatello's ears as he fought for his life. Chi continously threw out blow after blow aimed at him, which slowly withered down his vitality and stamina the more of which he blocked and deflected.

He had been on the defence for most of the most fight so far

Worse was that Chi hadn't visibly become tired at all, In fact, she seemed to get more and more energetic the longer the fight dragged on and the more blows she dealt out.

"You're losing steam, Donatello! Tired already!?" Said Chi, as she continued her onslaught of punches, kicks and slashes

"As if, No way you would be able to tire me out!" Bluffed Donatello, as he blocked and parried more of her incessant attacks. In truth he was already winded from the onslaught, and he couldn't use his Zantetsu Art to try and end the fight as he feared losing controlling of his and kindling a fire that would torch the whole forest.

But he wasn't going to let his opponent know of his hesitance, he was going to win this fight just by using his raw Zantetsu.

Donatello threw out punches coated in a blue aura accented by black sparks, all of which were directly tanked by Chi who looked unfazed through all of them

"Is that the best you got?" She said, tanking more and more of his blows without showing any visible strain

"What's it to you!?" Shouted Donatello, as he continued to throw more and more Zantetsu powered punches at her midsection

"It's just- You're embarrassing yourself" Chi said, looking at Donatello trying his damned hardest to damage her

Her Zygodactyl feet were planted firmly into the ground, she wasn't going to budge anytime soon

"Shut It!" Shouted Donatello, as he continued his barrage of blows even through his exhaustion

"Listen" Said Chi, as she gripped his right arm with her taloned left hand "You're not winning against me"

"Try me!" Shouted Donatello, still continuing his blows solely with his left hand


Donatello struck her bill with his left fist causing her let go of his arm and recoil in pain

"That looks like it hurt!" He said, chuckling at her clutching her bill in shock

Chi clutched her bill, it was the most sensitive for her alien species the "Strix Aluco" and Donatello had hot dead center, she was pissed and was now going to take it out on him

"I'm done playing games with you" Said Chi, her back turned to Donatello

"Me t-

Chi dashed at Donatello so fast she almost disappeared from sight. She reappeared crouched down at his feet, ready to spring a devastating attack

"Shut It" Said Chi, before she landed a spin kick straight to his solar plexus, causing Donatello to fly meters away


Donatello's body crashed into a nearby tree, causing a sizeable hole to appear along its body. His limp body slouched down to the base of the tree and eventually slumped onto the ground. He was barely conscious.

[Donatello's Pov]

It hurts.

[End of Pov]

"You shouldn't have done that Donatello" Said Chi as she slowly walked up to his slumped over body, her feet leaving scratches in the dirt she walked on

"Nghhhh" Donatello winced, as he clutched at his chest trying to alleviate the pain

Chi now stood menacingly over Donatello's body, she crouched down to his level, grabbed him with her right hand and stood to her feet

"I'll give you another chance to beg for mercy" Said Chi with a disgruntled look on her face "Don't make me regret it"

Donatello looked at her and thought of what she had just done to him, one of his eyes had swollen shut, he had multiple cuts on his arms from where she had slashed him with her razor sharp talons, discoloured bruises that dotted almost every part of his body, multiple broken bones and even few teeth knocked loose. His best option for survival would be to beg for mercy like she was suggesting to him, yield to her and pray she does not go back on her words


That would not be in his nature. Donatello was a headstrong young man who would sooner die than submit himself to another living being. No matter how stupid he thought himself to be for it, his answer to her suggestion was as clear as the day sky that watched over the both of them.

"Fuck you" Said Donatello, shoving his middle finger into her feather-ridden face

"Bad Choice" Said Chi, before she snapped Donatello's arm like twig


The forest had gone quiet. The gentle cacophony of birds chirping and the rustle of freshly fallen spring leaves was drowned out by blood curdling screams. Oh God. Donatello's blood curdling shrieks derived from the mind numbing pain he felt from where bone had snapped.

"Stop crying you big baby" Said Chi, her beady black eyes staring down at Donatello who was writhing in the dirt

"It's not like you won't be able to heal from that"

Donatello kept crying at the top of his lungs, as he clutched his now broken arm in an attempt to alleviate the pain

"Damn" Said Chi as a wave of disappointment washed over her "I thought you were stronger, considering how much trash you were talking just now"

Chi turned her back on him amd began to walk away. "Oh Yeah" She said scracthing her bill, remembering her reason for inteloping in the forest "I should find and meet up with Ran and Makka"

"Fight me dammit!" Dontalleo Shouted, willing himself to stand up

"Are you dumb?" Chi asked "I just broke right arm"

"I can still fight!" Said Donatello, raising his left hand already curled in a fist

"Hehe" Chi chuckled at Donatello's bravado

She looked at Donatello, he was barely standing on his two feet, bruised and battered and was half conscious at best. If she were to fight him in this state, she would undoubtedly win but... something inside of his one good eye told her otherwise. It told her that SHE was the one who had no chance of winning. That thing, made her feel like she had found an opponent who could challenge her. She liked a challenge.

"What's so funny?" Donatello asked, observing the owl girl laughing at him

"Nothing" Said Chi, before she disappeared out of sight again

"Not again!" Shouted Donatello as he got his guard again

"Brace yourself" Said Chi, appearing directly behind Donatello "I don't intend on going easy on you anymore"

Chi concentrated her Zantetsu into strengthening her entire body, forming a glowing Purple aura accented by black sparks

The real fight was just beginning.

End of Chapter 9

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