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Lee la novela zaldy escrita por el autor Daoist5jam3w publicada en WebNovel. ...


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Conqueror System: Get all the Most Beautiful Women in School

[Warning: Mature R-18] A young man with a pretty handsome face showed a face full of regret when he remembered that he had died because he was hit by a truck, but when he was about to regret it, suddenly a voice appeared in his mind saying. "Hey kid, do you still want to live? If yes then move your head up and down." The young man who heard the voice in his head, without thinking, immediately nodded his head. "Good, since you have accepted it, then I will give you a gift!" The young man, who was now only silent, immediately felt a change in his body and suddenly felt that his whole body no longer felt pain. When he was about to get up, he immediately saw in front of him a pink screen that read. [Congratulations, Hosts! You have been given a conquering system by the god, please take a look at these features!] [Conquer all the most beautiful women in your school, that way the host will get a big rewards!] [Status Name: Ethan Alexander Power: Level 0 Experience: 0/20 Statistic STR: 10 INT: 12 STM: 14 MANA: 0 Conditions: Healty] [List of women None] When he finished reading the screen in front of him, the young man named Ethan was very surprised and muttered to himself. 'So all I have to do is conquer the prettiest girls in my school? If that's the case then I'll accept this challenge!' Ethan muttered while showing a wide smile that showed all his teeth. If this novel has many readers, then I will continue to write the next chapters. So please support me by saving it in your library. ______________ others tags: Handsome male leads, beauty females, vampires, demons, dragons, werewolf, sex, R-18, succubus, Handjob, incest, possesive MC, Smut, Ecchi, Smart MC, Oral sex, Cunning MC, Anal Sex, Blowjob, Threesome, Modern World, VideoGame, Video Game, Game Elements, Dungeon, Mythology, Gods, Greek Gods, Primodial God, Primodial Goddess, Norse Gods, Ancients, Demigod, Evolution, Pantheons, Deities, Milf, No NTR, Mature, Adult, Creampie, Goddess, Harem, Wise, Thicc, Netori, Hentai, NSFW, Young Girl, Mature Girl, Young & Mature, Antihero, Sociopath, Yandere No Yuri!!! Foursome? yes this will apperance later in the story. ************ Support me with giving your money right here! Patreon: patreon.com/dylanhusand Paypal: paypal.me/dylanhusan ------------------- The cover image is not my original, so if the owner wants me to remove it please contact me.

DylanHusand · Fantasía
93 Chs


cerita ini mengesahkan tentang budak perempuan yang bernama mikchaela. dan lelaki bernama Tengku raqift Daniel yang pernah saling mengenali semasa umur mereka 12thn mereka hanya berkenalan dalam beberapa bulan. dan si gadis tiba2 mahu berpindah ke luar negara. musibah yang tak disangka2. kapal terbang yang dinaiki oleh gadis itu terhempas di laut sebelum sampai ke destinasi. kemalangan itu membuatkan raqift trauma selama 13 tahun dan sentiasa menyalahkan diri sendiri sebab dialah gadis itu mati. "nama saya raqift Daniel" awak kena ingat tau nanti kalau awak pindah balik sini awak kena cari saya promise?" "nama saya pula mikchaela" nanti kalau awak dengar orang yang nama dia mikchaela awak sapa tau sebab itu saya, promise!?" "promise!!" .kata mereka serentak. "Tengku raqift Daniel?" .tak mungkinlah itu dia. nama dia raqift Daniel je' mana ada Tengku" Dan yang pasti dia punya perangai mesti jauh lebih baik dari Tengku tu!" "mikchaela?" Ish apa yang kau merepek ni. Daniel kau dah lupa ke apa berlaku? mikchaela dah lama mati" sebab aku dia mati, tak mungkin itu dia.. belum berakhir dengan tragis. raqift di paksa bernikah dengan rakan di universiti selepas tamat akhir tahun mereka. Wawa pulak di paksa mummy dan daddynya kerana tidak ada yang menjaganya semasa mereka naik haji. "raqift kenapa awak nak kawin dengan saya!?" "sejak bila saya nak kawin dengan awak mama yang nak" "habis kenapa mama cakap awak yang beriya-iya sangat?" "itu semua alasan mama saya je. bukan saya' Paham!" adakah perkahwinan yang diatur ibu bapa mereka akan melahirkan rasa cinta antara mereka berdua?.... korang wajib baca ni kalau nak tahu selanjutnya...

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