

The Equivalent Exchange System (EES) is the reason why life still exists in this Universe! Like!? and Hate!? True!? and False!? Strong!? and Weak!? Those words are the example of opposite words, that equilibrium effect to counterpart the other one. Like the Ying and Yang in Chinese culture, the other one won't exist if the other one did not. The same as risk and power, if you want a stronger power you have to accept its drawbacks and weakness. The stronger your power you can think of, the greater the risk you will receive. The equivalent exchange system is the reason why the Virtual Reality (VR) game called Z-ONE is famous throughout the world. Z-ONE is the first VR game in the history of mankind that can fully immerse 100% into the game. Inside the game, you can choose what power you want at the beginning and improve that power along the way to the top and become the game's Game Masters (GM). And one person has an idea on what power he will choose and that was LUCK either the system can provide him with that power or not it doesn't matter to him as long as he can avoid being misfortune even once in his life he can die without any regrets. And that person is the protagonist of this story TYRO who is a very unfortunate person since birth. His childhood friends called him Jack of Misfortune, nicknaming him JM instead of Tyro. That name he uses until he reaches college. Then the game was released in the 5th year of his degree in Engineering. By the time he graduated, he ignored everything and focus on the game to change is the destiny of being unfortunate.

DEAT96 · Fantasía
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45 Chs


"Professor Lee, you should not go to the forest alone if you would not reject my kind proposal." A white-bearded man wearing eyeglasses warns the woman who is going to walk you towards the exit of their base camp and continued.

"I would like you to introduce a friend of mine who lives in this jungle for a very long time. And very familiar with the area you are going." The white-bearded man rise his pointer finger towards the sky remembering something and continued. "However, you have to wait until tomorrow morning before he got here. I just remember that man gave me something that if we need his assistance we have just to blow this thing and probably he will come to us within 24 hours in maximum."

The woman replied in a hopeless tone and hate towards her bosses who did not even care about her life and only their interest matters. "Fine but 24 hours is my limit I could not wait a little longer than that, my higher-ups annoy me, and do something interesting or discover what is the secret around this huge forest, while I'm here."

Then the man rushes towards his tent and searches for that thing. A few minutes later the man finds it and blows the whistle like a horn. However, there is no sound came out the man was confused then he took a deep breath and blow it with his might.




Then a very loud horn sound that echoes 2 times, came out making the other people on the camp wakes up and some other came out their tent and look around on what is going on. Then they saw the man in the center of the camp blowing the whistle like the horn on some animal then they sigh in relief. They already know what is that horn like a whistle is for so they just came back to their tent and continued what they are doing.

"Sigh! I think that should do it right?" He pounder if the one blow of the horn is enough to call that man.

. . .

The next day, within 18 hours a man walks towards the entrance of the camp. This man did not wear upper clothes only he wears shorts and slippers. This man also has a weird-looking neckless around his neck.

Then the man walks directly towards the tent of the white-bearded man. When he saw other people he greeted them with a bow and smile that most of the girls will faint in a heart attack. This man has a very handsome face like a deity in ancient Gods. His aura is like the forest itself and you can feel the calmness in the air around this man.

"Good morning uncle Frank, what can I help with you this time." The man greeted the white-bearded man named Frank and ask on what he can do.

Good morning, Tyro! My friend, have a seat. I know you've traveled so far just to come here. Frank offers the man to rest first and continued. "I would like you to help a friend of mine to travel to a certain area which I and the rest could not travel due to lack of strength to do so."

"Certain area? Where is it?" Tyro asked excitedly he loves to travel around this forest that's why he lives here for over 30 years. He even meets this group of people along his journey and gives him materials that could help him travel and navigate the forest accurately. That makes him so happy that almost killed him.

Then a woman entered the tent this woman is Jin Soo Lee or also called Professor Lee. He has long black hair reaching to her waist. And average body proportion to her height of 173 cm.

"Hi! I'm Jin Soo Lee." The woman greets and introduced herself while handshaking Tyro.

Tyro only smiled at her while handshaking the woman in front. Then Tyro asked her. "Where do you want to go? My lady!"

"North of the forest where some large animals reside." She answered desperately.

"Okay but I have one condition to have to do what I asked you no matter what." Tyro pause and continued, "don't misunderstand my words I only want your survival nothing more." Tyro clarifies his words so that Professor Lee doesn't misunderstand his words.

"I understand!" Professor Lee replied.

"Then let's go traveling the north is a very long journey we have to claim Mountains and enter some caves to reach the northern area." Tyro give example, of how far and hard just to travel and reach the north.




After 3 months of traveling just to reach the north and 9 months of exploring the north both Tyro and professor Lee are now like best friends. They share hardship and failure along with their journey. Tyro killed some animals so they have food to eat while professor Lee cooked it, they are like husband and wife along this journey.

Along the way Professor Lee discovers a ton of plants and herbs that still unknown to humankind, these plants might help cure some disease that is still a mystery to the present time.

Then the two discovered a voice of a baby crying. They search for it for over an hour. Then they finally found the baby below the large hole like a crater. Around it was unknown plants and rare herbs that most of the scientists frantically go mad when they get one of these rare herbs much less these unknown plants around the crater. But professor Lee and Tyro ignored these plants instead they rush forward at the center of the crater on which is where the baby lying and crying.



"Shhhh! It's okay! It's okay!" Professor Lee carries the baby to makes it stop crying.

Suddenly a buzzing sound above the crater has heard then a monster-like werewolf was standing above the crater and said, "hand over that baby to me and I will not make you suffer on killing you two."

Then Tyro replied, "boy you'd better go to your grampa and ask his guidance on how to respect the older ones."

Then Tyro rushes forward to the monster like a werewolf. . .

Then professor Lee shouted.
