
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Ciudad
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120 Chs

Chapter 94 - A Tragedy

When he drove back to bring the Peng family, he was just in time for Peng Xiaofeng and Black Eagle to drive their car and prepare to go out. Seeing Yu Tian's car, Peng Xiaofeng hurriedly parked his car and rushed to Yu Tian and called out sharply. "Brother Tian, why are you just coming back? We were just about to go look for you."

"Oh, there was some delay."

"Oh, it's good to be back, the old man is waiting impatiently." Peng Xiaofeng said and turned the car around, driving inside.

Yu Tian stopped the car and pulled Pang Yuyan towards the inside.

Peng Gang was walking around inside the living room, his eyes looking out the door from time to time. "What time is it, why aren't you back yet?"

"Dad, don't be in a hurry, maybe there's some kind of delay. With that Yu Tian kid around, what are you worried about." Peng Jiangtao stood at the side and softly comforted the old man.

"Grandpa, I'm back." When Peng Yuyan walked through the door, she immediately jumped towards Elder Peng's arms.

Seeing that his precious granddaughter came back safely, Peng Gang's frowning brows loosened up. Gently stroking Peng Yuyan's hair, Peng Gang cheerfully said, "It's good to be back, I didn't come back last week, I thought you didn't want grandpa."

"How can that be, people are busy studying?" Pang Yuyan hastily raised her head and curled her mouth to retort.

"That's right, then Grandpa is relieved."

"Master." Yu Tian walked up and greeted gently.

Peng Gang let go of Peng Yuyan in his arms and stared at Yu Tian, his eyes shooting out a to wise light as he asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

"Hehe, it's nothing, it's all been solved by me." Yu Tian knew that he couldn't hide it from Peng Gang, so he lightly brushed it off. He was afraid that saying it would enrage Peng Gang, after all, Peng Gang was old and it was better to know less.

Peng Gang saw that Yu Tian didn't say anything, so he didn't ask much.

At this time, Zhou Shuxian came over and said to Peng Gang, "Dad, Yuyan is back, why don't we just eat first and then talk?"

"Alright." Peng Gang nodded, and with Peng Yuyan's support, he walked towards the restaurant.

After having lunch, Yu Tian and Peng Yuyan accompanied Peng Gang and chatted for a while before Peng Gang waved his hand and said, "Alright, you guys go and chat about yourselves. I'm an old man and I don't want to delay you guys too much."

"Grandpa, I'm not going anywhere, just staying here with you." Peng Yuyan hugged Peng Gang's arm, pouting and pouting there.

Peng Gang happily looked at Peng Yuyan, his own precious granddaughter was only pampered in front of him. Nope, now there is one more person, and this bastard kid in front of him.

"Go on, it's good to have your words. If grandpa really left you here, only how would he scold grandpa in his heart for not understanding you young people?"

"Grandpa, what are you talking about? Ignoring you and getting angry." Pang Yuyan blushed and lowered her head. While her mouth was retorting, her eyes secretly glanced at Yu Tian.

Yu Tian knew that Peng Yuyan was shy, but he was not thin-skinned. After not seeing Pang Yuyan for so long, he still really had a lot of whispers to say to her. So, he sloped down to the old man and said, "Then we won't bother you anymore."

Pulling up the shy Peng Yuyan, Yu Tian ran directly to her room. Running to the door, Peng Yuyan suddenly said to Yu Tian, "Let's go to your room to talk, I can also help you clean up by the way."

Thus, Pang Yuyan brought Yu Tian, to the room he used to stay in the Pang family.

Gently pushing open the door of the room, Yu Tian raised his leg and walked in. The furnishings inside were still the same as when he left. However, there was no dust as expected, and it was still polished and shiny. Obviously, someone would come to clean it from time to time.

"It's all so clean here, what else is there to clean up?" Yu Tian scanned the surroundings and said to Peng Yuyan with a smile.

Casually taking the door with her hand, Pang Yuyan ruffled her long hair around her ears and whispered, "It's been so long since I've lived here, I'll have to change the quilts and bedsheets and everything."

"Change what, isn't this all clean?" As soon as Yu Tian laid down on the bed, his eyes swept towards the head of the bed. Suddenly, seeing a long hair by the pillow, he felt something strange in his heart. Then once he saw the shallow water stain marks on the pillow, Yu Tian looked at Peng Yuyan thoughtfully.

Peng Xiaofeng s words rang in his ears again: now she seldom comes home, and when she does, she doesn t talk much. Often stays in the room you used to live in and doesn't come out, and sometimes comes out with red eyes.

Slowly, Yu Tian's eyes became mesmerized. He seemed to see Pang Yuyan, a person in this room, cleaning up things and wiping the dust of the figure. Next, a person lying on this bed silently shed tears, and even cried himself to sleep.

Thinking of this, Yu Tian immediately felt as if there was a knife stabbing in his heart. Looking at Peng Yuyan, the mist above Yu Tian's eyes grew thicker and thicker.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Pang Yuyan was a little uncomfortable by Yu Tian's look, and turned around on the desk by the bed, wanting to find something random to organize, as a way to hide the panic in her heart.

As soon as her eyes swept over the long hair on the bedspread and the water-stained marks on the pillow, she suddenly realized why Utena was staring at herself with that look.

Some time ago, she suddenly received a call from Sun Xiaodie when she learned that Yutian had an accident in Wutong Mountain. In a panic, she ran back to the Peng family.

Later, although Peng Xiaofeng called back and told herself that Yutian was fine, she was still alone, sitting in this room, bawling under the covers. In the end, tired of crying, also in this room fell asleep.

The next day, Pang Yuyan didn't have time to change the quilt because she had to go to school, and planned to change it on Sunday. I did not expect that last Sunday, because of the study of the busy reason, did not go home. So this quilt pillow, also did not have time to change, did not expect, today was Yu Tian saw.

Thinking of this, Pang Yuyan immediately felt ashamed.

"Wait here, I'll go change the sheets first." With that, she hurriedly pushed Yu Tian away, pulled up the bed sheet on the bed, picked up the pillow in her hand, and lifted her leg to prepare to go outside.

"There's no need to change it, I'll sleep on these sheets today, let me feel your pain as well." Yu Tian hurriedly pulled Pang Yuyan and held her tightly in his arms. Greedily sniffing the fragrance of Peng Yuyan's hair, Yu Tian dreamily said.

Hearing these words, Pang Yuyan immediately buried her head into Yu Tian's chest, sobbing uncontrollably, and the sheets and pillows in her hands slipped to the ground with her.

At this time, Yu Tian wrapped his arms around Peng Yuyan even tighter, fearing that if he let go, Peng Yuyan would fly away as if he was letting her tears wet his chest.

"Yuyan, I was bad in the past, but I promise to double it back to you in the future, trust me." Yu Tian looked at Pang Yuyan compassionately, and assured in a firm tone.

"Eh, I believe in you. For these ten years, I have always believed in you." Pang Yuyan lifted a small pearly face and looked at Yu Tian with infatuation, her eyes filled with tenderness.

Looking at the delicate and charming Peng Yuyan, Yu Tian's eyes contained deep love, slowly lowered his head, and printed his hot lips towards Peng Yuyan's cherry red full lips.

Pang Yuyan wrapped her hands around Yu Tian's neck, stood on her tiptoes, stretched out her fragrant tongue, and enthusiastically responded to Yu Tian's frantic demands.

Yu Tian's hands, which were encircling Peng Yuyan's waist, slowly slid downward and rested on Peng Yuyan's rounded buttocks.

It was not known how long it took until Pang Yuyan felt her legs soften and slowly collapsed into Yutian's arms before the two of them parted from their passionate and fervent kiss.

"Yu Tian, love me." Pang Yuyan, who was intoxicated with lust, shyly looked at Yu Tian and let out a delicate moan.

Picking up the sheet on the ground that had just been drawn off, Yu Tian spread it out in three tries, stopped and picked up Peng Yuyan, gently placing her on the bed.

Yu Tian lay on his side beside Peng Yuyan, reaching out to explore Peng Yuyan's towering peaks while he was on his way to unbutton Peng Yuyan's chest.

At this time, Peng Xiaofeng's shout came from outside the door, "Brother Tian, are you in there?" Pang Xiaofeng even knocked hard on the door with his hand after shouting.

Pang Yuyan was so shocked that she hurriedly climbed up, pushed Yu Tian away, and looked at the small mirror on the table, ready to organize the messy clothes on her body.

Utena also jumped out of bed helplessly, straightened his clothes, and slowly walked to the door. Opening the door a small crack, black lines covered his face and his teeth gritted. "What's the matter?"

"Oh, so you're in ah, I'm looking for you for something." Peng Xiaofeng didn't even notice Yu Tian's face, seeing that Yu Tian was in the room, she pushed Yu Tian away and walked towards the room, while walking, she also complained towards Yu Tian, "How can I call you and not answer? Really, what are you doing hiding in the room?"

"Uh," Peng Xiaofeng just stepped into the room and looked up to see Peng Yuyan looking at something in the mirror, and from time to time reaching out to pull the clothes on her body around. Seeing his cousin's flushed face, and then seeing the messy bedsheets that left outsiders with infinite reveries, Peng Xiaofeng froze.

Peng Xiaofeng couldn't wait to slap himself, why did he barge in so boldly. He hurriedly smiled sarcastically, "Oh, so Sister is also here."

Peng Yuyan hated to find a hole in the ground at the moment, she covered her face with both hands and turned her back to Peng Xiaofeng, so shy that her feet jumped straight up.

Peng Xiaofeng also hurriedly retreated towards the door at this time, looking at Yutian's eyes that wanted to eat people, Peng Xiaofeng accompanied with a smile and said, "You guys chat first, I'll come back later." After saying that, he ran away.

Retracing his steps to the bedside and laying down on the bed, Yu Tian looked at Pang Yuyan, who was still covering her face, and said in a good-natured manner, "The person has already left."

Hearing this, Peng Yuyan then loosened her hands and reached out to pinch Yu Tian's waist, her eyes glaring at Yu Tian. "It's all your fault, this time I've lost a lot of face."

"Alas, come on, I don't know how you can have such a brother, full of mush. You say that it is not easy for me to come to the bar, I am preparing to be gracious, but he is such an interruption ... tragedy ah?" Yu Tian head resting on his hands, eyes looking at the ceiling, helplessly sighed to.

Pang Yuyan looked at Yu Tian's aggrieved appearance, and immediately forgot the embarrassment of just now, and laughed out loud, laughing in a flamboyant manner, leaning forward and backward, and the sound of her laughter spread out far, far away.