
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

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120 Chs

Chapter 49 Press Conference

In the lobby of the Nan Yun Hotel, Peng Yuyan was sitting in front of the podium with a few leaders from the Deep Sea University, smiling at the many media in front of her as she prepared to start this press conference.

Some of these reporters were from Guangnan Province, some from neighboring provinces and regions, and there were even reporters from the capital city who were stationed in Deep Sea. They are setting up long guns and short cannons to the podium of the several people "click, click, click" flash non-stop.


Pang Yuyan coughed gently to signal the start of the conference, and then turned to the microphone to introduce to the media, why the conference was held this time.


The story goes on to describe how Yutian saw his brother being bullied and was outraged, and then went to the teaching office to explain the reason for the fight to the head teacher. And inadvertently saw the director of the teaching staff to insult their own class teacher, and then the fight, and then was taken away by the police, and thus locked up in the detention center. This series of things after the cause of the detailed explanation once. Then stretched out his hand to make a gesture, signaling reporters friends can ask questions.


A female reporter took the flower tube and asked the person on the podium, "Hello, I'm a reporter from Deep Sea TV. What I want to ask is, in the past two days, there have been rumors circulating on the internet about the indecent video of the senior leaders of Deep Sea University, is this true? In addition, if it is true, then may I ask the school to this and any response? Thank you, I'm done with my questions."


Upon hearing the question, Chen Runhe helplessly took the microphone and said, "As the president of Deep Sea University, even though I very much do not wish to see such a situation happen, I have to say here today that it is true. On behalf of the university, I would like to apologize to the public. As for how our school has responded to this matter, what I can tell you now is that in this morning, our school leadership has always decided to remove Zhen Qianzuo from all positions in the school, expel him from the school, and never hire him. In addition, we will also hand over his matter to the police authorities to deal with him according to the law. For the victims of this incident, we have also expressed our apologies to them. Thank you, I'm done with my answer."


At this time, a male reporter stood up, took over the microphone and asked: "Hello, I'm a reporter from the capital TV station, I would like to ask for this Yu Tian students violently beat up schoolmates, you as bystanders, what kind of opinion do you have? There is also the Yu Tian this time to beat the person, is the chairman of the bright day group's son, bright day group in the deep sea is a very influential group, so Yu Tian will not be beaten because of the background of the person, and suffered unfair treatment it? Thank you, I'm done with my questions." Obviously, this was the trust that Peng Yuyan had found.


Pang Yuyan smiled faintly and spoke into the microphone, ''I think I've just made it very clear as to the cause of Yutian's assault on his classmate. But here I want to say one more thing is, originally is a pair of love lovers, but because the female骇 by a rich family son of the face of the predicament. The rich kid not only used his family's power to threaten the boy, but also beat up the lovers after being rejected by the girl, and even the boy was beaten to a bloody pulp as a result. Yutian saw his brother being beaten up and took action in righteous indignation, as far as I'm concerned, even if he was at fault, I'd say he wasn't guilty."


Speaking here, Pang Yuyan swept a glance at the crowd and continued, "Most of the media friends who came here today are female, and I'm also a female, so I think that if a man I fall in love with in the future sees his own brother being bullied and doesn't do anything about it, then I will leave him without hesitation. Because in my opinion, a man without a blood surname, he is not worthy of my love."


Hearing Pang Yuyan's wonderful answer, a warm applause rang out below, and the one leading the applause was obviously that reporter from the Capital TV station.


Then, Pang Yuyan pressed her hand downward, and then continued, "As for your question of whether or not Yu Tian will suffer unfair treatment because of this, here, I dare not speak out of turn. As I said just now, I personally think that even if he is at fault, he is not guilty, and he is now being locked up in the detention center, I personally feel that this is too serious of a treatment for him. Thank you all, my answer is over."


Just when the conference was in full swing, Li Weimin rushed in with a group of people. Li Weimin came in and yelled at the few people on the podium, "Who gave you permission to hold the conference here? Do you understand the situation? Now tomorrow group's Park son, was Yu Tian beaten into the hospital, until now people are not very awake, tell you, Yu Tian is not just a fight so simple, he is now suspected of intentional injury. Being put into the detention center, that is the provincial party committee's decision, you have is not qualified to question the provincial party committee's decision."


Hearing Li Weimin's words, there were quite a few reporters gathered there to talk to each other. Seeing such a situation, Li Weimin was also a bit proud of himself.


At this time, Fan Siyu hurriedly ran in, wanting to rush towards Peng Yuyan on the podium. She didn't know Peng Yuyan, but she could guess it at this moment. Seeing Peng Yuyan, Fan SiYu also has a little bit of weakness, after all, she now has a substantial relationship with YuTian, and she also knows that Peng YuYan and YuTian also have feelings for each other.


But now she couldn't care about anything else, so she hurriedly pulled out a cell phone from her pocket and then whispered something into Peng Yuyan's ear.


When Pang Yuyan heard Fan SiYu's words, she flipped the cell phone in her hand a few times. With a smile on her face, she stretched out her hand and said to Fan Si Yu, "You've come at the perfect time, thank you, my good sister."


Fan Si Yu froze, it seemed that people did know of her existence. When she came here, she had thought that Peng Yuyan might know of her existence, but she knew that what she was holding was very useful to Yutian, and it was something that her good sister Xiao Yanxia had inadvertently photographed when she was working the night shift.


Xiao Yanxia knows the relationship between Fan SiYu and YuTian, just as she learned that one of the wards in her care was beaten into the hospital by YuTian, so she has a mindful eye on this. As a nurse, she has seen more than nothing to do to blackmail people. Coincidentally, last night was really caught by her opportunity, this is not today she was off work and handed over to the Fan Si Yu, Fan Si Yu in the hands of rushed over.


On the way here, Fan Si Yu had thought that Peng Yuyan might sneer at her, had thought that she might yell at her, in short, she had never thought that Peng Yuyan would be so kind. However, she still politely shook hands.


Seemingly seeing Fan Si Yu's doubts, Peng Yuyan softly said, "We'll talk about any problems later, let's get down to business now." After saying that, she turned around and coughed into the microphone. Raising the cell phone in his right hand, he then said loudly, "Reporters and friends, now I have a new news to tell you, just now Mayor Li of Deep Sea City told us that Duke Park of Mingyi Group was beaten by Yutian until now, and is still not quite awake. However, this cell phone in my hand has captured Mr. Park's affair last night. I just don't understand, a person who our Mayor Lee claims is not very sober yet, yet he asked his bodyguards to go for him last night, and there were two of them at every turn. I would like to ask Mayor Li what explanation you have for this."


Then, Pang Yuyan pointed her cell phone at the microphone and pressed the play button of the phone. Immediately after that, a blushing sound came from the microphone, and the conversation between men and women was so unpleasant. The many reporters were also looking at Mayor Li with puzzled expressions.


Seeing that the situation was not right, Li Weimin slowly retreated outside, he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to get away.


As soon as Peng Yuyan saw Li Weimin's action, she made a wink to the male reporter of the Capital TV station without any trace. That reporter received Peng Yuyan's hint, blocked in front of Li Weimin, raised the microphone and asked: "Mayor Li, I am the reporter XX of the capital TV station stationed in the deep sea, Mayor Li, for what you have just said, the son of the chairman of the board of directors of the Mingyi Group Park Zhengyun, was beaten by Yutian's delirium and admitted to the hospital. But now there is evidence to prove that Park Zheng En is simply fine, I would like to ask Mayor Li, what is your opinion on this."


Li Weimin stared fiercely at the reporter in front of him, the heart that hate ah. Originally he was going to go, this reporter's interview seems to have reminded the rest of the reporters, so they all swarmed around, Li Weimin tightly surrounded in the center, and now want to go can not go.


In the face of the many reporters' mixed questions, Li Weimin instantly made a gray face, just said one after another, "I'm sorry, no comment for the time being." Then he winked at the people around him and left the conference site in a mess with the help of his subordinates.


Looking at Li Weimin's escape, Peng Yuyan is full of spring, she knows that the effect she wants to achieve. The next look at Li Weimin how to face the pressure of public opinion, it is estimated that in addition to find ways to cope with the media bombardment, Li Weimin did not have the energy to think of anything else.


In a good mood, Peng Yuyan waved her hand and said, "Come on, sisters, let's find a place to have a good chat and enhance our feelings."


Zhao Yutong hurriedly said, "This hotel is owned by my father, Sister Yuyan, I'll just go find a private room. Look at what you're saying, why are you still looking for a place. Don't you look down on my dad's hotel?"


Pang Yuyan touched her forehead and said, "Hehe, look at me, I forgot all about this. Well then, you go find a place, we'll follow you, and hit the streets today as well."


Then, the group of beauties chirped and followed Zhao Yutong towards the private room.