
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Ciudad
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120 Chs

Chapter 14 - Tsotsi's Arrest

The Green Dragon Gang was currently the largest gang in the Deep Sea, and their White Tiger Gang had long been ambitious to take its place. Although the Green Dragon Gang and the White Tiger Gang will have a battle sooner or later, but now is obviously not the time. But think of the time Tiger said words, White Tiger Gang now many things still have to rely on the Peng Hai Group support, especially the need for the care of the mayor of the city of deep sea, and Tiger now and the mayor of the city of deep sea's son still has a close cooperation. Although this is difficult to do today, but also have to do, or get to the Li family there is not good to talk. Without the support of the Peng Hai Group and the mayor of Shen Hai City, their White Tiger Gang wants to replace the Green Dragon Gang to become the number one gang in Shen Hai, that is undoubtedly a dream in vain.


Thinking of this, Hou Shuangxi straightened up, as if cheering himself up: ''Oh, so you are the Green Dragon Gang's Missy? The Green Dragon Gang is powerful, but our White Tiger Gang may not be afraid of you. Today we are here to look for this kid, it has nothing to do with you, please get out of the way so as not to hurt the peace between our two gangs."


Huang Yuejiao blocked in front of Yu Tian, "He is a guest I invited. With me here, let's see which one of you dares to touch a hair on his head. I'll put my words here today, as long as you guys dare to touch him, my Green Dragon Gang will be immortal with your White Tiger Gang."


Hearing Huang Yuejiao say these hard words, Hou Shuangxi also felt that he had lost face. Fired up, "You Green Dragon Gang bull, then our White Tiger Gang is not a soft persimmon, it's not something you can pinch just because you want to." Turning back to his head, he shouted at the junior brothers below, "Go on, waste this kid in front of me."


Yu Tian pushed Huang Yuejiao away, ''Girl, get out of the way. This is a matter for men. Also, when you encounter something like this in the future, don't just stand in front of a man, it will make the man lose face." Only to see the whistling sound of the wind, Yu Tian scurried out, bang, bang, bang a dozen times in a row, the people of the White Tiger Gang were lying on the ground, Hou Shuangxi was stunned, he didn't expect Yu Tian's hands to be so horrible.


Yutian said, "If you want me to have one hand and one foot, then I will only need one hand and one foot from you as well." After saying this, he took one step at a time, but with every step a wail was heard, for with every step Yutian took someone had either a hand or a foot crushed by him.


Yu Tian smiled and said to Hou Shuangxi, "They're all lying down, it's your turn." Hou Shuangxi looked at Yu Tian's devilish smile and couldn't stop regretting. How can he be so unlucky today, originally Tiger called him over to clean up a young man, he thought it would be a matter of minutes, but he didn't expect to meet a demon.


"This brother, no, this big brother, grandpa. It's me, Hou Shuangxi, who has eyes and doesn't recognize Mt. Tai, you have the generosity to spare me. I am also following orders ...." Hou Shuangxi couldn't stop begging for mercy.


"Ah" Hou Shuangxi let out a miserable scream, Yu Tian then crushed his right hand, followed by another kick. "Ah" Hou Shuangxi let out another scream, his left leg was also ruined.


"Keeping my word, I also have this habit." Yu Tian smiled indifferently and turned his head to look at Li Shao Hua, "I just let you off the hook, but I didn't expect you to still not die. Since you want to die so badly, I will fulfill you. These people were brought here by you, wanting one of my hands and one of my legs must be your intention, so I'll take both of your legs, it shouldn't be too much."


"You. Don't you come over." Li Shaohua screamed in fear, but not too much? Too much. Wasted legs he Li Shaohua still mixed ah, he still has a lot of youthful years have not enjoyed it, there are still a lot of beautiful women have not played with it. So he quickly said: "Do you know who I am? My dad is the chairman of Peng Hai Group, and my uncle is the mayor of Deep Sea City. If you dare to touch me, my dad and my eldest uncle, they won't spare you."


"Forget it, Xiaotian." Huang Yuejiao also walked up and advised. Offending the White Tiger wasn't scary, anyway, their Green Dragon Gang wasn't something to be messed with. By the time Huang Yuejiao asked her dad to intervene, it was estimated that the White Tiger Gang wouldn't start a war with the Green Dragon Gang just because the few people in front of them were beaten up by Yu Tian. But if the Li family was offended because of beating up Li Shao Hua, then it would be a bit of a problem. If Mayor Li used his power to oppress people, I'm afraid that even if Huang Yulong stepped in, he wouldn't be able to protect Yu Tian. She, Huang Yuejiao, didn't want Yu Tian to be in trouble.


"Mayor? I've never really been afraid, and I've never changed what I've decided." Yu Tian cleanly abolished Li Shaohua's legs after he finished speaking. Then he pulled the surprised Huang Yuejiao and walked towards the outside.


Huang Yuejiao didn't expect Yu Tian to really dare to lay hands on Li Shaohua, she had an anxious look on her face: ''You're in trouble, I said that, why are you still laying hands on him. What to do? What to do?" Huang Yuejiao grabbed her hair and asked repeatedly. Suddenly Huang Yuejiao like decided something like: "You quickly go, now immediately leave the deep sea, I asked my father to send someone to send you away, here I will deal with the matter." Yu Tian had saved her life and helped Xiao Wei. This time the matter can also be said to be because of her, no matter how she Huang Yuejiao also want to keep Yu Tian, even if with the Li family fish death net broken also again at any cost.


Yutian looked at Huang Yuejiao was very touched, this girl first thought of actually told him to go quickly, he stayed to face the Li family's anger. Doesn't she know that this will make her Huang family and the Qinglong Gang all doom and gloom? An official, a bandit. The outcome of a fight between the two is not in doubt. Thinking about it, Yu Tian smiled.


Seeing Yutian laughing, Huang Yuejiao was furious: "What time is it, you still laugh, go away, do you hear me? It'll be too late if you don't leave."


What a fear of what's coming. "Who called the police?" A voice came. Hearing this voice Huang Yuejiao was aghast: "It's over, it's too late. You go through the back door, quick, I'll block for you first."


Yutian smiled bitterly, this girl really wasn't generally oblivious to him, didn't she think about the fact that since she had wasted Li Shaohua, she really hadn't thought about the consequences?


Also at this moment, a group of police rushed up, Yu Tian took a look: what a coincidence, the leader was actually Jia Xinren.


Jia Xinren also saw Yu Tian, "So you kid is here too, what are you doing here?"


As soon as Li Shaohua saw the police coming, he couldn't care less about the pain in his leg and immediately pointed at Yutian and called out, "Catch him, don't let the criminals get away. My legs are broken by him."


Jia Xinren looked over at the voice and couldn't help but jump, "Aiya, it's Li Shao ah, what are you pulling?"


Seeing Jia Xinren, Li Shaohua felt that his savior had come. "Captain Jia, grab this kid, he broke both my legs for no reason, he's a murderer, grab him, I'm going to tell my eldest uncle, I won't be called Li Shao Hua until I get him killed."


Jia Xinren heard, this is not good? Actually broke the legs of Mayor Li's nephew, originally because of Fan Si Yu he hated Yu Tian to the bone, he was worried about how to find an opportunity to teach Yu Tian a good lesson, this time the opportunity came, so he waved: "Come on people, give me to arrest this kid and bring him back to the bureau. In addition, come two people quickly send Li Shao to the hospital."


Huang Yuejiao was displeased: "How can you just listen to one side of the story and just arrest people? How do you police work?"


Jia Xinren played the official voice: "We police how to do things do not need you this girl to * heart, we will not wrongly accuse a good person, will not let go of a bad person. There is something to be said at the police station."


"Are you sure you want to take me back to the police station?" Yutian said with a smirk Jia Xinren looked at Yutian, "You threaten me? You beat up Mayor Li's nephew, kid you're just waiting to sit through the bottom of the jail. If you are sensible, follow me back to the police station, otherwise if you resist arrest, we can shoot you on the spot."


Yutian thought about it, it's not good to make a big deal here, no matter what, this is Zhao Zhennan's hotel, so he opened his mouth and said, "Okay, I'll go back with you." Turning his head to Huang Yuejiao, "You go back first, don't worry, I'm fine."


"Count on your good sense and take it away." Jia Xinren said smugly. A group of police officers then took Yu Tian back to the police station.


Huang Yuejiao didn't follow, she was speeding all the way back to the Rose Garden. And when Jia Xinren led Yu Tian out of the Nan Yun Hotel past the lobby, a waitress happened to see Yu Tian and couldn't help but say, "It's him."


The manager of the Nan Yun Hotel happened to come over and asked, "Who is it? Little Flower, this person you recognize."


"Manager Hu, which young man who was just taken away is the one who came over for dinner with Mr. Zhao a few days ago, as if Mr. Zhao was still polite to him." Little Flower said.


"Oh, is that so?" Manager Hu felt that things were getting a bit big, so he hurriedly called Zhao Zhennan