
Yuta Okkotsu

Yuta Okkotsu might be one of the most OP characters in JJK because he is like the combination of Gojo and Geto. Gojo is strong because he was born strong, but he has a peak, and once that peak is reached, then that's it. Geto, meanwhile, though he is trash, that guy has no peak. If he were immortal like Tengen, given enough time, that guy could potentially beat Sukuna in a one-on-one battle. Though it might take a million years, he still theoretically can do it. Yuta is both born strong and has no peak; his cursed technique enables him to improve himself every day as long as jujutsu sorcerers keep being born (he can also copy curse techniques, by the way, so yeah). He has only been a sorcerer for 2, maybe 3 years, and somehow he is now up against Sukuna. Though he got cooked, I'm going to say it's because he didn't have enough prep time (unlike that fraud Geto, who went on a decade-long time skip not knowing RCT). So I thought, what if I make someone take over Yuta's body and give him prep time? Around 5 years before he even gets into Jujutsu High? What kind of monster will he be? And thus, this story is born. Enjoy.

DailyTransmigrator · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

Kyoto school

As the sun set, excitement filled the air, buzzing through the crowd. Fans of all ages gathered at the venue, their faces alive with anticipation.

Voices blended into a lively hum as people chatted and mingled, banners and posters adding bursts of color to the scene.

"Yuta-kun! Over here!" In the midst of the crowds, three teenagers could be seen with the blonde girl in the middle waving her hands to her friend.

She was waving to a boy wearing an all-black high school uniform, his hair reaching down to his chin.

Next to him stood a young man much taller than the previous boy, his muscular build more pronounced and His hair was styled into a bun at the back of his head. He is wearing the same uniform Yuta is wearing so the familiarity is there

Yuta noticed the girl waving at him and began to approach the group. Surprisingly, the young man beside him also followed him to the group.

"What took you so long? The opening show has already finished," the blonde girl said as Yuta approached them.

He replied in a carefree manner, "Well, I had to ditch my ride first. I'm not here for sightseeing, after all."

The group began to notice the tall man that followed Yuta, their curiosity piqued.

"Hey, Yuta, who is your friend?" the blonde-haired girl quickly asked about the buff man that followed her friend, looking more closely at the boy.

'He is big!' the blonde girl thought, impressed by the muscular stature of the newcomer.

"Right. Everyone, this is Todo. He's a student from Jujutsu High in Kyoto, so he's a sorcerer just like me.

And Todo, these are my friends. They already know about Jujutsu because I told them before I even entered Jujutsu High, so you don't need to hide it from them," Yuta introduced Todo to his friends, and they shook hands as they introduced themselves.

"Anyway, Todo here likes B-Komachi as well, and he's going to watch the concert too. So I thought, why don't we all just come and watch the concert together?" Yuta suggested. Ruby's eyes sparkled with excitement as she began to nerd out about idols.

"No way! You're a Komachis too?!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Of course, my fellow Komachis. Watching idols is the world's greatest joy. I pity those who have not been enlightened yet," Todo chimed in.

"Yes! Yes! You're so right!" Ruby agreed enthusiastically.

They continued nerding out with each other, while the other people in the group watched, amused, as they distanced themselves, pretending not to know the two of them.

"Great, now there are two of them," the girl with black hair remarked.

"Let's just ignore them and pretend we don't know them," the twin brother of the other girl suggested.

"Agreed," Yuta agreed, watching the two nerds excitedly run to one of the booths to buy some merchandise.

As the group strolled around the bustling concert grounds, they passed by booths selling an array of merchandise, from glow sticks to posters adorned with the image of the idol group, C-Komachi, under Ichigo Production.

People of all ages walked alongside them, sharing in the excitement of the debut performance.

However, after completing their rounds and taking in the sights, the realization dawned upon them simultaneously:

"This is boring," they all thought. Everytime these kind of event happends, Ruby is always there to make it interesting, but now since she is off somewhere with Todo, they don't get as much fun as they usual got

"Hey! Where are you guys going?! The concert will start soon!" From around the corner, the previous blonde girl appeared wearing all sorts of merch and shirts, along with a glow stick and fan for cheering on the new idols.

"Brother! Let's hurry! The show is going to start!" The buff man also appeared alongside her, wearing the same merch she was wearing.

The three of them chuckled at their two friends and walked towards them.


"What a spectacular performance! While not as great as the Ai Era, they truly are able to continue her legacy," Todo remarked, as the group sat at one of the food stalls being a maid cafe at the event, discussing the impressive debut of the new idols.

(A/N Too bad none of you can watch it :)

Even Rika was out as she ate alongside the group. Well, her head was. It stuck out of Yuta's stomach so he could sneakily feed her without raising any suspicions from people, unless they looked too closely.

To the two twins who couldn't see curses, it looked like Yuta was just shoving food into his stomach and it disappeared. However, the other two people at the table who could see curses observed the unusual scene happening with Yuta.

"Is that... Normal?" Todo asked, as weird as he is. He still find it quite strange to see a curse's head coming out of someone's stomach to eat hamburgers while gleefully squealing once in a while. It was still a very unusual scene.

"Yeah, she gets lonely if she's left out for too long," Yuta replied, patting the curse's head, which elicited another joyful squeal from it.

"Anyway, let's talk about the reason why I came to this concert in the first place," Yuta suddenly changed his tone to a more serious one as he looked at the other people at the table with a serious expression.

"On December 24th, don't go anywhere near Tokyo or Kyoto. Tell your mom and everyone you love to also stay away from those two cities on that day," Yuta warned the people at the table, and Todo's face also change

"Is it because of the war?" Todo asked Yuta, and he nodded in confirmation.

"Wait, wait. What war? Is there a war coming?!" the blonde-haired girl said in panic, but she still tried to keep her voice low so as not to alarm the other guests.

"It's not a big deal, some dumb sorcerer decided that he wants to kill every non-sorcerer because he's stupid, that's all.

Obviously we're going to stop him, but who knows how many casualties there will be so please just don't be there," Yuta tried to reassure the girl that everything would be fine, but he only made it worse by telling them the truth.

"Is he, like, strong?" the blonde-haired girl asked again.

"By himself? No, I can defeat him within a minute. But his curse technique allows him to gather an army of curses, and he's going to throw 1000 curses each on those cities.

Again, it's not a big deal. This is just a precaution that I want you to take, since I don't want either of you to die," Yuta reassured them once again. But after the mention of the sheer number of curses that were going to be unleashed on each city, they began to panic again.

"Calm down. Everything is fine. Kaya can probably kill half of those curses herself if they attack her," Yuta reassured them once again. This time, they finally calmed down.

"She's a sorcerer?" Todo asked, surprised by how Yuta made her appear so strong without ever mentioning her as a sorcerer before.

"No," Kaya replied quickly.

"She's not an official sorcerer, but she has a great curse technique that works PERFECTLY on curses. It works against normal sorcerers too, but not as effectively as it does against curses," Yuta explained. Todo became more intrigued by the girl's mysterious curse technique.

"I call it 'Wither.' Her curse technique weakens the curse she touches by at least 2 grades. The effect is instantaneous so she can just punch a grade 3 curse, and it will die as if it were only a grade 5. if there is such a grade.

It works against sorcerers too, but as I said, not as effectively as it does against curses," Yuta explained the girl's curse technique to Todo. Todo began to look at the black-haired girl in a new light, recognizing her strong curse technique.

"That's amazing, Why don't you become a sorcerer if you have such a powerful technique?" Todo asked.

"Because I don't want to," Kaya simply replied.

"It's her childhood trauma, don't worry about it," Yuta answered for the girl. He and Kaya had been friends for the past five years, just a few months after he gained consciousness in his new body.

Kaya slapped him on the head, but Yuta didn't really see it as an attack anymore so he just ignored it.

"Is everything really okay, Yuta? Shouldn't we evacuate everyone before that happens?" Aqua showed his worry that Yuta might just be trying to reassure them and downplay the danger that is going to happen in Kyoto and Tokyo.

"Not really, as I said, everything is fine and under control. Remember, it's one special grade against two special grades and two entire schools. Just by sheer numbers, we already won," Yuta reassured, his confidence unwavering.

"So why is he so confident in trying to attack us? Because he's dumb, as I said," Yuta replied calmly, taking a sip of the coffee given to him by one of the maids as he explained the situation.

"Two special grades... Are you talking about Yuta Okkotsu?" Todo asked.

"Yeah, me," Yuta replied.

"I see, what a surprise, right? A first-year student comes along, and he's already a special grade. I wonder what kind of person he is."

"It's me," Yuta confirmed.

"Yuta... Yuta Okkotsu..." The gears in Todo's mind began to turn. His 530,000 IQ brain was calculating at high speed, making connections between those two names.


"You just realized it?!" Yuta replied, surprised by Todo's slowness at recognising him


"Yuta! You're finally here, you brat!" The principal suddenly yelled at me as soon as I walked onto the school grounds.

"What is this? I just got here, and I'm already being scolded?" I replied in a playful tone, fueling the principal's rage even more.

"You ditch us and go off to god knows where, without even a peep of information, you turn off your phone so no one can call you.

Don't you have any respect for your elders, you brat?!" The principal scolded me once again, but his words just slid out of my ears as soon as they entered.

So I just laughed, letting him scold me as I wasn't even paying attention to his words.

"Principal Yaga," suddenly, from behind the principal, a wrinkly old man walked alongside a woman wearing a shrine miko like outfit, and they walked towards us.

The wrinkly old man opened one of his eyes and stared directly at me. He stared so intently at me, as if trying to gauge my abilities.

"Is this the rumored Yuta Okkotsu?" the old man said as he finished his visual assessment of me.

"Principal Gokuganji, yes, this is Yuta Okkotsu," the principal replied, looking back at the old man and introducing me to him. I raised my hand in a greeting manner.

"Yo," I greeted him casually.

"Hmm... Another special grade, huh?... I just hope this one is better than Gojo," Principal Gokuganji remarked.

"I'm sorry for burning your hope, Principal Gokuganji, but this one is worse than Gojo," the principal replied.

"Hey, I can hear you two, you know?" I interjected, feeling a bit offended by their gossiping right in front of my face as if I weren't there.

"Todo, where were you off to?" the shrine maiden Teacher noticed the other high schooler beside me as we walked back to the school together.

""Concert,"" Todo and I replied at the same time.

"Yuta" principal Yaga called me, looks like their gossiping session is over

"Go and put your stuff in the boys' dorm. We'll be here for 3 days, so just take any empty room you can find," the principal instructed me. I replied with a quick "Okay" and began to walk towards the school.

Todo showed me where the boys' dorm was, and we left the old coots to do their plotting as usual.

(3rd person POV)

"So that is Yuta Okkotsu," Utahime, the woman wearing a shrine maiden outfit, said while watching the retreating figure of the students.

"What a terrifying amount of cursed energy. Is that his usual output?" Principal Gokuganji chimed in, observing as the Tokyo student went with Todo and slowly faded away into the distance.

But one thing that made the boy different from the others is that his body is constantly exuding curse energy like there's no tomorrow.

"Is he always doing that?" the old principal asked.

"Yes, it looks like his actual output is much higher than what he is exuding right now. He never turns that off, so I assume it's either his own cursed energy being too much for him to store in his own body,

or he is using reinforcement constantly," Principal Yaga explained the peculiar nature of the boy's cursed energy.

"I see," the old principal said.

"Is it fair for the other students to compete against him? Sure, he is alone, but he is still a special grade. I don't think it would be wise to let him fight against the other students who aren't even Grade 1 yet," the shrine maiden teacher remarked, seeing the person with her own eyes was very different from just hearing about him from rumors.

Being face-to-face with the special grade boy, she could feel the ominous presence on the boy's back, constantly assessing danger and ready to attack anyone who would harm him.

"Their goal is not to beat him, but rather to pull out their full potential and fight against an opponent much stronger than them. It's so that we can see how they fare against such an opponent," the old principal answered her worries, and they stared at the boy silently.


"Ah, last night sure was tough, right?" Three girls were sitting near a vending machine, their tired expressions evident after a long night.

One of them, a girl in a suit, exuded an air of sophistication. Her long hair cascaded down her back, with bangs cut into a triangular shape, adding a quirky touch to her appearance.

The second girl, although smaller in stature, possessed an air of maturity beyond her years. Her hair defied gravity, styled into two small pillows that seemed to float above her head, giving her a distinctively unique look.

Lastly, the tallest girl among them sported short, dark green hair that reached her neck. Unlike her companions, her uniform featured a small turtleneck, adding a subtle yet stylish flair to her ensemble.

"You two should get used to it; you're sorcerers now, so be ready for any surprise like that," the small girl with blonde hair said to the other two as she inserted money into the vending machine, which dispensed some drinks.

"A surprise like a Grade 2 curse appearing on a Grade 3 subjugation? Are our inspection department that incompetent?" the short-haired one said, already holding her soda while sitting near the vending machine.

"It is what it is. No matter how thoroughly we try to check, some curses might be hiding once in a while. That's why we send sorcerers that are at least one grade higher than the mission to complete the task," the blonde-haired girl explained.

"But we're both Grade 3, though," the blue-haired girl piped up, her expression showing her uncertainty.

"Yeah, but there are two of you. And I was there just in case anything went wrong," the blonde girl explained, her tone soothing to ease their worries. She grabbed her drink from the vending machine, taking a quick sip to refresh herself.

"Anyway, have you two heard about the sister school goodwill events?" The blonde girl changed the subject, catching the attention of the other girls who raised their eyebrows in curiosity.

"No, what's that?" the blue-haired girl asked, intrigued by the new topic.

"Every year, there's a sister school goodwill event between the Kyoto School of Jujutsu and the Tokyo School of Jujutsu. The location of the event depends on the winner of the previous year, and this year it's in Kyoto," the blonde girl explained to her friends, piquing their interest even further.

"What kind of event is it, though?" the short-haired girl inquired.

"Well, usually, the principal and staff decide what kind of events there will be. But most of the time, it ends up being a group fight on the first day and individual fights on the second.

But, I think this year might be different, considering the Tokyo school only sent one person for the event," the blonde-haired girl responded, taking another sip of her soda.

"One person? Do they underestimate us THAT much?" the short-haired girl asked again, her disbelief evident in her tone.

"I don't think so. They are sending a special grade, after all," the blonde-haired girl replied, causing the tall girl's eyes to widen in sudden realization.

"A special grade?"

"A special grade."

"Like... Satoru Gojo type of stuff?"


The two first years took in the news with heavy hearts, realizing that they would need to fight against a special grade, which sent a wave of fear through them—but also excitement.

~~~~~~~~~ To be continued ~~~~~~~~~

Alright before any of you start to complain, i know that these people might not match with their personality on the actual story. That is because I don't know how they act

The Kyoto Student are rarely shown and i also very much just ignore them whenever they appear, they are cannon fodder, their cursed techniques sucks and their personality is also suck

Except for Todo and Mechmaru but eh.... They don't count

I can take a few breaks here and there to research how they act and speak but that would mean no chapters for a few days. I still have a job and i do this as hobby so i can really do much of research my self

Anyway, that's that, see you later!