
yuragi-sou no yuuna-san: template system.

4 years ago, aiden discovered that her body absorbs a type of strange energy that disappears shortly after entering her body. Now 4 years later her body stopped passively absorbing the strange energy and a strange template system was activated. What will fate have in store for aiden? and what character templates will he get?... read the ff to find out. :v The protagonist is not a reincarnated person. (He didn't know what to write, neither in the name nor in the synopsis, but hey, I did my best.)

MiguelCreative · Cómic
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20 Chs

chapter 6

[The next day]

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY EYES!! And I don't look more handsome?"

He yelled aiden as he looked at herself in the mirror after waking up.

Yesterday after planning what he was going to do today. he cooked and ate and then went to bed and slept, but this morning as he went into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth, he noticed his new appearance.

First, his eyes, previously brown, are now golden yellow, totally different from the previous ones. (like the werewolves from teen wolf, not so bright)

Then there was the appearance of him, apart from him being more handsome, you could say that all his physical imperfections were gone, aiden couldn't help but think that if he runs out of money he will start his career as a model or actor. he couldn't let his new look go to waste.

"Now what do I do?..."

Aiden thought out loud as he sighed, he could make something up with his new look, like it was his fault that he was growing… but, the eyes of another color?. What will he say, what are contact lenses?...

"Even though that wouldn't be a bad idea... but, they'll see me weird, well more than normal"

Aiden said as he sighed again, knowing that it was a small cost to pay for being able to go out in the sun and so on.

He clearly knew that it was the technique's fault, he had seen too many cultivation novels to know what happened, but it still surprised him.

[Time after]

Aiden was eating while he watched television. After seeing his new look, it was a while before he could calm down and after doing so he went back to his daily vacation routine. Which is to do nothing all day... Or so it was, if the system hadn't turned on.

"System, when can I re-enter the training room?"

[System: At the same time you entered yesterday, host, the training room needs about 24 hours to be used again.]

"Mmmm, ok, ok... but, what time was it that I came in?"

[System: 8:26 pm]

"Hmmm, so... while I wait I'll see the other techniques, but... finish eating and watch the anime first..."

He said aiden as he went back to eating and watching the anime. (I won't say which one it is: v)

[Time after]

"Ok... I didn't expect it to be two hours..."

Aiden said while sighing, he was supposed to only watch one chapter, but in the end he would stay watching 5 chapters and almost started to see number 6.

"Well, no one is rushing me, so it doesn't matter, let's see, clone technique... Hmmm, isn't it similar to the naruto anime clones?"

Aiden said as he took out the first book with the technique, now that he was not in a hurry like yesterday, he realized that the technique was too similar to the e-rank technique in the world of Naruto.

"Hmmm, well, if so, that would be very helpful, if I raised the level of the technique enough I'll be able to make clones like shadow clones, which can give me their memories"

"That will be very helpful for training, although I will have to be careful when I do it or else goodbye brain"

Said aiden as he thought about his future plans to become a professional lazy while his clones train and do everything.

"Instant movement or shundo technique... I think I've seen an anime with this technique, but I don't remember where... Hmmm, I think the protagonist was a vampire? Or something like that...??"

Aiden said as he thought about where he had seen this technique, but he really wasn't good at remembering anime names.

"Mmmmm... uq forder? Uq honder?... UQ HOLDER!, ok, anime where the protagonist is a clone of another protagonist, I think it was like that, well, never mind"

"Shundo also has [Void Instant Movement]... variation that allows to move in the air, even though I need a lot of training to do that"

He thought aiden out loud as he sighed, he's already seeing all the training coming that he needs to be able to use it.

"Then we have the technique to be able to walk on walls and water, just like in naruto. Then there is the one to be able to create clothes and weapons, very useful indeed"

"And then we have the two that caught my attention the most... [door] and [silence], hehehe how many possibilities are there with those two techniques, but I'm a good person, so I wouldn't do something like that"

Aiden said as he laughed pervertedly but then he shook his head and closed his eyes as an imaginary white halo appeared above his head.

"But seriously... [pueta] will certainly be very useful, since I need to find a secluded place to be able to train, totally secluded, which means that it needs to be very far, who knows what powers I will get and it will make me need a wide area and without people to be able to train"

He said aiden as he got serious.

"[Silence] I don't know why I'll need it... but it's good to have it just in case..."

He said aiden while he shrugged his shoulders, there are many things he can use it, but he only came to mind at the moment, although for now he can't do it.

[time after]

Aiden was lying on the floor while he had his feet on the wall.

'Well, let's see, I'm supposed to place my energy on the soles of my feet and adhere it to the wall... more or less that's right?'

He thought aiden as he made an effort to move some of his energy to the soles of his feet, yet that is easier said than done.

[Time after]

"Who would have known that training like this would tire you in another way..."

Aiden said while his body was bathed in sweat, he had been training to walk on walls, but it is not as easy as it seems, since he ended up mentally exhausted from looking for the right portion of energy to be able to do it.

But he surprisingly managed to make [Spiritual Energy Control] go up one level. now he can not only control his energy better, he was able to walk on the wall, although he was too tired to keep trying, but well it only took about 5 hours to achieve it... it wasn't much.

"It's still a long time before I can enter the training room... Well, I'll rest while I watch anime..."

He said aiden as he settled on the floor in a position that he can watch the TV and turned it on, he was too sweaty to lie on his bed.