
Yu-Gi-Oh! Gojoing GX

Yugioh GX Fanfic Branch off timeline from Help me Step Gojo, I'm Stuck. -YuGiOh and the official cards are all owned by Konami. -This is an AI generated DMG. Volume 2 is Arifureta Fanfic.

AnHa8 · Cómic
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63 Chs

Would you press the button? - A1

A/N: Don't take this fanfic volume seriously; it's just a writing exercise for me and to help me. Butttttt it's also an Artiferia fanfic with some Yugioh elements on the side.


"So, what the hell is this?" Gojo questioned, eyeing the red-button device in his hand.

"It looks exactly like that button from the Isekai Quartet. No matter how you look at it, this shit looks sketchy as hell," he added, scrutinizing the object.

Dark Magician Girl knelt before him, a sign draped around her neck reading "I'm a dummy," while absentmindedly twirling her fingers.

"Um, well, the old God gave it to me," she began explaining, "Saying we could use it during summer break and then skip to the start of season 2. But I didn't really understand it at the time. So, I stored it away."

'And you didn't bother letting me know!? Nah, forget it. I could never truly get mad at her. Knowing that old coot, it's probably a conditional use anyway. No point fussing about it,' he thought, feeling internally annoyed.

"So, it's like a time skip button?" Gojo frowned, trying to make sense of the purpose of this thing.

Gojo let out a sigh before lying back down on his bed. Now he doesn't want to touch that button.

"Uhm. He also mentioned that it's the one of the only ways to entertain you." She added.

"Uh huh. Go on," Gojo replied, his interest waning. 'Entertain me with more Yu-Gi-Shit why don't you, shitty god.'

"Yeah… so Hubby. The thing is, when we return here it will then be the start of season 2." she clarified.

"Return huh… Return. Return...!?" Gojo shot back up, his eyes widening in realization.

"Yeah, it's a... way to go to another new world?" Dark Magician Girl confirmed his thoughts, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "That old god did say it's a dangerous world too. Mentioned how there's no way of dueling or shadow games there." She paused, then murmured the last part almost to herself, "Didn't mention a way to come back."

"Get up honey, we're going to a whole new world right now!" Gojo excitedly picked her up in a princess carry, surprising her.

As she embraced her husband, Dark Magician Girl spoke up with a hint of concern, "Hey, hubby, shouldn't we think this through? The old god warned it's a very dangerous world. That's not something to take lightly."

"Danger? LOLOLOL, I'm Gojo. What's there to be afraid of? Let's do this!" Gojo confidently said with his trademark confidence. All the while hugging Dark Magician Girl close.

"Ah…" Just as Gojo was about to press the button, he glanced at his wife. He didn't quite catch that Dark Magician Girl seemed a bit nervous, but Gojo's gaze fell on her attire. He thought she shouldn't be wearing her Magician outfit.

With a swift gesture, Gojo activated the Gate of Babylon to change her appearance. Ain't no way he was going to let anyone see Dark Magician Girl with that getup. So, he transformed her attire into something resembling his own, complete with sunglasses.

Gojo's taste in fashion is what you expect, though it does look good. But it's the same as the Jujutsu Kaisen uniform worn at Jujutsu High. Additionally, Dark Magician Girl wore a bind-on-equip choker resembling the Eye of Wdjat, graciously gifted by Gojo. This symbolic accessory served as the eye of truth, warding off any mental intruders attempting to peer into or possess her.

The Eye of Wdjat took the place of her former choker, a subtle yet meaningful change in appearance. Despite Gojo's lavish gifts of accessories, Dark Magician Girl preferred to wear only her wedding ring and her choker.

Within that ring lies a myriad of functions, ranging from cleaning spells to auto-repairing garments and even rejuvenation—all conveniently contained within that wedding ring, of course.

"Now we match. Heh." Gojo smugly smiled, then pressed the button.

After pressing the button, a blue vortex surrounded the two. Gojo and Dark Magician Girl weren't sure how this button would work or function, they just knew it would just allow them to enter a new world.

But what they didn't expect was being forcefully knocked unconscious by an unknown phenomenon.

No, that wasn't entirely right.

Although unconscious, Dark Magician Girl's body was incarnating. She was becoming fully fleshed, no longer a spirit. Meanwhile, Gojo's soul and consciousness was recorded and then forcefully expelled from his own body and then transplanted into hers.

Then a horrifying twist, Gojo's physical body disappeared into nothingness.

The blue vortex intensified, morphing into a luminous silver circle that etched intricate geometric patterns on the floor. As it glowed, it enveloped the unconscious form of Dark Magician Girl.

What remained was an empty room, devoid of any presence.

Now what the hell was going on?


A/N: I'm sorry. but I'm going to take some pages from the light novel to introduce the start with some very small minor edit. Full disclosure I do not own anything. Arifureta is owned by Ryo Shirakome. I am using his work as an inspiration for this part of the volume fanfic.

In another world. Known as Japan. (An actual world by the way.)

It was Monday, arguably the most depressing day of the week. As students buzzed around, hustling to make it to school and into their classes on time, our other protagonist Hajime Nagumo was no exception.

However, in his case, he struggled with depression. School, which was a total pain in the ass for individuals like him, felt like hell. Not only that but he was the victim of continuous bullying. But today he was in the worse shape possible, he pulled two all nighter to complete a task of his.

Despite feeling sleep-deprived and weakened both physically and mentally, Hajime managed to arrive just before the bell for the first period. With a heavy heart, he pushed open the door to his classroom, only to be met with a barrage of scornful glares and annoyed tongue clicks from the majority of the male students as soon as he set foot in the room.

None of the female students seemed all too pleased to see him either with the exception of an extreme few. Normally it would be fine to simply ignore such a person, but they too gave him stares of contempt.

As usual Hajime started his day trying his best to ignore everyone as he went to his seat. But as always there are a few troublesome students who just couldn't resist making fun of him.

"Sup, gross Otaku! Stay up all night playing video games again? I bet you were playing porn game the whole time!"

"Fucking creep. What kind of disgusting pervert stays up all night playing porn games?" Another boy chimed in.

While a group of boys laughed, as if they found this statement somehow 'hilarious' it was always these four, with Daisuke Hiyama standing out as the ringleader of Hajime's tormentors. In fact, he never seemed to tire of bullying Hajime.

As for the reason behind this, Hajime is, in fact, an Otaku. However, it's crucial to note that his appearance is quite normal. Being labeled as an Otaku didn't really bother him. He was the type of person who is tidy and neat. He didn't really have any communication problems, but he wasn't the talkative type either. Thus, he had no trouble responding to people who talked to him. Overall, he was a quiet person, not gloomy, and didn't want to cause trouble. Yet, due to his family's involvement in the gaming and anime industries, he had a wealth of knowledge about them, which was quite regular for him.

Public opinions of otakus have never been something called positive. Mostly being an otaku would earn you a glance. But never to the point of bullying and being called out like that.

So, what's the source behind this unfounded bullying? Or rather, why are the group of boys harassing Hajime and hating him? Well, we'll get to that.

"Good morning, Naumo-Kun! You barely made it on time today again. You should make more of an effort to come to school earlier so you wouldn't be late." One of the girls smiled softly as she walked up to Hajime, attempting to get closer to him. She was one of the few people in the whole school who treated him kindly. Yet, ironically, she was also the very reason why everyone in the school hated him.

A/N: It's a cliche.

Kaori Shirasaki, one of the most popular girls in school, and beautiful

enough to be considered a goddess by many. She had sleek, black hair

that went all the way down to her waist, and large alluring eyes filled

with kindness. Her three bust sizes are, I'm, Fucking, Kidding. 

he always appeared to be smiling, and her ability to take care of people along with her strong sense of duty made her one of the most well-liked at Hajime's school. She was extremely kind and understanding, and no one had ever seen her sad.

There's one aspect of Kaori's behavior that puzzles many: her interest in Hajime. Despite his reputation as a "bad" student—often found sleeping in class, pulling all-nighters, and maintaining average grades—Kaori seems drawn to him. This unconventional attraction leads to rampant misunderstanding among their classmates. Most assume that Kaori is merely looking out for Hajime, refusing to believe that she actually "likes" him. It's a classic case of copium-induced denial at its finest.

"A-Ah, good morning, Shirasaki-san." Hajime's face stiffened up as he felt the bloodthirsty glares of his fellow classmates, and he awkwardly returned Kaori's greeting. In contrast, Kaori smiled happily as she looked at him. Why do you always look at me like that!? Hajime despaired as he felt the gazes of his classmates burn into him.


The moment Hajime finished his conversation with Kaori, three new people walked up to them. They'd been watching the two of them like vultures, waiting for him to finish talking.

"Good morning, Nagumo-kun. Must be rough staying up that late every day,"

"Looking after him again, Kaori? You're really too nice for your own good,"

"Seriously. Talking to a failure like him's a total waste of time,"

The only person who'd greeted Hajime out of the three was Shizuku Yaegashi, Kaori's closest friend. With her black hair elegantly tied back in her signature ponytail, known not just for her beauty but also for her prowess in kendo. Just as beloved and admired as Kaori, she too had ridiculous followers and admirer in school, with students affectionately referring to her as Onee-sama or whatever.

The guy who'd greeted Kaori with that rather weird ass line about her kindness was Kouki Amanogawa. He was a self-proclaimed 'perfect in almost every way'. But he is not all talk when he is actually great at sports, somewhat handsome, and had outstanding grades to boot. He had flowing brown hair, soft features, stood 180 centimeters tall, and despite his slender frame, he still had a noticeable build within him. He was kind to everyone he met and had a strong sense of justice (or so he thought anyway.)

The last guy, who'd lazily added his own comments to Kouki's line, was Ryutarou Sakagami, Kouki's best friend. Ryutarou had short, trimmed hair and a gaze that seemed at once both cheerful and stern. He is a musclehead and dislikes lazy people.


As usual, the day starts with Hajime being talked down to by almost everyone in the class. The entire class would then try to convince Kaori not to talk to him, and then they would yell at Hajime to stop bothering her, even though he didn't do anything wrong. This had become an almost everyday routine, and one might seriously wonder why he hadn't bothered to transfer schools.

When homeroom ended, it was lunchtime, and everyone began pulling out their bento boxes or heading to the cafeteria to eat. However, today was different. All the students remained in the classroom, their bento boxes laid out in front of them. Kaori approached Hajime's desk and pulled out her lunchbox, it was then every gaze in the room turned sharply toward him, glaring at him with looks that could kill.

It then became a scene where there was a big argument between the popular kids mainly about Kaori attitudes towards Hajime. But the important point was that the four most famous people in school were sitting together with Hajime and the rest of the class was not at all happy about it. 'I'm tired a yer shit,' Hajime's frustrated mind yelled out in some foreign accent.

Just then, a silver light enveloped the entire classroom floor, drawing everyone's attention. A glowing silver circle, fixed with intricate geometric patterns, materialized before Hajime, casting an otherworldly aura.

The rest of the students froze in place, their eyes fixed on the strange circle. It seemed to be pulsing with an unexplainable otherworldly energy, resembling a magic circle straight out of a fantasy tale.

As the magic circle grew brighter, its light engulfed the entire classroom. The circle expanded, eventually even covering Hajime's feet, prompting screams from the frozen onlookers. Aiko-sensei, who remained in the classroom, urgently yelled, "Everyone, get out of the classroom!" just as the magic circle erupted in a brilliant explosion of light.

After a few moments, or perhaps minutes, the intense light began to fade, and color returned to the classroom. However, the room was now empty of presence.


I kinda did my best editing here and there. But if you see anything off, kindly let me know and I might not fix it at all.

AnHa8creators' thoughts