
Yu-Gi-Oh! Gojoing GX

Yugioh GX Fanfic Branch off timeline from Help me Step Gojo, I'm Stuck. -YuGiOh and the official cards are all owned by Konami. -This is an AI generated DMG. Volume 2 is Arifureta Fanfic.

AnHa8 · Cómic
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63 Chs

The Start Of The Crazy One - 5


????? From now on we're not going to talk about what day, what month, what year anymore here. I don't know the timeline or exact days myself 💀.

Today, a call came in from the academy's chancellor. It was early in the morning and the school reached me through the duel disk.

'I didn't know you could get called from a duel disk.'

The duel disk was next to me, within an arm's reach, but I didn't want to go grab it. By manipulating the space around the duel disk I managed to tap the answer call button without even lifting a finger. The call was really short, just a request about the chancellor wanting me to come to his office to have a face-to-face meeting. I had a strong suspicion it was regarding my 'excused absence' or related backgrounds. I certainly had my reasons for it. Anyways, I have to go there now. But there is a very important question in mind where the fuck is that?

So, after that call, I had to gently nudge the sleeping beauty (Dark Magician Girl) away from me. She was sleeping peacefully on top of me, naked and drooling on my chest, wrapped in a blanket. As soon as I got up and changed. This woke Dark Magician Girl up, and she looked surprised as I prepared to leave to take care of something.

"Wait, husband, don't leave me! Let me come along!" Dark Magician Girl proposed eagerly. After that, she instantly changed into a brilliant ball of light and merged into my being.

Once outside, I headed towards the academy grounds where classes were supposed to take place. I figured that's where the chancellor would be, or possibly up on the highest floor of the building too. I decided to walk this time as I couldn't help but wonder what people were going to say about me. It had been a while since I met humans, and I was willing to hear some rumors about me.

While strolling down the corridor outside the classrooms, I could hear class in progress. I still couldn't help but also question the logic of spending long hours in class, from 8 AM to 5 PM, to learn something as simple as the fact that Pot of Greed is a spell card that allows you to draw two new cards from the top of the deck. The world will be damned, right?

As I moved deeper into the area with the most students, I could hear gossip, mostly about a rumor and a duel that had already happened.

"I heard Bastion aced his exam against Chazz, and he had a shot at becoming an Obelisk Blue, but he turned it down." The useless Ra mob said and the gossip spread.

"Seriously? Why would he do that?" Useless Obelisk mob asked.

"I heard he wants to hold it off until he's confident enough to take on Jaden or until he believes he's the undisputed number one at the academy." Obelisk mob, the chatter continues.

"Isn't that a bit extreme?" Slifer mob chimed in.

"Listen to this one, I just found out about it. Chazz actually tossed one of Bastion decks into the docks before the exam! Who on earth does something like that? And he still lost after pulling off that stunt," Another useless Obelisk Girl mob contributed to the conversation.

"Oh, cool. That happened." I interrupted the group's gossip that was blocking the hallway in front of me.

"Could someone point me in the direction of the chancellor's office?" I asked nicely.

"Uh, sure. If you just head straight ahead and take the stairs on the right, you'll come across the chancellor's office on the left side. There's a sign above it too, in case you're unsure. But uhh do you need help?" Useless Obelisk Mob A provided the directions.

"Thank you. I'm fine, I can get there myself. I'm not blind." I replied and proceeded to walk past them, following the provided instructions.

"Did you see that guy? He's freaking hot, but uh, If he is not blind, what's the deal with the blindfold?" I overheard Useless Slifer Mob Girl A's voice trailing off as I continued on my way.

[Did you hear that, wifey? This husband is fucking hot! They are down bad too. Kids these days.] I boasted.

[Yes~] Dark Magician Girl giggled in response to my playful exaggeration.


As I approached the office, I didn't bother with knocking. Instead, I simply opened the door and confidently walked in, settling down on the only seat in the room as if I owned the place.

The chancellor was already in the room, standing with his back turned looking through the window as if he had been anticipating my arrival. I couldn't help but think that it was a rather peculiar posture or gesture that people sometimes adopt when they're alone in a room. Do they think they are special, mysterious or something else?

"Satoru, Gojo I presumed. This is our first time meeting. Nice to meet you. I am chancellor Sheppard" The chancellor introduced himself without turning his back.

"Yeah, you called me for a meeting. Is this meeting about the excused absences or is this about the shadow games?" I inquired.

"Oh, so you do know about the shadow games already. That saves time." Chancellor Sheppard sighs, shaking his head as he turns around and is ready to face me.

"I have a request for you. I'd like you to guard one of the keys—" Chancellor asked.

"Nope. Nah-dah. Unless Seto Kaiba, Yugi Muto, Maximilian Pegasus or Ishizu Ishtar specifically order me to take one of those stupid keys. You're better off handing those keys to the consumable pawns— WONDERFUL EXCELLENT STUDENTS! that you're nurturing and have them risk their lives to protect it. After all, this is a duel academy – they've got to get good or get rekt… But I'll step in only if their lives are in genuine danger though. After all, I am the strongest." I said with a smile.

I have my own plans. Even Dark Magician Girl agreed with me. Those shadow raiders won't target me until I'm the last target, if I were to take the keys.

The chancellor was left in stunned silence. He hadn't anticipated Gojo's refusal; the unexpected turn of events had evidently shaken him, leaving him visibly flustered.

He also couldn't provoke Gojo and risk getting him angry, as he is a VIP student in the academy and possibly holding an even more important role than the chancellor. The chancellor's anxiety grew, and another nervous gulp slipped from him.

"Alright, understood. How about becoming the representative for the academy? We have a school tournament approaching, and our opponents will be from North Academy. I think this is a great chance to show off your skills to the school and establish a reputation for yourself within the academy." The Chancellor presented an intriguing proposal.

"Nah, let Jaden take on that role. He will be a very good example for the students, despite being a Slifer," I replied nonchalantly.

The chancellor nodded, seemingly understanding what I'm getting at.

"Anything else? I'm gonna leave," I asked, my boredom evident. I was trying hard not to yawn because I was still exhausted and tired, and it's so god damn early in the morning.

"I'd like to verify some rumors, if you don't mind." He asked with a certain thought on his mind.

"Just one." I said, a mischievous grin creeping onto my face.

"Huh?" The chancellor was taken aback.

"I'll allow you to ask one question to confirm whether the rumors you've heard are legit, because you woke me up at 8:00 a.m." I offered straightforwardly. Though I am also curious about the questions he likes to ask. But seriously, I'd like to go back to bed.

After a short moment of consideration, he finally decided on a question he liked to ask. "Is it possible to intervene or participate in an ongoing shadow game and nullify it?"

"It is possible… But was there a rumor like that going on?" I said, my eyes widening slightly. I recall a somewhat similar case happening, but that was during the original series' Orichalcos arc. Only I can do it now.

The chancellor's expression turned thoughtful, nodding as if he grasped the concept, satisfied with the response he had received.

With that, I turned and left the room.

[Hmmm? That was unexpected. I was actually anticipating a question about him asking about the Ultimate Rare cards.] Dark Magician Girl was confused by the Q&A.

[Same, I thought so too. But I guess he thought too deeply as he connected me with Maximillion Pegasus, the creator of duel monsters for that.] I telepathically responded.

[Figures. Still, why would he ask that?] She still couldn't help but be confused at that question.

[Eh, it's quite likely because he's responsible for overseeing the locked up three Sacred Beasts underneath this academy. And considering the connection to the Shadow Game it has, it would make sense.] I made a reasonable guess as we walked out of the building.

[Hmm? That does seem to add up! Wait…how do you know that—] Dark Magician Girl expressed her agreement with my thoughts, her demeanor noticeably positive.

A number of shouts could be heard as we exited the academy and headed towards the Obelisk dormitory.

"Come out, Chazz! We know you're here!" Jaden's voice echoed through the jungle/forest/wilderness.

"Man, where could Chazz be hiding?" Syrus whispered.

"Chazz?! Chazz! Where are you?!" Mindy and Jasmine both shouted.

"That's it! Chazz, come out you little toad. If this is some kind of trick then you—"

I couldn't stand the constant yelling.

"YOOOOO! Shut up!! It's fucking 9 in the morning! Aren't you all supposed to be in class!? Do I need to report this!?" I yelled back.

"Ehhh?!" The rest of the group reacted with surprise as a new voice chimed in.

"Chazz?!" Jaden yelled in surprise and relief.

"No~!! Does this voice really sound like goddamn Chazz?!!" I retorted as I walked towards their direction.

"Hey! Have you seen Chazz?! He ran away!? He might be in trouble and need some help!" Jaden yelled towards my direction.

"Do you not know how stupid that sounds?! Why would he run when he can escape the island from you idiots! Did any of you even consider how he left the island?! It's through a fucking boat dumbass! Obviously he would have done that since he is rich! But where would you find such a boat?! Oh, I don't know, maybe if you guys used your head a little it would be at the damn docks?!" I shot back at them sarcastically.

Within Alexis' mind, a thought arose, 'This actually does make a lot of sense, We should've totally checked out the docks but it never came to any of our minds. We were wasting time exploring the jungle. Wait, what is with that cussing? Was that also Gojo's voice? What exactly is he doing here?'

"I can't believe you guys are seriously goofing around like this! Ughhh, my head!" my voice groaned with clear exasperation. As I slowly revealed myself to the group.

[Uh, Husband, even if that's true, don't you think that's a little mean? They are—] Dark Magician Girl tried to

[Shush, dear. If they are doing something stupid. It's only appropriate that I call them out for that. You see that's what real friends all are about. I'm just doing my part as their close friend casually cursing them, insulting them and then laughing at them when they are at their worst.] We strolled toward Jaden's group.

[That doesn't sound like friendship to me and when did you become close friends with them?] Dark Magician Girl said, trying to comprehend but finding it confusing.

[Honey, it's the thought that counts. Besides, from where I come from. Insulting each other is a sign of friendships, closeness, and care.] My mind wanders back to memories of my own past.

[I'm finding that hard to believe.] Dark Magician Girl responded skeptically with a raised eyebrow.

[Yeah, and that was the world I live in. Common sense varies between different worlds. Also, that protagonist guy over there is a happy-go-lucky blockhead and will not be offended if you insult him to some extent.] I said with a touch of disgust.

[Hold on, protagonist?! You're telling me one of these kids is also a hero destined to rescue our world?! I had no idea! Why didn't you tell me before?!] Dark Magician Girl gasped in shock.

[Haaah?! I thought you knew. Anyways, it's Jaden. He was given a Winged Kuriboh card from Yugi Muto. Wasn't that already a sign? I assumed you were there.] I shot back.

[Oh no. I wasn't there. Now I know why that Winged Kuriboh felt so familiar. So this new generation of duelists is taking on the responsibility of saving the world? Huh?! Wait, aren't they still in school?! They're too young to be saving the world!] The Dark Magician Girl wondered aloud, shaking her head in bewilderment.

[Wasn't Yugi also in school during his time when he was saving the world?] I countered.

[Yes, but Yugi had the Pharaoh along with the Millennium Puzzle. This situation is entirely different.] She responded with a hint of amusement.

[Funny thing though. The whole world ending thing is going to happen at the duel academy where the kids are, most of the time.] I laughed at the thought of what's going to happen in the future.

[Wait a sec! Most of the time? You're saying that there are gonna be, like, multiple attempts of someone trying to destroy the world?!?! But in a school, where kids are learning? No way, seriously?! Why!??!] The thought of people wanting to destroy the entire world blew her mind.

[I wouldn't know. Maybe for that spirit world or something. If I did it, I would have done it for shitz and giggles.] I said without giving much thought but when I felt an arm around my shoulder I turned to look and see. I saw Dark Magician Girl had a chilly smile on her face and her eyes were closed.

[You know, I think I know the reason why that old man stationed me here on this island. To defend the protagonist. I kinda want to meet Yugi, Kaiba, and Ishizu though.] I immediately changed the subject. She really hates the idea of world destruction because she has personally gone through lengths to defend the world.

A/N: Orchichaos God, Wicked God, Egyptian Gods, Zorc, Bonds Beyond Time, The capsule game, And possibly even more.

We had to halt our telepathic communication. As I quickly, I made my way over to them, and they all could see me now.

"Wait, who's that? / Who are you?!" Mindy and Jasmine both shouted in a mix of surprise and confusion.

"Huh?! He's wearing the academy duel disk, but he doesn't look like a classmate or someone who works for the school?" Syrus said warily.

Jaden was both surprised and shocked to see me. "Woah, so you were the guy talking to us. Nice, get up!" he exclaimed as I approached them, wearing a blindfold.

Alexis, who had been visibly silent, then spoke up. "Gojo… Satoru," she said aloud. There was a moment of silence among the group after they heard her words.

"Wait, that's him?" Mindy exclaimed in shock.

"Holy shit. I heard he was mysterious and all, but this dude seriously definitely defines it," Jasmine's jaw dropped as she processed the confirmation that I am indeed Gojo.

"No way! That's him? He is tall, looks cool with that white hair, and blindfolded awww." Syrus complained.

"Oh, that is so cool! And hey, could you help us find him then? By the way my name is Jaden Yuuki!" Jaden said with excitement, scratching the back of his head.

"Gojo… Satoru. No. He's probably off the island already. You're probably better off asking the professor to confirm where he is, because they would know," I replied, offering my thoughts.

Alexis confidently stepped up and introduced herself and her friends.

"We never got to introduce ourselves before." Her voice carried a friendly tone. "I'm Alexis, and these are my friends, Mindy and Jasmine." She gestured towards her friends, who offered welcoming smiles. "And that guy over there is none other than Syrus," she added, her eyes landing on Jaden's smaller companion.

"Right. You're that troublemaker and clumsy woman from before," I remarked casually.

"Geh," Alexis couldn't exactly refute that, her reaction showing she knew what I was talking about.

"Eh? Alexis, a troublemaker? That doesn't make any sense," Mindy exclaimed, clearly surprised by what she had heard.

"Did you two meet before?" Jasmine asked with a questioning look, directing her gaze between Alexis and me.

Before Alexis or I could respond, a rustling bush started making noise, and out came a monkey wearing a helmet and a duel disk.

And that monkey charged towards us, causing the entire group to scream, except for me, who calmly observed the situation.

As it began to close in, I could see the monkey trying to reach out and grab someone, a woman perhaps? Its target was Jasmine. Before it could grab her, I smoothly grabbed the monkey's wrist. To everyone else, it seemed like I was just incredibly fast, stopping the monkey in its tracks. Everyone was shocked and then surprised by my action; after all, my actions didn't seem to align with what someone wearing a blindfold could do—it just didn't make any sense.

The monkey wore a standard academy duel disk as well as this strange metal headgear that translated monkey to human speech. The gear was pretty advanced, showcasing cutting-edge equipment and technology. However, it was also clear that this monkey had been experimented on, as there were noticeable scars, burns, and damages scattered here and there.

Before the monkey could react, I swiftly tore off the helmet and duel disk, then effectively released him. The monkey and the group were taken aback by my actions. Well, the monkey seemed to have been in captivity, and tried running away from a mad scientist. I am not like Freezia who would kill monkeys for fun, if I can help, I should try. Perhaps this island was a little crazier than I had imagined. Maybe some investigation and purge are required.

As soon as the equipment was destroyed and cleanly removed from the monkey, I fling that shit away. Upon doing so the monkey was ecstatic and seemed extremely delighted by my actions. Because the equipment was thrown away his language was back to monke. As he attempted to thank me in its own way by making sounds like, "Ooh Oohhh Ohh Ohhh Ahhhh Tha nkk YooHh," before darting off into the jungle wilderness.

After the monkey darted away, a tense few seconds lingered in the air. We let out a collective sigh of relief, and it seemed like some of the people were quite eager to convey their gratitude to me for rescuing Jasmine. However, just when we were about to converse, a new group suddenly appeared. This new group consisted of a single doctor or researcher, accompanied by two armed men.

"Hey, you! Where did that monkey go?! Did you see it?" the unknown scientist demanded.

While the group were stunned and a bit shocked. I pointed in a direction that did not lead to where the monkeys had gone and said, "About five minutes from here, you'll find a very strange monkey with a helmet and a duel disk."

Jaden's group and the others understood the hidden meaning in my words. Some remained silent or tried to support my deception by adding more false statements. As soon as those researcher groups got the information they wanted they moved towards the direction I pointed and disappeared from our view.

It was just a few seconds after they disappeared from our view that a flash of golden lights sparked in their direction. There was no noise, as I made sure to go a little overkill. Well, they won't be missed.

Except for Dark Magician Girl and me, the rest of us let out sighs of relief, thinking that everything was now in the clear.

Well, that was eventful. I'm calling it a day. I made an attempt to break away from the group. As I really wanted to catch some Zzz. But Jaden and the others hurried to stop me.

"Hey, wait!" Jaden called out.

"What do you want, fool?" I replied.

"Thanks for helping out and stuff, I guess?" he thanked me as he awkwardly scratched his head.

Mindy, Jasmine, and Syrus also joined in to express their gratitude, each saying their thanks. Because they didn't know what to do in this situation if Gojo were not here.

Alexis simply conveyed her gratitude with a heartfelt "Thank you" as well.

After nodding my head at whatever they were saying. I was going to walk away again, not until Jaden stopped me again this time with a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, Gojo! I'd like to challenge you to a duel! How about it? Want to get your game on?!" Jaden grinned, revealing his intentions.

Ah, fuck of course it would come to this.

'I forgot this guy is thirsty for a challenge. Pause. That sounds weird.' I let out a sigh.
