
Young Rich and Nameless

After a period of poverty and suffering, a young man inherits a family fortune, instantly becoming a billionaire. New challenges emerge as ex-girlfriends among other people that once looked down on him now pursue him for his new found wealth.

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27 Chs

The Black Card

When George left the restaurant, he felt completely carefree as he looked at the luxury cars parked at the entrance. He had the black card in his hand. That was an inexhaustible amount of money. He could buy a luxury car that was even better than the ones parked there. It was not a problem at all.

"From now on, I'm gonna be rich. Let's see who dares to look down on me now."

If anyone did dare, he could use his money to crush them. He swaggered into the bank with the black card in his pocket. He saw the VIP line clearly marked just down the hall and walked straight over.

"Hey. Hey, what are you doing? Come back here. Where are you going?" Cried the bank manager rudely. "That's for VIPs only."

George ignored him. He stepped up to the female bank teller and said, "I want to withdraw some money."

"Use the ATM over there. This is the VIP desk. This isn't the place for you."

The teller's eyes were sharp. She looked down at him with disdain. George smiled and without saying any further, took the black card from his pocket and waved it in front of her face. Her eyes suddenly opened wide and her jaw dropped. She looked shocked and frightened. She stared at the black card in his hand and was speechless for a moment.

"A black card." As she finally spoke, she was panting heavily.

"Yes, it is a black card. Now can I use my VIP service?" George's heart was filled with pride as he looked at her surprised expression.

"Not looking down on me now, are you?"

"Oh my God. I finally met someone with a black card." She let out an excited yell, startling everyone around, especially the manager. George was stunned. He hadn't expected her to react like that. He quickly covered his face to prevent others from seeing his true identity as they looked over toward him, filled with curiosity. He was dressed in shabby clothes and no one would've guessed that he was a rich man if it hadn't been for the teller blurting it out like that.

The manager rushed over and scolded her. Then he immediately ushered George through a door into the VIP room. Everyone was watching them as they went through the exclusive entrance. George took out $50,000 cash and put it in a black plastic bag. Then he exited through the back door of the bank.

On his way back to his dorm room, he received a text from Matt. "Hey, where are you? Class starts soon." George arrived at college with a bag still in his hand. As he entered the classroom, everyone's attention turned toward him and the black plastic bag in his hand.

"What's in that bag, Rudd? Have you begun stealing phones in bulk?" Asked Terry, one of the rich kids in George's class. Terry couldn't help but taunt George as everyone looked on with disdain.

George glanced at Terry and the other rich kids sitting around him. He lowered his head and blinked. Then, holding the plastic bag tightly he crossed the room. With Terry taking the lead, the rest of the group of rich kids followed suit and threw mocking insults at George.

"They sound like a pack of barking dogs."

George couldn't be bothered by anyone mocking him. Everything in his new life was different now. The bag contained the answer to all his problems.

When Terry saw George being gutsy and ignoring their jeers, he signalled to the kids beside him with his eyes. "George, don't bring stolen stuff into class. If the cops come after you, don't expect any of us to cover for you."

"What? You want us to personally seize my bag."

George walked closer and closer to everyone. Matt wanted to stand up and persuade Terry and the others to lay off George, but he didn't have the guts to do so. He could only watch helplessly as George was bullied.

"If you just show me the bag and there's no need for me to be impolite. Give me the bag. Give it to me." Ashley, the class bully rushed forward to snatch the plastic bag from George's hand, yelling at him as he did.

George looked calm. His hands were still tightly holding onto the bag. Seeing that he wasn't giving him any notice at all, Ashley was angered to the point that his lungs felt like they would burst.

"This damnable little shit dares to show off in front of me." He fumed.

"It's time I taught him a lesson, put him in his place. Give it to me. If you don't give it to me, then don't blame me for my actions."

He had decided to give George one last chance before he threw a punch. Bang, the bag tore open and a stack of bank notes fell to the floor. In an instant the entire class fell silent. They looked at George in shock. The bag contained money, lots of money.

Terry looked at the pile of money on the ground. His face instantly turned red as if he had been slapped. Ashley quickly looked over to him, his eyes asking, "What do we do now?" But Terry didn't have an answer for him. Ashley stood on the spot awkwardly and didn't know what to do for a long moment.

"George, where did you get the money from? You can't have stolen that much." Terry's face was screwed up in jealousy and hatred.

"Well, I won the lottery," George said lightly, as he bent down, picked up the notes from the ground and put them back into the bag.

"Wow, George, that's so awesome. George, that bag is broken. It can't be used anymore. I'll give you a new one that won't break."

"George, I didn't realize you're so lucky."

But soon, some people began to feel envious of the flattery he was receiving. Terry, Ashley and the others looked at George with sinister eyes. Terry said in disdain, "It's just a little bit of money. What's there to be prone about. He's still just the same loser."

George went to his seat and put the bag down on the table in front of him. He intentionally glanced at Alice and said it with a bright smile, "Tonight, I'll treat everyone to a meal."

Her mouth gaped in astonishment, and then she closed it in embarrassment. She had never expected to see him with so much money in his hands. So this was the reason he had been eating at a high-end restaurant with that beauty sitting beside him. It was all because he'd won the lottery.

"Great, great. George wants to treat us to a meal. How can we refuse?"

Most of the other students' faces were filled with excitement. A bunch of people who had never even spoken to him before now surrounded him and tried to gain his favor. George's face was calm and his heart was filled with joy.

"What a fucking great feeling. Sure enough, money is what it's all about."