
Young justice: Magics new champion

The old wizard manages to use the last of his vestiges to save the life of a young man. Now, using the powers gifted to him by the gods, he must help save the world. Or if necessary, Destroy it. S. power of shango. H. speed of hermes. A. wisdom of Athena. Z. Courage of Zabba. A. stamina of atlas. M. the strength of mahadev. Cover art not mine!!!

Thomas_Hodge · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
43 Chs

The beginning!

" You shouldn't have come here boy!

The man said looming over the beaten and bloody body of the teenager in front of him with a metal bat, now stained in the youth's blood.

" You feel proud of what you have done? three grown men assaulting a young woman, beating a defenseless young man with weapons. You are pathetic."

The young man spat back at the group. His blue eyes burning red from the blood flowing into them, his beautiful white hair now crimson, His pearly white skin, covered from head to toe in bruises.

' I'm dying. At least I gave her time to hide. Dear father, I come to you now with no regrets.'

The young man thought as the man standing over him raised his bat one more time over the boy's head.

" Whoa, James I know we beat the crap out of him, but he's still a kid. We can't kill a kid man."

One of the perpetrators said to the lead thug.

" This kid pissed me off, so he dies. If you don't like it, you can join him. Well?"

The man now known as James yelled.

" I didn't think so."

With no one left to stop him James raised his bat in preparations to bash what was left of the boy's head in. James was in mid swing when a loud rumbling stopped the man in his tracks. The group of men looked up in horror just in time to see their deaths coming.

*Crack Crack Boom! *

James and his cohorts were suddenly turned to ashes as a Lightning bolt struck the young boy. The young man himself vanished from this world and reappeared in another, more magial place of existence.

" Where am I?"

The young boy asked as he observed these unfamiliar surroundings.

" The pain is gone. My wounds. Even my clothes are back to the way they were before."

The young boy said as he observed his body, rubbing his hand along the places he had previously felt blood rushing from.

" This is insane, how am I still alive?"

" You, young kai green; are alive because you embody what it means to be a hero. The goodness inside you that pushed you to sacrifice yourself for that young lady despite the possibility of death has deemed you worthy of holding my powers."

The old man dressed in a funny outfit said.

" Your powers? What? Who are you? Why did you bring me here?"

The young man asked

" I don't have much longer, there is a great evil coming in the future, how long I do not know, but I do know that the world will need strong champions if it hopes to survive. Will you accept this gift and fight for the right of life for the people of this planet?"

The old man asked as he held out his dimming staff to the young man.

" You have saved my life, for that I am indebted to you. If this is how I can repay you for your kindness, then so be it. I will accept this gift with honor and dignity."

The young man said as he grabbed firmly onto the old man's staff.

" Then speak my name and let my power flow through you."

The old man said proudly.

" I do not know your name sir."

The young man responded.


The old man replied.


* Crack BOOM! *

A bolt of lightning suddenly hit the young man enveloping him in a cloud of electricity.

" YES! Feel it flow through you the power of shango over fire and lightning. The speed of Hermes messenger of the gods. The wisdom of the graceful Athena. The Courage of Zabba the Akkadian God of war. The stamina of atlas, the titan known to hold the very planet on his shoulders. And the strength of Mahadev, or better known as Lord Shiva the destroyer. Take these powers and go forth as Magics new champion."

The old man yelled as Kai was flung from the rock of eternity.

" Billy Batson! Kai green! I'm putting my faith in your hands. Do no fail me as Adam has."

The old man asked as he finally turned to dust.

* Crack Boom! *

Kai landed back where he had vanished. His regular clothes gone. He now donned a red skintight suit, with a large silver lightning bolt that radiated energy down his chest. He had a set of solid silver bracers on both of his arms. A silver belt radiating the same mystic energy as the Lightning bolt. Silver boots, a white hood lined with gold trim and a golden chain that connected on both sides of his hood.

" I was pretty buff before, but my muscles feel tighter than ever before. I'm still the same height, but I feel bigger than ever. Is it the power? I recognized some of the names the old man called out, specifically Shiva and Athena. The Greek goddess known for her brilliant military mind in battle. And Shiva the destroyer, whose dance is said to be able to destroy the universe. This is amazing."

Kai exclaimed excitedly

" You should feel honored mortal, for receiving even a portion of my power."

A voice said in the young man's head.

" Who are you?"

Kai asked turning around to check his surroundings.

" You hold my power yet you don't recognize my voice. It is I Lord shiva."

Shiva proclaimed

" Now Shiva, he is still new to all of this. Let's give the boy some time to adjust."

A feminine voice said to the Hindu god.

" Wait a minute. You're Lord shiva. Then this other voice. Lady Athena!"

Kai called out.

" You learn quick boy. Yes, I am Athena."

The woman answered

" And I'm Hermes Messenger of the gods my dear lad."

Another voice spoke up.

" I figured out pretty quickly that I'd gotten some of your abilities. But I didn't think I'd actually be able to communicate with the Great gods."

Kai exclaimed excitedly.

" Hmph, he knows his place. Good, then that makes this easier."

Shiva said

" Make what easier lord shiva?"

Kai asked

" Very simple. You have been given a great gift. A gift of power or more specifically our power."

Shiva started

" Basically, what he's saying is. Don't misuse of our power for your own selfish desires. Whil that fool in Egypt may get away with it, we aren't as relaxed about it."

Hermes interjected.


Shiva yelled in annoyance.

" I see. You have given a great gift. One I seek to share with the world. I swear to you, I will not abuse the power you have given me."

Kai responded to the group of gods, bowing to them on one knee.

" That is all we ask of you young Kai. Now go I believe the world may have need for your abilities sooner than you think."

Athena said before she and the other voices suddenly disappeared.

' So, this is really happening. I'm sorry dear father in heaven. It would seem the world still has need of my presence.'

Kai thought before taking off