
I'll Protect You

Ahyeon and Seobin reached the place where the gala was held. It was a huge white building with a glass dome as it's roof. The building also had vines crawling up the walls, which made it look even more enchanting than it already was.

Seobin held Ahyeon's hand as he got out of the car, wanting her to come out with him. But when he pulled Ahyeon's hand, he felt Ahyeon resisting. Seobin looked at Ahyeon's face and saw she she looked a little worried.


"What's wrong?"

Ahyeon looked down and she said quietly:


"I'm... a little scared. I mean, I've never been to somewhere like this before, and meeting the Bang family is... kinda scary."

Seobin put his other hand on top of Ahyeon's hand. He softened his gaze and looked at her once again.


"It's okay, it's normal to be scared. But you don't have to worry, I'll protect you if anything goes wrong."

Ahyeon grinned and nodded her head a little. She held onto Seobin's hand and got out of the car.



"Nice to meet you, Miss Ahyeon."

Ahyeon and Sihyuk shook hands.


"Same here, Mr Bang."


"Ahyeon, this my mother, my younger brother and my younger sister."

Ahyeon smiled at all of them.


"Nice to meet you all too."

Everyone was charmed by Ahyeon except Seobin's sister, Bang Naksi. Naksi just wrinkled her nose and stuck it up in the air while still maintaining eye contact with Seobin.


"Seobin, I'm disappointed in your choice of women. She's not very pretty and very short. I'm not very impressed."

Seobin shot a glare at Naksi.


"At least she's better than you, so shut up."

Ahyeon blushed. Her fiance for 1 week was already sticking up for her, and she liked the feeling of it.

Seobin suddenly put his arm around Ahyeon's shoulder, cutting her train of thought and making her flinch a little.


"Why don't we go get some food, Ahyeon?"

Hi everyone! Here's today's chapter. I think I'll start publishing my chapters at a specific time. I'll let you all know in the next chapter. Thanks for your support!

qing_kancreators' thoughts