

To touch a Dark One is death. To talk to an immortal is suicide. Yet, I've been marked by both. A Vampire. And the King of the immortals. My life is no longer my own. And now I know the truth, my life was never mine to begin with. It was theirs. It's always been theirs. I knew their history. Probably better than most of them. I'd been studying them for most of my life, pouring over books and research with constant dread that, one day, my number would be called, and my life would be played out for me in absolute horror. Humans were like little insects that they allowed to survive only because it was necessary for their own survival. We die. They die. Therefore, we live.

JusticeFaruck · Fantasía
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49 Chs

Believe Me

Genesis's [POV]

He slept for hours. I stayed. A part of me wanted to leave, but he was right. After ten minutes, I'd calmed down enough to think about the situation logically, not that I still wasn't terrified he'd end up killing me. I no longer felt safe, but I didn't feel like Ethan was a threat.

I'd used his fangs to drop blood into his mouth, hoping it would have the same effect, since he was going to sleep. I wasn't sure if it would help him understand me better, but if it was a night for sharing, maybe he could at least pull information from my past.

I wasn't confident it would be helpful. He'd probably be bored out of his mind, but it was worth a try.

Two hours after giving him my blood, he jolted awake, nearly sending me off the bed in fear.

"Ara," he yelled.

I flinched. "Ethan? You were dreaming. It's okay." Clearly, my blood hadn't worked.

He turned, his eyes predatory. "Tell me you didn't know."

"Know what?" I brought my knees to my chest. "What are you talking about?"

"She's from your bloodline."



"The mate you killed?"

He growled.

"I__" Tears welled in my eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Her picture." His eyes went black. "I saw a picture. It was old it was her."

"You have to believe me." I held up my hands. "I would never lie."

Ethan shook his head; dark circles appeared under his eyes. "Sorry…" He trembled. "I'm still exhausted. It was a shock. We need to visit your mother."

"She hates me."

"Shall I kill her for you? Once I've gained the information I need?"

"No," I blurted.

Ethan sighed against my neck. "Just give me the word if you change your mind. The woman's insane."


"No. Your mother."

"I hope it doesn't run in the family."

"Your blood is pure." Ethan kissed my neck. "Believe that truth, and you'll be fine."

"Is that" Insecurity wrapped itself around me. "Is that why you wanted to mate with me? Because I remind you of her?"

"No!" Ethan pounced on me, his eyes so black that I was afraid if I stared too long I'd fall into their depths and never come back to reality. "You're different you feel different."

"Different," I repeated.

"Better," he soothed, nipping my lower lip. "The best."

"I don't want to be her."

"You aren't." His voice was commanding. "And I'm too exhausted to spend the night arguing with you."

"You can take more blood… if you need to." The thought sent a little thrill of excitement through me as his eyes faded back to green.

Ethan moved off me and stared up at the cei

ling. "You don't want me to do that."


"Because," he growled, "it won't be a little blood, just like it won't be a little bite… just like I won't stop at the bite but will continue kissing you and possessing you until you can't breathe — until my body fills yours, until you scream for more just when you don't think you can take it."

I had no words.

"Scared you?"

"I'm not sure." Was I feeling fear? Or excitement?

"Your heart's racing."


"If I asked you for everything, would you give it freely, knowing what you know?"

"If I offered you everything, would you take it? Knowing the possibility of my bloodline?"

We lay in silence.

I thought Ethan had fallen asleep.

Until he moved, hovering over me, his lips grazing mine with the softest of kisses. "I don't think I can stop myself…"


"I can't set you free. I know I said I could. I can't. I lied."

"A vampire who's a liar. Who would have thought?" I teased.

He didn't return my smile. "It's a death sentence."

"Then show me sweet death." I wrapped my arms around his neck. He let out a pitiful groan before his mouth touched mine again.

"You ask for death yet you offer me life."

"I'm human. We're confusing like that."

His smile felt good against my lips.

"Kiss me harder," I begged, hooking my legs around his body.

"I'm old… go easy on me." He returned my frantic kiss with a slow torturous one of his own. He licked my lips then pierced the bottom, sucking away droplets of blood.

"You don't want easy." I sighed.

In a flash, I was on my back, my shirt completely gone. "You're right." He tongued the curve of my ear. "Mine."


My jeans went flying. "All. Mine."

Cold air bit at my skin. My heartbeat sped up as Ethan's body hovered over me, his lips hot on my neck. With a growl, he tugged my hair, forcing my head back, exposing my neck completely to his lips.

His fangs slid across my neck. "I'm going to mark you forever. You still have a choice, Genesis."

"No," I breathed, squeezing my eyes shut, "I really don't."

"You do," he urged. His body was scorching hot behind me. "Tell me no."

"I can't," I repeated, tilting my head back further, arching my back.

With a growl, he pierced my skin. I felt each drop of blood leave my body.

I reached for his shirt, but he slapped my hands away, pinning my wrists above my head as his mouth nipped my neck again. My body almost bucked off the bed when he drank more. It was different than before.

His tongue scalded me in the best way almost like he really was forever marking me, making it so anyone who looked at me knew whom I belonged to.

"Ethan" I almost choked on his name, stunned I could even remember it after all the emotions swirling inside me fear, excitement, lust, and something else, something bigger than me, bigger than him, having him pressed against me, his hot mouth on my skin. It was right, even though I couldn't explain anything beyond that.

He drank deeper.

The room exploded into a burst of light.

I gasped in response. His mouth left my neck and moved along my chin.

He released one of my hands. I immediately dug it into his hair and pulled his mouth to mine. Our mouths met with such aggression almost violence that I was sure more blood would be drawn.

He chuckled against my lips. "Is the need for me greater than anything else?"

"No," I lied, not wanting to admit to him that my need was so great I didn't even want to survive without him couldn't.

His eyes darkened as his tongue slid across my mouth. "I can taste the lie on your lips."


"God, you're beautiful." His eyes were so black, so inviting.

I tugged his head again then moved my hand down his chest. He closed his eyes; a hiss escaped between his teeth.

He lifted the shirt over his head and grabbed my hand, holding it firm against his muscled stomach. "Touch me."

I really didn't need an invitation.

I don't know what possessed me to lean forward and lick his stomach but that's what I did.

A guttural growl erupted from him as soon as my tongue licked along the thick lines of muscle along his stomach. "I said touch me. Don't kill me."

Laughing, I traded licks for kisses; he tasted sweet scalding. Power surged through me with each tremble of his body, each moan. His hands dug into my hair, tugging me closer to his chest. I reached for the button of his pants, expecting him to slap me away or say something.

He went very still.

Too still.

Nervous, I pulled back and looked up at him.

His eyes were back to green. "There's no going back, Genesis."

I kept my gaze trained on him as I slowly undid the button and slid my hands inside.

Green turned to black as his fangs dug into his bottom lip. His head tilted back. He was like a god… in that moment more immortal than I'd ever acknowledged or realized.