
Underwater kiss

Forty minutes after, they arrived in their destination. It was a private island. A white mansion with an infinity pool sitting majestically overlooking the clear blue sea surrounding the island. It was a paradise. They were watching from the helicopter's window astonished by the beautiful view. "I can't wait to take a dip on that pool" Xiu Yeng giddily. "Sissy you owned an island? Why did you not tell me, I could have a vacation here all the time." "Well, five years ago I bought this land. I did not really had the luxury of time and no one to spend it with. So, I came here once when I bought it and that was it. My parents and Shen with his beau came here more often than I did." "You have more reason to be here more often from now on. Because I am here." Lin Jei said as he hugged and placed a peck on her lips. The pilot finally landed and they got out. Mr. Yan greeted them. "Hi Mr. Yan, I am sorry it was a sudden decision to come here hope everything is fine?" Mr. Yan was the driver/butler/ trusted friend of her father and now that he retired Zhang Lei let him have his own house here in this island. There are also other families with him who help him maintain this place. "Welcome Madam, yes everything is prepared. It's nice to see you again after a long time and you look good and happy." "Mr. Yan, I told you not to call me madam, it makes me feel old." Zhang Lei was like child talking to her grandfather pouting. "Hahaha alright Zhang Lei. Forgive this old man. Now everything is ready for you and your friends." "By the way Mr. Yan, I would like you to meet my fiance Li Jei. Li Jei this is Mr. Yan." Li Jei offered a handshake. "So glad to meet you young man. Thank you for coming back to our Zhang Lei's life. She told me before that she will not come back here unless she will bring her one and only love to this place. And now you are here." they all laughed. Mr. Yan led them inside the mansion. When they entered the mansion yet again it awed them. The mediterranean interior was classy and the luxury was emanating from the quality of furnishings it has but it offered them a feel of homeness. The infinity pool has a clear glass floor that hangs on the cliff. "Can I stay here forever? Xiu Yeng said. "We will rob this house from them love". Wung Jun said. They all laughed. The two hurriedly went to change into their swimming outfits excited to dive into the pool. While Li Jei and Zhang Lei lingered a bit walking around the mansion holding hands and looking at the place. "You have got a nice place here hon. This is really a refuge from our busy lives in the city. And we can make babies here you know and no ones going to bother us." Zhang Lei was stunned but smiled playfully at him. She tickled him on his side, "Hmmm making babies eh?" they played around and Zhang Lei ran towards the beach laughing and shrieking while Li Jei ran after her and lifted her up when he caught her. They end up making out on the beach.

The other pair was watching from the poolside. "Way to go Li Jei! Wung Jun shouted. "We better do some romance too I don't want to be left behind by my buddy.", With that he hugged Xiu Yeng and they both dived into the pool. Xiu Yeng was caught by surprise but recovered right away. They shared a very passionate underwater kiss. Minutes later they came out to catch their breaths. "Let's do it one more time." Wung Jun said. "Okey" and so they went under the pool again breaking the first record of longest kiss under the transparent floored infinity pool.

At the beach the two laid on the sand. Zhang Lei laid on his arm and was facing him stroking his face. They kissed again and when she placed her leg over his she felt a bulge. She looked at him their eyes met. Don't mind my little buddy. I'll introduce him to you later. They giggled.

After a while they ate the scrumptious dinner that Mr. Yan prepared for them. They chatted and drank some wine. The sky was clear and they could see stars brightly glowing. They transferred the the lounge chairs near the pool. Mr. Yan provided a small bonfire. "It's really beautiful here sis." Why don't we held our wedding here? Both of our weddings the same day. What do you think?" Li Jei said as he sipped some wine. "That's a brilliant idea hon." Zhang Lei said. "I could agree to that as long as we got married that's the most important part. ha ha ha..." "Love, don't kill the romantic mood of our wedding. Definitely, I would agree to that idea Li Jei." Xiu Yeng said. "It's settled then. We just have to plan the date and let our parents know." Li Jei said. "To our future! Cheers" they all raised their glasses and drank.

At midnight they decided to retire for the night. They have to wake up early since the helicopter will pick them up at seven and bring them directly to the airport. Xiu Yeng and Wung Jun are going back to City D since it is already Monday and they have work.

Zhang Lei was ready to go to bed. She already took a shower but she was hesitant to wear the langeri that they bought that morning. She was not used to wearing those provocative nighties. She felt embarrassed. But she don't want to lose on their bet with Xiu Yeng. She wore a bathrobe and quickly went to bed and pulled the covers over her shoulders Li Jei just walked in and noticed what she was doing. "Are you cold hon?" he asked with concerned "No, why?" "You are so covered up I thought the room is too cold for you." "Please turn off the big lights hon before you get into bed." Li Jei did what she asked and then laid beside her on bed. He was still curious on why she was so wrapped up by the covers. It seems like she is hiding something. He moved closer to her and tried to tug on the covers. She held it tightly. "Honey, are you hiding something from me?" She shook her head. "It's no..nothing just go to sleep first. I'll be fine." With that Li Jie got more curious and got worried that something might have happened to her. "Zhang Lei what is going on? Why are you hiding something from me. We promised that we will not hide anything from each other. You made me worried about you. Come on remove the covers. Remove it now.", His voice is more forceful and if she will not obey he was ready to forcefully remove the covers from her. She slowly put the covers down her eyes squinting and looking at his reaction. She thought that he will see her in the sexy nightie but she forgot the bathrobe over it. "Why are you trying to hide your bathrobe from me?" "oh..oh uhmm..." she stammered. "Here let me removed it for you. It is so uncomfortable wearing that to sleep." She did not say anything just allowed him to remove it. He untied the robe and to his surprise his honey was wearing a very alluring night dress. He stopped what he was he doing, just stared and swallowed his saliva. "It's fine I'll go and change. She quickly get up from bed because of embarrassment but he stopped her. "No don't change. Don't feel embarrassed about it. It's just you are so beautiful. I might not control myself. I don't want to force you into doing it right now. I will wait for the right time when you are ready." "Xiu Yeng and I bought this this morning we had a good bargain. They even gave us a discount.

We made a bet. And I don't want to lose. It's just a silly bet among girls." she chuckled. "It's so not me."

"Thank you for doing this for me. But next time I want you to wear something that you are comfortable with okey?" He kissed her forehead and hugged her. "It doesn't matter if they gave you a good discount but when you are at my house next time, your clothes will be 100 percent off! That is a promise.", he looked at her waiting for her reaction to his joke. It took her a while to comprehend then she laughed. "Oh really that would be the most wonderful bargain honey! I did not know you got some hidden jokes honey" "I borrowed that joke from somewhere." they giggled. Their laughter turned into a heating make out. They kissed like there is no tomorrow.

On the other room the two were already snoring due to exhaustion in their underwater make out. Zhang Lei did not know yet but she won the bet.

Xiu Yeng and Wung Jun bid farewell to their best friends. "We'll see you back here during the gala okey?" Zhang Lei said. Zhang Lei and Li Jei went to their respective offices separately.

"Good morning Madam." Janine greeted her and they both went inside the elevators towards Zhang Lei's office. Inside the office, Janine informed her about her schedule for that day. "Madam, you have a meeting with Mr. Oliver and the team for the Annual Gala at ten this morning to finalize everything.... lunch meeting with the new foreign investor and at 2 in the afternoon Mr. Yu will come here to finalize the contract regarding the merger of Yu Corp with us. "Thanks Janine, that's all for now. Zhang Lei said. She started perusing some papers when her phone beeped. A sms from her Honey.

[Hello honey, I missed you already. How is your day going? Don't forget to eat okey? Oh by the way, you don't need to bring clothes with you back to our house. I bought more for you today. XOXO]

[Honey I thought my clothes are 100% off in your/our house? Ehehehe... Missing you already. Going back to work. talk to you later. Love you. don't forget to eat.]

At ten am sharp there was a knock on her door. "Come in." Oliver and the rest of the team came in. "Take a seat everyone." They each find their places on the couch and Oliver started. "Madam, we came up with the theme for this years gala. It's Glitter and Glam. We will showcase the new designs of our jewelry collection and the classic ones as well. Every woman invited will wear either a ring, bracelet. necklace or earrings from our different collections upon entering the venue. We will arrange who will wear what from the list of the guests. You will be wearing the highlight jewelry of the night. The guests are allowed to buy what they are wearing after the gala the proceeds will also to our charity as well. There will be a very tight security since all jeweleries are authentic and original. Do you have any suggestions regarding what we came up with?" Oliver asked. Zhang Lei was impressed with their idea. So she approved it right away. "Glitter and Glam it is. I have three more guests to invite to the Gala. I will email to you their names, Oliver." He nodded. "That would be all. Good job everyone."

At 2pm Janine, came in with Mr. Yu accompanied by his daughter. Zhang Lei forgot what happened last weekend at the cafe. "Madam, Mr. Yu and his daughter Xaine are here." Janine said. "Have a seat." she greeted them. Madam Zhang Lei I would like you to meet my only daughter Xiane. She will be my successor. He was all smiles when he said this and Zhang Lei looked at the lady who was bowing her head. "Xaine greet the madam." Mr. Yu reprimanded his daughter. Xaine looked up and met Zhang Lei's gaze. Zhang Lei remembered her from the encounter they had yesterday.