
You (Phoenix Harmony Series #1)

Malkiel fell in love with Serenity at first sight. He did everything for her and yet Serenity's heart belonged to her first love, Jace. Will Malkiel ever get the chance to be with his first love?

XycieMae16 · Adolescente
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29 Chs

Chapter 25

Malkiel walked aimlessly along the corridors of their building, Galene and Quincey stared at him when he bumped into the classroom door. The two girls looked at each other before nodding at one another.

"I'm not the comforting type of person"

Quincey stated shortly which made Galene let out a sigh. She stood up from her seat and grabbed Malkiel by linking her arms to his. They walked slowly in the noisy corridor.

"Come on, tell this older sister why you're feeling so down. I'm all ears"

"Ackk Galene, why are you the older sister?"

"Because it feels like I am, so what is it?"

Malkiel let out a sigh and told Galene everything that had been bothering him since yesterday. He woke up yesterday feeling giddy about seeing Serenity for the whole day since classes were canceled for the last two days of the festival. He had this whole day planned with her, like going around booths and spending all the day together. But instead, Serenity was nowhere to be found, and so were the guys.

He was feeling anxious, did Serenity already get tired of him? Or did she change her mind and decide to just go back to Jace? He couldn't help it, it wasn't like it had been that long since they both decided to take it slow. And the last time they had talked on the phone it felt like Serenity was thinking of something.

Malkiel glanced at Galene who removed her arm around his only to give him a good smack at the back of his head. Malkiel was too stunned to even speak so he could only gape at Galene who was now sighing.

"You really are an idiot aren't you?"

"Hey! What was that for?"

"Malkiel, why not just ask her directly?"

Malkiel stared blankly at Galene like he had a hard time understanding what she just said.

"Omg, I'm going to leave you now since I need to change. You get changing too, the bonfire and fireworks will start in hours"

And just like that Galene had waved goodbye and left him in that crowded corridor. Malkiel stared at her back and just let out a sigh.

He knew that his concerns were so insignificant and so little that it would be alright once he had talked to Serenity. But he just couldn't have the heart to do so. He felt like walking on this thin thread that he shouldn't cross because once he did, he'd lose Serenity.

That was all he was scared of right now, losing her. Not when he already had the chance to be with her, no, he cannot lose that. He smiled to himself and shook off all of the thoughts in his head.

Their band was to play in today's closing ceremony so he needed to get prepared early. After their performance, he swore he would talk to Serenity.

But, he never saw Serenity that day. Not when he was done preparing for their performance nor when they were backstage preparing for it. The guys saw his distressed condition and immediately became concerned.

Koa tapped on his shoulder to get his attention.

"You okay dude?"

"Yeah, I was just… Has anyone of you seen Serenity?"

The guys looked at each other and everyone shook their heads.

"We saw her earlier with Galene and Quincey maybe she's with them. The girls said they were going to prepare so they can't meet us backstage"

"Well, this is just like an encore anyway so it's not like we're nervous or something"

"They're right Malkiel, I'm pretty sure they're all together"

Even though Koa, Kenzo, and Drystan were reassuring him, Malkiel couldn't help but feel anxious. Why? what was wrong with him? Can't he just trust Serenity? He said he would, so why is he so anxious right now?

"Now, to officially end our Mid-year festival, we'd like to invite to the stage this year's winners of the Battle of the Bands. Play your magic, Phoenix Harmony"

Drystan gathered the four of them huddled up like they always do and went on stage to their respective instruments. He roamed his eyes on the crowd and when he spotted Galene, his blood went cold. Serenity wasn't with them, it was only Galene and Quincey on the front row just a few feet away from the stage.

Malkiel closed his eyes for a brief moment and played the drums just like how he always did but he couldn't smile throughout the song.

Where was she? Did something happen? Why didn't he try calling her earlier? No, why didn't he try talking to her last night or this morning? Various thoughts and panic rose through and invaded him.

This wasn't good anymore, he didn't like the fact that he was questioning Serenity but he didn't want to feel like this either. He needed answers and right now the closest person who probably knows where Serenity is, is Galene and Quincey.

The crowd's unending cheers, Drystan's voice, and the sound of their music were not enough to make Malkiel forget the unsettling feeling he had. So, when the song ended and they had finished their performance, Malkiel was the first to stand up and go to the front row using the makeshift stairs on the side of the stairs.

He approached Galene and Quincey who were both smiling at him. He was about to ask them where Serenity was when he found that their gaze had shifted towards the stage. He also saw how the crowd didn't disperse instead everyone's attention was on stage.

He shifted his gaze and saw that Drystan, Koa, and Kenzo were still on stage and they were just looking at him.

"So, uhh there's something we prepared for our friend, Malkiel."

Malkiel didn't understand what was happening but he froze when he saw Serenity coming out of the backstage, her guitar strapped onto her. Drystan gave her the center stage where the microphone stand was and moved towards the drums where he settled.

Malkiel stared at Serenity who was only staring and smiling at him. Serenity was wearing a pale yellow yukata designed with daisies paired with a white obi, her hair adorned by ornaments, and her light makeup accentuating her beautiful features.

Malkiel was right when he saw the picture of Serenity's yukata, she did look beautiful in it and it was everything that took his breath away.

"Hi, my name's Serenity, and I just want to perform this song for the special person in my life right now"

Malkiel's whole attention was on the center stage where his everything stood. Where the love of his life was. Serenity was just staring straight at him like there was no one else besides the two of them.

He had felt this before, the only difference was that right now, it was Serenity who was shining brightly on the stage. She started strumming her guitar and the melody quickly followed. 

Got that sunset vibe

That drives me wild

It's true ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

That don't care style

That makes me smile

It's you ooh ooh ooh ooh

Malkiel felt himself being immersed in Serenity's voice. He never really heard her sing before as a matter of fact, she had told him once that she didn't have the confidence to sing in front of so many people.

You hit me like an earthquake

First date Abercrombie soulmate

We can do this all-day


And yet right now, right at this moment, she was standing in front of the whole school, singing.

Jaw dropping Show stoppin'

Stuntin' like you're Mary Poppins

Let's get this party started

Your Look

Your Laugh

Your Love

If only You knew

Serenity's gaze was only on him, he could see her smile even though she was singing.

That all I ever think about's You

When you give me give me those eyes

Baby, is this even real-life

Because you got me breathing sunshine

It's all the little things that you do

That always gets me gets me tongue-tied

Come on won't you give me a sign

And baby tell me you're mine

You're all I even think about you

This song was only meant for him, that much he knew and somehow it made him feel happy.

Midnight swim I caught you

In my pool ool ooooool ool ool ool

If I jump in

Can I Kiss you too ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Yeah I'm mackin'

You're laughing

Darling this is Smashing

Yeah I said Smashing

Your look

Your laugh

Your love

Am I getting this through

Malkiel laughed as he felt all the earlier thoughts and anxiety fade away. He was an idiot for thinking such useless things.

That all I ever think about's You

When you give me give me those eyes

Baby, is this even real-life

Because you got me breathing sunshine

It's all the little things that you do

That always gets me gets me tongue-tied

Come on won't you give me a sign

And baby tell me you're mine

You're all I ever think about you

Here he was doubting Serenity's decision when all along she was preparing for this event.

Your Look

Your Laugh

Your love

Your touch

It's You

Your lips on mine

Can't get enough

It's you

Your look

Your laugh

Your love

your touch

It's you

Your lips on mine

Can't get enough

Can't get enough

Malkiel stared as Serenity stopped singing, Drystan and Koa were singing as backup but they were doing it in a volume to which he would be able to hear what Serenity was saying.

"I love you"

Malkiel swore that he couldn't be happier with Serenity's surprise and yet he could feel his heart racing and every cell in his system screaming at him to just hug her.

All I ever think about's You

When you give me give me those eyes

Baby, is this even real-life

'Cus You got me breathing breathing sunshine

It's all the little things that you do

That always gets me gets me tongue-tied

Come on won't you give me a sign

And baby tell me tell me you're mine

You're all I even think about you


You're all I ever think about


You're all I ever think about


Think about you

You're all I ever think about 

Serenity didn't even wait for any response, as soon as the song had reached its end, she quickly disappeared backstage. Malkiel didn't waste any moment and ran towards the backstage.

Behind him, he could hear everyone's cheers and claps but all his attention was focused on Serenity who was now hiding backstage. 

Her attention went to him as soon as he barged into the backstage. And just like before, the moment Serenity smiled at him, he lost all rational thoughts.

He closed the distance between them and pulled her closer. His lips savored hers, his hands naturally hugging her tightly. This was all that matters now. This was all that mattered to him the moment he saw her come out with her guitar.

From the moment he saw her at their entrance ceremony to the moment, he knew her name. From the moment she extended her hand to him to the moment where she had become a part of his everyday life. Everything was just for this moment.

Malkiel slowly pulled away from their kiss but didn't dare to move farther, instead, he placed his forehead on hers and just stared at her lovingly. She smiled when he did, and that smile was the smile that he wanted to see for each waking day of his life.

"I love you"

Song Used: You by Hollywood Ending

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