
Visiting his Parents

Yone returned to Konoha he was standing in front of the gate leading inside when he was overthinking everything and if he shouldn't return to the front so he could outrun his feelings.

In the end, he took a deep breath as he entered the village again. He walked towards his house as he wanted to clean himself. After doing so he went to the Senju Compound wearing normal clothes while his hair was again a disaster as he didn't take care of it while on the front.

The first two persons Yone meets were Tsunade and another man making Yone sigh in relief that it wasn't Jiraiya as Tsunade seemed to ignore him.

Yone didn't blame her even if it hurt him as he continued walking towards Mito's house since Tsunade wouldn't leave Nawaki alone in their house.

Yone knocked on the door and Nawaki opened the door and Yone could see the lost eyes of Nawaki making Yone feel angry that Tsunade would be with a man instead of helping their little brother.

"Yone?" asks Nawaki as he couldn't recognize Yone with his hair being such a mess up.

"Yes, I am back," says Yone as his brother hugged him quite hard.

"Why didn't you return when we buried Mom and Dad?" asks Nawaki with some light in his eyes seeing that his big brother returned.

"I was a spy on the Ame and Iwa front making sure to inform the HQ about everything. They didn't tell me about Mom and Dad after I returned two days ago in the HQ," says Yone as he petted his brother's head while saying, "How about we go inside and talk with grandma?"

"Yes," says Nawaki as he was happy that Yone returned.

Mito was sitting at the table seemed out of place until she saw Yone and says, "Yone, you are back."

"I'm sorry grandma that I came late. I was on a mission and they didn't inform me about it until I returned," says Yone as Mito could understand that.

"Tsunade hates you because you didn't return to your parents' funeral. Hiruzen didn't tell her about your mission because we could have spies in our ranks and they could blow your cover," says Mito as Yone sighs.

"I have vacations from being a shinobi until everything at home is back to normal then I will return to the front is what I told the commander since I heard that Nawaki was walking a dark path right now," says Yone as Nawaki was playing with cards to strengthen his mind and increase the speed in his fingers for hand seals.

It was a trick that Yone taught him when he was younger when Mito sighs, "Nawaki is alright. Who I am worried about is Tsunade. The moment she heard Hana and Horirama died she became a maniac as she began to overwork even if she found a nice man."

"I have seen both while coming into the compound. I'm happy for her," says Yone as Mito sighs.

"And I thought you would marry her but in the end, it will be someone else. Maybe I should talk with the Uzumaki Clan to find you a bride," says Mito as it was Yone's turn to sigh.

"Grandma, I won't marry until this is all resolved. I won't pregnant a woman only for her to mourn for me because I didn't return from the war," says Yone as he made his point clear.

"*sighs* Alright then but it seems that the war still hasn't really started as everyone is skirmishing with each other right now. You could find some woman," says Mito trying it again.

"Grandma, we both know that we are at war even if the world doesn't know. Not everyone knows that we are at war but we two know that very well," says Yone as he really didn't want to marry yet.

"Nawaki, how about you and Yone visit the grave of your parents," says Mito as Nawaki nods and grabs Yone by his hand dragging him out of the house.

They went to the graveyard and Nawaki stood in front of the graves as Yone touches them as he lays flowers on their grave that they bought on their way to the graveyard as well as he cut his hair so his parents could recognize him.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't come earlier, mom and dad. If I knew I would have left earlier to see you one last time," says Yone as he caressed the gravestones while talking to them for a while before crying while saying, "If I only didn't go and didn't do that mission. Maybe I could have saved you."

"You couldn't do anything to save them," says a man as he put his hand on Yone's shoulder.

"Hokage-sama," says Yone as Yone's eyes turned into the Sharingan as they began to turn wildly before their shape changed.

They turned into the Mangekyou Sharingan as the tomoes turned around and connected while they also connected with the inner black iris and the outer iris.

Hiruzen saw the eyes and froze because his teacher once told him about a similar design but it wasn't connected to the inner iris as well when he thinks, 'They resemble Madara's Mangekyou Sharingan.'

"Do we know who killed them?" asks Yone as Hiruzen shakes his head.

"No, we only know that it was a poison user from Suna. We don't know much more," says Hiruzen as Yone stood up and he began to cry blood out of his eyes.

"I will kill them all once the war begins," says Yone making Hiruzen feel shivers run down his spine from seeing and hearing Yone like that.

The eyes turned black again as Yone grabbed Nawaki and they leave for the compound while Hiruzen kept standing there thinking what a monster Yone was.

'He has the hair and talent in Fuinjutsu from the Uzumaki, the eyes of the Uchiha with a body made out of flames, and last but not least the Wood-Release of the Senju,' thinks Hiruzen just imaging about what could happen if Yone became Hokage.

Yone returned with Nawaki as he washed the blood away from his face as Mito was worried when Yone says, "Nawaki tomorrow we will begin to train again. Meet me at training ground seven and bring your teammates. I want to train you all so you can survive out there without me worrying too much."

"Yes," says Nawaki as it seemed more like an order than a request from Yone as Mito looked worried at Yone.

"Are you alright Yone?" asks Mito as Yone nods.

"I am," says Yone as Mito could see that Yone wasn't alright at all.

Yone then left as he went home when he remembered that he had still a wish that he could claim but he still didn't know what he should wish for as he reached home he tried to find out what could have startled Hiruzen as he looked at the mirror and his eyes were now different.

'What happened to my eyes?' thinks Yone as he looked at his eyes.

"You activated the Mangekyou Sharingan. It's quite impressive I must say since normally you need to kill your most beloved person to awaken it," says a voice as Yone turns around and finds an unknown man to him there.

"And you are?" asks Yone as he grabbed the Dragonblade.

"I'm one of the two persons to send you here. Anyway you will need a little course in it and I can't stay here for long so let's talk somewhere else," says the person as his eyes change and the world turned red.

"Where are we?" asks Yone as the man smiles.

"We are in an illusion. Also, my name is Logan Wyrm, the Godking. But back to your eyes. We will stay here for a while since time outside passes slower the longer we stay in here," says Logan as he explained to Yone how to use his Mangekyou Sharingan before he pressed his hands against Yone's eyes making Yone scream from pain.

"No Pain No Gain," says Logan as Yone was confused as he looked at Logan.

"I upgraded your eyes. You won't go blind thanks to me so be happy. Also here take this," says Logan as a book appeared in his hand.

"It should help you with your eyes since you still have a long way to go," says Logan as the world turned back as the world began to shake and Logan says, "That is my cue. See you soon."

Logan then disappears while Yone was holding the book that Logan gave him and was confused about what happened as he says, "What the hell happened right now?"

He looks at the book he was holding as he walked towards the table and began to read it as he reads that his eyes have two different abilities he needs to find out when he continues reading when something was written per hand under that paragraph.

"Don't worry you have all abilities since you looked into my eyes," says Yone out loud as he was confused when he see the next paragraph with the abilities a Mangekyou Sharingan could have as Yone says, "Let's begin with that Kamui it could be useful in the long run."

He then begins to train as he entered with the book into the Kamui World and says, "It seems useful. Maybe I could use this as a hidden base that's outside of my world."

He then returns when he began going through the book as he learned more and more of his new abilities when suddenly he came across the Susanoo Section in which explains to him how to summon his Susanoo and how to control it perfectly so he wouldn't strain his eyes.

He read until it was evening forgetting to even cook something to eat dinner as he says, "We will have to go hungry into bed it seems."

Yone then jumped into bed as he closed his eyes and began to sleep when he suddenly had a nightmare in which the village was destroyed and he was in the middle of everything.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts
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