
Yet Another Ray With A System

Yet another victim of Ray Elliot, Emperor of a multiverse. He return to the time of his transmigration just after his death and killed the ROB but in another parallel multiverse to change his parallel self fate just for fun. His parallel self didn't take it too kindly though after all the abuse he have to face in the name of tutorial. He was thrown into a zombie infested world to be baptized by fire before starting his real multiverse transmigration. ——— I'm bad at making synopsis but that's the gist of it. (Disclaimer, My fic is trash. Don't read if dear reader dislike trash fics - Sincerely, Author.) ——— Upload is not yet confirm since I made this at the spur of moment. ——— Cover isn't mine, I just snag it from google. ——— Also, whenever I ask for a vote. I wouldn't care anymore after the next chapter released because the decision already been made and change according the the votes would be incredibly bothersome and time consuming. (Sorry if this sound rude but some people are voting after the decision are made and they might have expectations that their choice will be followed. I have to clarify this to prevent some of them getting angry I didn't follow the vote anymore.)

Daoist_KittyKat · Otras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
121 Chs

Chapter 108

(I apologize in advance for the sudden geyness. Idk why and it just happens but shouldn't last to the next chapter.)

"Hmn… hahaha. Interesting. Truly interesting. To think this is what Greed tried to hide- No, he didn't even try to hide it because we chose not to participate that day. But that makes it more interesting right, Wrath?"

A male incubus demon dressed with a very revealing and skin tight suit, or rather, cloth pieces. He asks the female demon that accompanied him in their little outing in Mammon's territory but ends up seeing something very interesting.

"Indeed, I am very interested in that hero but he is too weak for me to even care about right now. Perhaps if he can reach half of The War Demon, then I will consider. Afterall, it's been five hundred years since I got to stretch my muscles on some new blood."

"Waiting for the fruit to turn ripe before tasting them or the hidden flavor will not appear, huh." The male demon said.

"Yes, so…" The female demon reached her arm to the antsy male demon's neck and choked him.

".., you better not pluck the fruit too early and taste it before it's fully ripe. Considering your hobbies, empty warning will do little to stop you. So, better not touch him before I get my part, Lust." Wrath whispered with threat filled her voice.

"Oui, mademoiselle. This one will not dare to steal your prey. Though it's another matter if he came to me himself." Lust nodded while trying to hide his arousal and replied before Wrath released him from her choke in disgust and turned away before vanishing moments later.

"Geez, a proper lady should be this rough and barbaric."

"Oh well, having a favor from her is worth the wait I guess." Lust said while giving the retreating figure of Lancelot and Ray a last glance.

"I wonder how a hero tastes? Been tooooo long since I got to tasted one. Kukuhahaha. Ah! I should seek Envy and get her onboard too!" Lust smirked excitedly before his figure turned into a cloud of pink smoke that vanished and carried away by the wind.


Miraculously, his lord is in the state of beyond saving by normal standards. Already healed in just under 20 minutes. Without ally and presumably also behind the enemy lines, Lancelot have no place to go and seek shelter for his lord and forced to use a naturally spawned bear-like monster's nest as temporary shelter while using the slayed monster as nourishment with few other ingredients he manage to identify and foraged along the way.

Lancelot makes use of the Storage Space in his possession to best serve his injured lord. The kitchen clothes are used to replace Ray's tattered clothes. However, there isn't enough layers to keep him warm. Bringing fire into an underground burrow isn't a good idea either since the lining of the burrow was lined with dried grass and branches. Thus, Lancelot has to use his body warmth to heat up his lord. Yes, this is for his lord's well-being. His intention is as pure as the light of Arondight.

However, before he can proceed. Ray slowly woke up and opened his eyes to see Lancelot, mid stripping himself while being on top of Ray.

"I can explain!" Lancelot shouted after sensing the confusion in Ray's mind immediately shifted to panic.

While still confused, Ray immediately does what came to mind first which is to escape. The only thought that is still strongly remembered in his mind.

With that, Ray vanished and entered into the Hub while leaving Lancelot behind that he thought is a sexual assaulter. The most logical thought that came to his mind after waking up to the scene of a blurry figure stripping himself while on top of him and taking many deep breaths as if hyping himself up.


Within the Hub, Ray can get some peace and collect himself up. He has absolutely no recollection after he pulled off the transformation. However, he briefly regained awareness when something exploded and his flesh absorbed the impact heads on which is the source of majority of his injury. Though, the heaviest loss to him is his overused dragon core that became unresponsive.

[Congratulations for surviving the battle against NPC, Lilith Excelsis.]

[User is advised against fighting NPC, Lilith Excelsis, designated role as Raid Boss level difficulty without proper preparation.]

Few notifications from the Hub's system arrived on the floating screen in front of his face. Ray shrugged it off with annoyance.

"What else do you want me to do? Not that I am willingly trying to meet her." Ray mutters before picking himself up and donning an armor set instead of picking an outfit to wear since he is going to return to a potentially hostile territory after the battle with Lilith.

He could only hope that his relationship with the Demon Prince didn't sour after this. They did have two of his wives in their hands after all. They could very well use his wives as hostages againsts him.

Also, speaking of which.

"Hey, system. Why didn't you summon more reincarnators? Didn't you have ample amount of energy by now to summon more?" Ray asked after seeing the Hub still empty and deserted as before.

[System deem it as dangerous for now as the Hub is vulnerable against Otherworldly invasion without proper staff to defend the Hub.]

[Summoning reincarnators will leave behind trails from the enemies to sniff out the Hub's position.]

"Hmn" Ray hummed before leaving back to the place he was before in the Hub's world after obtaining his answer.

[Be safe, user Ray. The Hub cannot afford to lose its user at the current state.]

"I wish me a better luck then." Ray replied.

[The system is incapable of the action called prayer. However the system will try its best within its capability to assist the user.]

[If user Ray is able to reach the upper first layer. The user can seek the gods Elven, Fairy or Elementals race. They might be able to assist the user when shown this item.]

[Congratulation, user obtained quest item, Mysterious Medallion]

[Mysterious Medallion]

A mysterious ancient relic that radiates a peculiar aura and once belongs to a religious group that worshiped the True Creator God. The members are said to be the ears, eyes and hands of the Creator God.

-The owner of the Medallion will gain positive affection from beings that are attuned to nature.

[Side Quest unlocked, Rallying the Remnants of True Creator God's followers.]

Bereft of its agents, the system had lost its influence within the Hub's world. In the place of the administrator's, users are tasked to deliver the will of the Hub's system and rally its people again under its alias and banner, the True Creator God to help regain its influence and start recruitment to reform the defenses of the Hub.


-Administration position within the roster of the Hub's government.

[This is the extent, the system can assist the user without breaching the laws and protocols that the system must follow.]

[The reward came with various privileges that are beneficial to the user.]

To say he isn't surprised is a lie because the rewards are indeed extremely tempting. The privileges include access to many services provided by the system that are locked to certain ranks. It ain't much but definitely very useful, especially the higher tier access in the Marketplace. His original purpose that was forgotten due to the amount of things happening to him right now.

"I see, thanks. However, I still need to save my wives first. Can you provide me access to the elevator without having to complete the 'key dungeons'?" Ray took the chance and tried his luck, which seems to be great for now.

[The system is incapable of doing so. Allowing a user to obtain progression without achieving on his own is against the rule.]

Ray became slightly depressed immediately but didn't last long before he truly returned to Hub's world for real now.


Lancelot who had been trying his best to prepare a hearty meal as an apology to Ray when he returned. Suddenly sensed the presence of monsters and not just a few. There are hundreds and still increasing.

It seems that the battle between Ray and Lilith a while ago caused every monster, natural one or borned from a dungeon that sensed their incoming doom, immediately went into panic and frenzy. The panicked monsters are fleeing in all directions which form a large-scale monster stampede.

Lancelot quickly materializes his silver armor and Arondight before holding his ground. He must protect the burrow from being invaded by panic monsters, seeking shelter from their non-existence attacker.

The first one that dived into the burrow is a brown fur bunny with a four edged sharp horn on its head. Both stared at each other for a moment while the bunny sniffed the air before the bunny escaped the burrow in a terrified manner without trying to fight at all. Now Lancelot noticed after peeking his head out of the entrance. Majority of the monsters evaded the burrow due to what he guessed was the scent of Ray. That's why the bunny escaped after sniffing the air for a while.

Though the truth isn't far from what he just imagined.

A hand suddenly landed on his back and startled him to jump to bare his blade on the ambusher only to find it's Ray that just returned from the Hub.


"Nevermind it, let's go and we need to be fast. If she still wants to seek me out for revenge , the only way to escape far from her is by reaching the next floor that she cannot enter without being a Hub user and able to access the elevator." Ray said with a determined voice while swapping his armor sets to his artificial Sacred Gear, Ouroboros.

"I see, then I will unsummon myself for now." Lancelot nodded and turned his physical body into particles of golden energy that sucked into Arondight. He has plenty of time to catch up with Ray through telepathy along the way to their destination.

After grabbing Arondight, Ray fly up the sky and heads toward the location of the 'key dungeons' that will grant him access to the elevator after conquering them. The location of the elevator itself also is near the four dungeons itself that will reveal itself after Ray conquered the four dungeons.

From the sky, Ray got a bird eye view on the situation at the ground. Monsters of all kinds and sizes fleeing to the edge of the layer which made everything much easier to Ray since he will have less resistance reaching his destination unlike previously where he kept being harassed by flying monsters.

The first dungeon starts to reveal itself to Ray's eyes. The red dots on his minimap marked by the Hub's system already stop sticking to the edge of the minimap which means it's within his sight. Though there isn't any building or natural formation that can be considered as a dungeon at all. The location the dot marked is actually on the sea. The only conclusion that can be made is the dungeon is somewhere under the water as there nothing resembles a dungeon floating in the sky above the location.

Without hesitation Ray plunged his body, head first into the sea while creating a big splash upon his forceful dive.

There he saw a cave surrounded by coral reefs that he believed was the dungeon. The cave entrances are swarmed by fishes that look like common fishes but bigger in size. Even Lancelot paused his conversation with Ray and asked if those fishes can be caught as ingredients. Ray replied with a nod since the dungeon spawned monster will drop their flesh most of the time upon being killed.
