
X-men: Soundwave

Nathan Drake {Because I'm unoriginal} Is a young man born with an innate ability to control Sound

Thomas_Hodge · Cómic
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39 Chs


Laura and Nathan sat in their bed on Utopia sleeping, however it was anything but peaceful.

" Laura. You heard my summons. My voice. My love."

A strange looking wolverine said to the girl.

' What the hell? Is this Laura's dream?'

Nathan asked himself as he looked at Laura and Wolverine talking.

" I see, you brought a friend."

Wolverine said as he grinned evilly at Nathan.

" Laura! Nathan! Don't listen to him. Don't mph."

A voice warned the two before being gagged.

" I have so much planned for you. Freedom like you've never known. No more cages Laura. No more doubt. Just say ye. Say yes and you will be the leader of my hunt. Queen of my hounds."

The evil wolverine said to the girl as Nathan struggled to Move.

" Laura! Get away from her you son of a bitch!"

Nathan growled at the man.

" Heheheh! Be my right hand. IN HELL."

The wolverine said as fire engulfed Laura and Nathan.

" No!"

Laura and Nathan both shot up in bed in a panic.

" No, I will not."

Laura said as she caught her breath.

Nathan wrapped his arms around Laura protectively.

" What the hell kind of dream was that?"

Nathan asked the girl.

" I don't know. I don't know."

Laura said sadly.

Nathan sensing the girl was shaken up pretty badly decided a change of pace was necessary.

" Come on let's go out and get some air. I'm sure it'll help after whatever the hell that was."

Nathan said to Laura as he got out bed.

He reached out for Laura to take his hand and she did so without hesitation. The two quickly got dressed and ventured out of the building.

" The Others are having a party right now. Do you want to go say hello to them?"

Nathan asked the girl in an attempt to cheer her up.

" No. I'm not really in the partying mood right now."

Laura said to the man as they walked hand in hand by the New X-Men and their party.

" Alright, then we'll just sit out here and star at the stars."

Nathan said to the girl.

" I'd like that Nate."

Laura said to the man with a small smile on her face.

" Alright, i know the perfect spot for us."

Nathan said as he took Laura's hand and guided her towards the flower garden.

The two walked until the garden came into sight and with it a familiar face.

" Ah Laura, Nathan, please come sit."

Storm said as she gestured for the two to join her.

" Sorry, to intrude on your time Miss Storm."

Nathan said to the woman.

" Nathan, please after everything we've gone through recently. Please call me Ororo"

Storm said to the boy.

" Ah I see. Alright then Ororo, please forgive us for intruding on your time."

Nathan said to the woman.

" No, please sit. I insist. We haven't spoken in a long time."

Storm said to the young boy.

" Is that what you want Laura?"

Nathan asked the girl.

" I don't mind."

Laura replied.

" All right."

Nathan said as he took a seat with Laura sitting right beside him, clinging to his side.

" So, what are you doing here by yourself ororo?"

Nathan asked the woman.

" I was begging for an apparition. Searching for ghosts in the night. Sometimes, one wishes to be haunted by the dead."

Storm explained to the two.

" I can understand that. I miss him too. His smile always made things feel like they'd be alright. But I do take solace in knowing he's in the arms of the father now. He'd be happy to know his sacrifice had meaning. I still can't believe new mutants are popping up once again. It doesn't feel real."

Nathan explained to the woman.

" Is that why you two have stayed?"

Ororo asked curiously.

" Something like that."

Nathan responded.

" Why aren't you two with the others?"

Storm asked.

" I can still hear the music. I'm sure it would be fun for you two instead of sitting here with me. Why don't you go join them."

Storm said to the two.

" No."

Laura replied.

" Ah, well. I never got along with children my own age either."

Storm explained.

" I doubt that."

Laura said in disbelief.

" Do you? I was an orphan, you know. A thief. I did awful things in order to survive. And because of that... I was always an outsider to other children. No one could understand me. Nor could I relate to them. How could I? I never had a childhood. From the time I could walk I had to think like an adult, live like an adult, survive amongst adults who only wanted to hurt me. While other children were still playing with dolls and sleeping on soft beds."

Storm explained to the two.

" As beautiful as you are, I can only imagine the sick fucks who tried to hurt you. I'm sorry you know what it likes to live like that."

Nathan said to the woman.

" I can tell from what I've heard about you both. Those children were never pushed to the edge of life or death as I was. None understood what we do, Laura. Nathan. That survival is sweet... And nothing is lost as swiftly as humanity."

Storm replied.

" Yeah."

Nathan simply stated.

" But you two aren't like that anymore."

Laura said to the two.

" I might not be out for the kill as often as I was when I was stryfe. But that's only because of you Laura. You make me want to be a better man. I want something for us other than a lifetime of death and destruction. So, if it means we can have a life together and be happy then I'm more than willing to change."

Nathan said to the woman as he hugged her tight.

" What you two have is special, Laura. There aren't many real men on this island. And even fewer of them would actually admit something like that to the people they care about. Unlike Nathan, I was pushed to a line I could not cross... And so, I chose a different life. A better life. But that little girl is still inside me, always. It is why I fight to keep others from suffering as I did. Life is precious Laura. Kurt and I used to discuss such things. He was an orphan too. There were only a handful of us who understood what that meant. We played chess together. Perhaps you would like to be my new opponents? I'll teach you."

Storm offered the two Mutants.

" I know how to play. But why don't you play first Laura."

Nathan said as he switched seat with the girl.

" I know how to play as well."

Laura said as she moved her piece.

" Of course. I expect you're quite good."

Storm said as she moved her piece as well.

" Yes. I never... Lose."

Laura said as her attention was taken from the game.

" Ro! Sparky! X!"

Logan called out to the three as he approached them from behind.

He reached out to pat Laura on the shoulder but the girl seemed to jump at his touch.

" Laura, Love what's wrong?"

Nathan asked the girl as she got up from her seat.

" Nothing I need to go."

Laura said as she started walking away.

" Thank you... for the game."

Laura said before running away.

" LAURA! Damn it Logan!"

Nathan yelled at the man as he ran after Laura.

" Laura wait!"

Nathan called out to the girl as he followed her.

Laura kept running in a panic, even going as far as popping her claws as she ran. She soon however stopped and collapsed onto the ground crying.

" Hey. Hey. Hey, I'm right here. It's okay. I got ya. I'm right here love. You're safe."

Nathan said to the girl as she cried in his arms

Nathan sat and held Laura as the girl cried herself to sleep in his arms.